How do i sell my soul to the devil for fame and wealth

How do i sell my soul to the devil for fame and wealth

You cant.
Souls and devils don't exist.

Xxx is just good

OP Here yes they do

Give me a way to contact you in private and I'll make it happen.

Get trips and we'll talk

Well then you already know more about doing this than anyone else on the planet.
Also if you're going to sell your soul, ask for somehting better than fame and wealth.
Like sick ass superpowers, you can even get fame and wealth with those,

break into jail and freeX

I think he would have already approached you and made an offer if you had anything substantial for exchange. Sorry.

Suck up to corporate executives and get in deep with them.

Or, invest in a viral mobile app and sell when you can.

Lets pretend for a second that souls do in fact exist and you could trade it if you wanted. That would also mean that heaven and hell exists. Why would you trade an eternity in a hedonistic heaven for fame in our mortal world?

OP Here. email?

OP Here. I have considered not doing it but i dont care any more i need this

OP Here. Ive heard you all talking but no fucking awnsers

You think if anyone figured out how to sell their soul for whatever they'd be bumming around here?

OP Here. you never know

You can't just go find the devil. The devil has to find you. And he comes looking for souls worth taking, not just any pleb.

You don't need to say "OP here" everytime you reply to someone you faggot.

Op Here.

Just go to the crossroads and play ur guitar like Eric Johnson did

>Eric Johnson
ROBERT Johnson, got to get my Johnsons straight.

you gotta sniff the jenk man