I'm really high and I want to attempt pic related and also what liquid. It's my basement shower. Holds 80+ gal, /b?

I'm really high and I want to attempt pic related and also what liquid. It's my basement shower. Holds 80+ gal, /b?

You're either retarded or too high.


what do you mean what liquid?
water obviously you fuck.
and yeah you can do that if the glass doors seal properly. its not that complicated.

Tarp and some duct tape should prevent flooding.

Glasses going to break from pressure

share pics when fail

not if you have gorilla glass
and yes thats a thing

Retarded; the shower isn't sealed well enough to fill up without flooding the whole basement first, let alone get it full enough to shatter the glass; there's several reasons aquariums cost thousands.

You'll also need a pile of 2x4 to build up some bracing

You're gonna need really thick ass plexiglass and some serious steel bars to keep them up.

So we're talking about at least a few grand here.

u dont need thick glass
that small amount of water is hardly any pressure
just buy some of that seal foam in a can billy mays or that other guy sells and spray it in the cracks
I mean u do need it sealed well so the water wont leak out.

You're retarded. He's basically making a 7 foot tall aquarium. Have you ever seen what a 7 foot tall aquarium looks like? Like that other guy said, there's a reason why big aquariums cost thousands.

most shower doors open outward, away from the drain. this is a safety issue so that people can quickly escape a too hot shower and avoid scalding. what does this have to do with you? calculate the weight of a gallon of water, then calculate how many gallons of water you think will fit. translate to pounds per foot of pressure. you would have to brace that door from the outside with a significant structure. think a minimum of 40 board feet of 2 x 4s. of course you could use a ladder to climb over but you'd need another to climb INTO the shower as well. we haven't even begun to discuss the shower's structural capacity. yeah, do it OP. hope the glass in the shower is safety glass (relax, it probably is). so, wait until you can do complex math or, if you're a redneck, go now and "git her done."

they cost thousands because the jew sellers wanna make big bucks
u can make a big aquarium for cheap if you make it yourself

He's making something about 4 times the size of this box. How the fuck is some home depot glass and silicone caulk gonna hold up?

calm down son, even out in the country most people know the difference between regular folks and rednecks. not all folks living the rural life are rednecks. sorry for the trigger, nigger, shit!

I dunno.
glass is stronger then you think.
alittle water has weight, sure, but its not gonna crack glass unless its really thin n shitty.

This, unless OP has some vacuum sealed shower you can't fill it up to the top

water pressure is a function of depth and NOT volume- a ten foot high 2-inch wide graduated beaker has the same water pressure at the bottom as a ten foot deep lake.

The structure only needs to be strong enough to physically hold the weight of the contents, pressure isn't really a factor

Cash me ousside then. How bow dah?



Hydrostatic force would blow out the glass before it got that high. Water is 1000 kg/cubic meter and that's probably 4 cubic meters, so some 8000 pounds of water that will end up in the tenement below yours. I think you should do it, user
