Lol, his profile picks are black-and-white because he knows that nobody would take him seriously with a full color pic

Lol, his profile picks are black-and-white because he knows that nobody would take him seriously with a full color pic.

Pic related, a "black" American.

The whitest guy ever being this condescending towards other whites when talking about blacks.

There's a word for this isn't there?

*profile pics

>NY Daily News
they're not even relevant enough for me to know that they're a joke liberal rag

>ever listening to anything Shaun 'I'd rather believe my mum was raped by a black guy, than accept I'm as white as snow' King says
>especially about black people

It's weird though, because he claims to be black. I think the word for this is "delusional".

Talcom X can get over it..they are free to protest and im free not to watch the shit

shaun king is a clown

but if you really refuse to watch the game b/c of something that happens during the anthem, you didn't really give a shit about the game anyway

He's quite literally mentally ill. The lengths he goes to, to try and portray himself as part black are astounding.

>Talcom X

>muh evil white racist boogyman

>even finds a way to drag Trump into this

Remember when Sup Forums defended the decline in ratings for three weeks straight?

he looks Latino as fuck

>Talcum X
>Martin Luther Creme

I thought he was supposed to be white.

why does he think he's black and why do people enable this fantasy?

>why does he think he is black
Delusion is a powerful human emotion

>why do people enable this fantasy

A. It was a claim to fame for him and in the US nigger crocodile tears are always on tap here
B. Because anger illicits emotional release which we crave

Not a chance in hell I'm even clicking that shit

>Linking directly to any news article instead of an archive or pastebin

One drop rule you fucking faggot.

That guy isn't even close to being white. Why does Sup Forums flip flop so much when it's convinent for them? Dude obviously has black in him

>giving them clicks
Fuck you Pierre

No dude. That guy is looking his best to be blacker. Also have you seen his kid pictures?

He still looks clearly black. You need to get out more dude


>21 out of 21 sampled white NFL players said they were voting for Trump

even though majority are black, i assume majority dont want their taxes going to some lazy niggers when they worked their ass off to get where they are

He /straight up looks like fucking TI nigga. He's half black you fucking retard.

I've met Halfies that look full black and halfies that look whiter than snow. You Sup Forums fags wouldn't consider a half black person white either so y'all want to discredit this man by saying he's not even black, which clearly isn't the case.

Get out more

>living out your life in the delusion/hope that your mom was raped by a black guy and therefore you're black

He's taking cuckoldry to new heights. Mental institution heights.

I don't go on Sup Forums lol.

No pun intended. But a spades a spade. Dude is clearly white.

NFL players that vote Trump:
1/ Richie Incognito

looks white af

Tell that to the rednecks that assaulted him.

Based on the articles he has written I doubt the attack was because of his skin color. (Which is white). Bit rather for his constant bear poking.

And if we're basing the attack on his word, his history also indicates these attacks may or may not have happened.

It's fucking weird. He'd genuinely rather believe he's the product of an affair or sexual assault, than believe he's fully white. Not to mention he wouldn't get a DNA test to prove it, even though a rights group said they'd donate 25k to BLM if he did.

Don't forget Rachel Dolezal, who is also became African American after being born white.

>She was president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter in Spokane, Washington

White people have mental issues. baka.

* white Americans

That shit isn't happening over here in Europe.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

THats because Europe isn't relevant in the 21st century.

Europe is now Somali territory in and of itself

You have your own problems, Hans.

Sure thing Tyrone

>tfw living in a 90% white country

couln't imagine living in a "country" that is less than 80% white 2bh, do you happen to know any north of Mexico in North America?

I know, but Muslims are at the end of the day "only" 5% of our population, so a way lower rate than your 13% black rate

Keep bringing in a million muslims a year then Freidrich

The best way to save your dying sport is to call your fans racists

We won't, don't worry.

Now pls promise you won't let 11 million illegal mestizos into your country.

we will, the party in power wants more votes

we had a good run

I have friends that look blacker than him.

And I only seen niggers in the movies

The majority of them assimilate, though.

He's not wrong though. That's probably the biggest factor for the lower ratings. It's a league owner by white people with a majority white fan base. Of course when poc want good social change whites are gonna shut out everything that proves they're wrong.

The difference is african americans are mostly a part of American life, unlike in your shithole where even the turks you imported fucking 25 years ago still live completely isolated from you and completely reject German culture (can't say I blame them) and customs. Also african americans at least speak the fucking native language, which is something you can't say for the millions of """doctors, teachers and engineers""" that you keep willkommening from Syria. Seriously I don't know if it's literally just you posting this every time american racial tensions come up here or if it's actually what all you cucked germans think, but you guys really should just shut fhe fuck up when it comes to the issue of cultural assimilation.

driving away your core audience is always a good idea

Wtf is a poc?

Of the Carribean kind, maybe.


Not gonna lie, I think she looks hot in the second photo.