Animal Collective hate thread


do you really hate animals so much that you need a collective hate thread for them?

some of their shit isn't terrible, fanbase is pure cancer though

It's impossible to hate them. They're such og niggas.

ITT plebs

STGSTV is a masterpiece and one of my favorite albums.

also Feels > Sung Tongs

Panda >>>>>> all


this desu

I was really into them at 15 when I discovered Sup Forums and I was totally vegan, anti-gun, pro-LGBT, etc. Now I'm redpilled and wise beyond my years at 23 and I hate them and everything they stand for.

all artists are leftist cucks, you have to separate art from artist if you want to enjoy nearly any music

Nice doublethink there

>animal collective

Al the good artists are either apolitical or right wing (most apolitical are closeted conservative)

EDGY groundbreaking opinion coming through


I disagree with all artists being leftist, but I highly agree with seperating artist from art. By not doing so I wouldn't be able to listen to so much of the music I listen to. This does result in me not knowing much about the artist however.

they're a pretty good band



Feels, HCTI and MPP are their best albums

>trying to sound black so people consider your opinon

I don't think anyone would think that would work on Sup Forums.

some of their work gets 'so le different'

>This does result in me not knowing much about the artist however.
That's not what separating the artist from the art means. It just means that art should be evaluated by the depth and complexity of it's discussion, not by the personal values of the artist. If anything, knowing about the artist provides valuable insight into the meaning of what the artist creates that would otherwise be missed, just as long as you don't let it overtake the art.

What the fuck, how can you go from being moral to morally corrupt without being brain damaged

Conservatives can't make art. They literally all have Aspergers

It's plebeian band, MPP and Panda's Person Pitch are awesome tho

you're cringier now then you were back then


>what is jimi Hendrix and the Beatles

>mfw Sup Forums overrun by plebbit users and fantano fags.

Thanks melon!

>I hate them and everything they stand for
What exactly do they stand for?
Seriously curious.

Animal Collective sucks!!!11!!!

wtf i hate animal collective now