
Eternal Fug Edition

Welcome to /flag/, a general thread to talk about all things flags//vexillology//autism//flag design//symbolism//history, as well as flag collections and autism. Come for the flags, Stay for the autism. Or leave because of the autism :^)

Previous thread: >What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: oplk.imgur.com
About Sup Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

Extra Flags: github.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



[A1] - Anonymous Proxy
[A2] - Satellite Provider
[XX] - Unknown flag. It happens when a post is moved here from a board which does not have flags.
[AP] - Asia/Pacific region. It happens when Sup Forums is accessed through an ambiguous location in Asia or the Pacific ocean.
[EU] - Same as Asia/Pacific, but for Europe.
[AQ] - Old flag of Antarctica, it is now an all-white flag.
[LY] - Flag of Lybia until 2011.
[AN] - Dutch Antilles. It has since split into Aruba, Curaçao, and others.
[CS] - The flag of Serbia & Montenegro. They are now seperate countries.
[GB] - The individuals flags of the constituent countries of the UK. They are probably there just in case a country leaves the UK.
[ES] - The flag of Catalonia, a part of Spain. It is probably there for the same reason as the GB flags.
[FA.M] - The flag of the company that made all the flag sprites.

>Which of these flags can I get legitimately?
A1, A2, XX, AP, EU


Here are the links for the flags currently impossible to collect from a post.

Netherlands Antilles - s.4cdn.org/image/country/an.gif
Serbia and Montenegro - s.4cdn.org/image/country/cs.gif

Bouvet Island - s.4cdn.org/image/country/bv.gif
Heard and MacDonald Islands - s.4cdn.org/image/country/hm.gif
Western Sahara - s.4cdn.org/image/country/eh.gif

FA.M - s.4cdn.org/image/country/fa.m.gif (no period between the A and M)


>girl rescheduled our date this weekend because one of her "best friends" from college is coming into town this weekend
>just noticed her ex boyfriend (from college) liked her facebook status today

sheeeiit :^))

shheeeeiiitt :^))) it happens mane :^(

Picked up EU earlier today, where should I land it on my map?

they gonna fug

right about here


>noticed she also love reacted to a mutual friend who posted a poem about love earlier today
>also noticed she's been online a lot today, whenever I go on she's been on less than half an hour ago
>means she's checking her phone a lot at work
>she doesn't normally do that


the floating box in the atlantic

template's fugged. Should I just start over?

Chad always wins

is this autism

hopefully its her texting friends about what to do when shes around you, and the exboyfriend liked her posts because he thinks shes still thinking about him, and its all one big clusterfug. hopefully.

try copy/pasting the floating box into your template

everything is autism :^(

tell her to get extraflags


Just copy and paste the box

he actually is a massive chad, like think of your most stereotypical chad - that's him


it very well could be, I'll know in any event because I'm connected to multiple of her social media accounts and I'll most likely find out who's visiting her soon enough


>the cook islands will reach 1% attendence by today, and it's not because of me


Iceland Regional


do some sneeki and look around for more of chads accounts ie. instashit, snapshit, tindershit, and all that.


dont you die on me thred

its only 23 replies young i wont die

*delets own thread*

::Top FuggDDD

oshid another one of these


not a feel thread, but i dont wish this upon anyone :^(

can u gib the music one?


*gibs music one*

*gibs another music one*

Bump for fuck Vermont will you ever post?

*gibs another music one again*


Also Death Grips and clipping. i dont know where to put them tho

i dont get why people say death grips is a meme, memes have been made from death grips and the fanbase is not good, but their music is good


There was a rare flag on Sup Forums but i lost it on accident

which one lad

i think it was east cap from africa it was light blue i saw it for a splitsecond with my flaggot pluggin

he has his privacy settings up so I can't see much

if she avoid posting anything and doesn't mention it again to me it's probably him

the worst part is I really have no legitimate basis for being mad if it is him, because I haven't had the guts to say anything to her, even though we keep making plans I haven't made my interest explicit... so she's single, they ended on good terms (because of distance, not personal disagreements) and there's literally nothing wrong with seeing him

but I want there to be something wrong with it


also a guy in /polder/ was in lelystad and had regionals but wouldn't enable his city flag when I asked

>tfw so close

What flags are sj.gif, gf.gif andws.gif?


I'm going to go shovel snow outside for a bit and try to be less insecure


no it was light blue with (yellow?) stripes from left to right and a white circle

:^))) somalia

:^( if i think of any cheeki plans to prank chad ill post them, but now ive got nothing


oh shidd

ive seen it before when someone posted it as .gif i another thraed

i meant west africa i think the little two islands next to Western Sahara

St. Lucia is my second choice

Cape Verde?


it must be Cape Verde.

the two little dots on the very west (?)

thats cape verde

top fugg but where is it on Sup Forums?DDD

im going to sleep pls find my long lost african son ;_;

there arent any cape verde posts online, closed flag is aruba

Oh Shidd im goin insane over flags :^)ddd

somalia and aruba are my final guesses. ive looked through every thread and theyre the only ones that match the description

:^( cant find anything

I have lost North Korea and Surinam.

Also, I have sj.gif, gf.gif and ws.gif. I think one is Svalbard and the other one Saint-Barthélemy. Not sure tho.

new south african regional, finally

northern cape consolation prize for no lelystad

Who will be here tomorrow?

We need to run through some subtle shill basics in preparation for the Dutch election threads

If we pull this off we'll probably complete a province tomorrow

Sup Forumsder tomorrow is going to be full of foreigners

yes, but also full of toothpastes whohave been on Sup Forums before but rarely go on it now except on special occasions like the elections

Sup Forums gets a big boost whenever there are elections, these are people in the relevant countries who are visiting just for the election threads

>join a game in The Culling
>spawn with nothing
>grab stick
>killed immediately by guy with a hatchet and football gear
>10 minute respawn
:^( i hate multiplayer games

São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil

im doing anime and """""chill""""" so i dont know

that's the point of that game, kek

you start with nothing and have to keep ambushing other players and getting better and better stuff until you're a lvl 99 undead warlock with rotating flaming chainsaws and +3 mana buff

good luck with that, just chill and bee yourself

don't be afraid to get close to her if she's into it

and if she gets close and looks at your eyes, then at your lips for god's sake don't yell out 'PEPE' and run screaming away

How are my East Coaster's enjoying the snow today? I had a late start for work but still had to come in ;_; I hope we get hit again tonight so I don't have to work tomorrow


all i can think about is the greentext where the guy said 'sugg my digg' in a spurdo voice and started laughing and the girl didnt want to bang him anymore

ayy another MarylandMane :^)))


>Germany should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe.
>France should be encouraged to form a "Franco-German bloc" with Germany. Both countries have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".
European Union, esp. under Schulz (if elected, which polls say will happen)
>The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.
>Ukraine should be annexed by Russia
Not complete yet, but not for lack of trying
>Iran is a key ally. The book uses the term "Moscow-Tehran axis".
>Georgia should be dismembered. Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia.
reuters.com/article/us-russia-georgia-army-idUSKBN16L1XQ?il=0 - it has begun
>Russia needs to create "geopolitical shocks" within Turkey. These can be achieved by employing Kurds, Armenians and other minorities.
Russian support of Kurds in Syria, which feeds into PKK unrest in S. Turkey
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."

nothing to see here

sorry to make this Sup Forums for a minute but I just found this and it's pretty interesting

we got 2 inches, not enough to be a comfy snowstorm but not wimpy enough to melt off in the sun and let me not shovel the driveway

He literally predicted the future

Just rewatched Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 again.

more like his book became required reading for the Russian intelligence community and literally used as a textbook in the Russian military, so by (((sheer coincidence))) Russia has, since publication, enacted directly or advocated for (clandestinely, diplomatically, or otherwise) many of the book's policy directives

The rest of the things in there, which haven't come to pass (yet), are the interesting part now

it's basically a CIA fact sheet on what russia is currently trying to accomplish

Height of flagtism members?
Don't know why ask but interested

It's not a secret that Lavrov and others are influenced by Dugin.

sheeeiit my brain isnt working right now

182cm / 6'0

Tfw not tall but not small either

wew i thought you meant the number of flagtism ""members""

6'3" / 190cm

But average height in the UK is 5'10, how can you feel average?

>nother guy in /polder/ who refuses to use his city flag

this one's more understandable cause he lives in giessenlanden, which replaced his beautiful town flag with this atrocity when the two merged

this is what it replaced

153 lbs/69kg


6'0", my dad is dutch so idk, I feel like I should be taller. Maybe I still have more to grow

this is the type of thing I imagine happening to people here

Got like 9 inches in coastal ct. Wasn't really the 18 that was predicted, but still nice.

5'9'' manlet


I'm about 5'5"/167cm
I'm a grill tho so I think I'm a good height


I've thought about killing myself

gril on Sup Forums
that cares enough to install extra flags to help identify autists
i want to believe

how can we amerismalls even compete

I already know I don't stand a chance, I've had several women tell me they aren't interested in me because I'm too short. Feels bad man... and to think I used to think being in the military would boost my chances...

:^) / :^)

seems like a good way to weed out shallow girls

seeing is believing

Could be worst

You are like my mother

A grill in /flag/tism

>seeing is believing
>doesn't post pic with timestamp so we can see and believe