I think my gf fucking my roomy what do i do

i think my gf fucking my roomy what do i do

also fucked ur roomie

Juts beat your roommate up if you can.
The will know
If not
You're toughening him up
He probably has fucked her.

Stab him.

Break up with girlfriend.
Have sex with roomie.

stop having roomy

Kill them both of course.

everything is a competition and you lost here. cut your losses and move on... then re-evaluate your life and play again.

get her pregnant. only freaks fucks pregnant bitches. no bitch fucks freaks.

rape your room mate

the sensible answer

piss on roomy, show dominance!

Look, if she fucked your roommate shes a piece of shit. She doesnt respect you, and therefore is a piece of shit. You have to options bro.
1)Do something stupid that will utimately result in you going to jail. While youre locked up she will just continue to fuck him anyway, probably in your bed and all around your house.
2) move on. Kick them out, take a week to get your head together and then go out and find a new broad.

Usually if you suspect something is going on, it is. Dont waste your time, dont fuck your life up over some worthless cunt. Boot em out, move on and be done with it.

in a way, this is actually it. i don't believe monogamy is sustainable because we all get bored of someone at some point. those people you see together for years, decades, etc. have just settled and are not active romantically/sexually anymore.

please this,

people have to realize that everyone puts a value on something. if she's cheating on you or you are cheating on her, chances are that she doesn't value you that much... and our millennial society tells us that makes her a bitch.

actually, it doesn't. forcing someone to value you when you don't bring much to the table makes you an asshole.

there are many factors that come into play when someone cheats on you, the end result being that they don't value you. that could be because they have their own issues going on, it could be because you are lazy or disgusting, it could be because you two just aren't suited for each other... either way, you lost to someone else.

i think you hit the nail on the head for some (possibly most) couples. others legitimately value each other because their standards match.

humans are far more complicated than people consider.

that's why you start a family with them.

Translation - All women are whores

Kill them both.

"All women are whores." - Dude wearing a fedora

So the competition just ends at being cuckolded? Hold your head up high user

that's no excuse. break up with your partner if you're unhappy. don't fuck someone when you're in a relationship. if you are in a relationship and actually consider cheating on your partner with anyone, just grow some balls and break up with him/her. if you consider cheating, you're not happy together. if you consider cheating but things are getting better, have some self control.

in the end you will move out and she will move in. that simple

Beartrap in the cooter


>if she's cheating on you or you are cheating on her, chances are that she doesn't value you that much... and our millennial society tells us that makes her a bitch.
No that's what every other society says makes her a bitch. Do you just shit words out to try and sound intelligent

only cucks get cucked. and no, it depends on the person. if you bring no value to the relationship, there's a much hire probability that your significant other will cheat.

if they don't cheat, either they won't break a contract (marriage, or dating agreement, etc) which means they don't really value you, they value their commitment

or the "right guy" hasn't come along and fucked her yet.

you have to realize that no man has a responsibility to you to NOT (consensually) fuck your wife/gf.

bringing value means being handsome, successful, smart, funny, clever, kind, hardworking, or whatever combination of these qualities you want to be and your girl wants you to be.

the same thing goes for her. if she's a lazy, ugly piece of shit and something better comes along, you will leave her or you will cheat.

in a grisly fashion.
use a knife or a brick.

everything else is faggot shit

i don't disagree with you. my point isn't what people should do, it's what people do do or how people think.

i think marriage is a contract and contracts should be taken seriously.

dating is similar and should also be taken seriously.

i think we have taught ourselves--for whatever reason--that dating someone means that you cannot keep your options open. by options, i mean if someone else better comes along.

the way i see: you are looking for a job and you find a decent one that pays your bills. while working this job, you gain some extra skills and want to move up in life. one day, you receive a job offer from a company that looked at your linkedin account and they offer you a lot more responsibility and a lot more money. take it.

that analogy doesn't speak to marriage... marriage is a contract that takes a lot of thought. you should consider it a decision for life.

it's the same as economics, dipshit. and no, i don't try to sound intelligent. i use the words necessary to get my point across.

have you been cheated on before?

Set up hidden cameras, install call recorder and text backup apps on their phones. Get video of them fucking. Save it. Wait until she finds someone she wants to marry and send it to her husband on her wedding day. Its the long con, but totally worth it.

is this from the film Crash?

What makes you think so? Do you have a legitimate reason or is it low self-confidence and paranoia speaking?

In any case, if you really think she is, what you should do is end the relationship. It wouldn't sound good if you told her "I'm breaking up with you because I suspect you're cheating on me" so you're going to need a better reason / more evidence
