My dad and I went hunting and we shot some strange bird how should we cook it?

My dad and I went hunting and we shot some strange bird how should we cook it?

This shit happened in new york like last year bro. Old news. Stale bait. Offered like 8grand to find who ever shot her.

take to nearest law enforcement. They'll show you how.

YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED FREED...ok no i dont care

It's just to say that Freedom died. Good luck with your new president.

jeez, it's just a mascot

This dude i hunt with in mexico shoots anything that flies when he gets bored enough. So far his collection is doves, quail, pheasant, two types of duck, tweety birds, crane, hawk, pidgeon.

Just birds who gives a fuck.

you can shoot guns in Mexico?

Can you imagine if the national bird was the Turkey like Franklin wanted. Shit storm every Thanksgiving?

them's good eatin's, but first you gotta boil them in hog piss for round about six hours before all them feathers'll fall out.

Kill everything america stands for, and no one blinks an eye
Kill a symbol of america, and everyone loses their damn minds


If you have money and know the right person to bribe, yes.

what kind of seagull is this?

The one that was a symbol of freedom once.

yeah, the last one was all about those freedoms, man.
NDAA, doubling down on the patriot act, NSA spying, sending drones to fuck up women and children in hospitals and schools, providing material support to known terrorist organizations... yeah, those were the days.


dude what the fuck you shot down a US drone your children are fucked!

>Using a 10 year old meme
When did america ever stand for something good lmao

Rape it

Faggot eagle


Stuff it with pages of the Koran and eat raw