Alright Sup Forums help my decide

Alright Sup Forums help my decide.

I have 300$ and need a new guitar.
I've wanted an ibanez but I don't know if it's a good choice.
Should I get one or is there something better.

Also general guitar thread.

Pic unrelated

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Depends on the Ibanez. Anything for 300 bucks is going to need upgrades, but you can get some decent guitars used. In the long run you should probably spend at least 1500-2000 on a nice guitar.

What's your skill level? I just bought an Ibanez hollow body for $450, but I'm an absolute beginner. Ibanez was recommended to me because it's easier to play.

What kind of music and what's your skill level?

What style are you into. 300 won't get you far if you are a serious gigging musician or you intend on recording with it. Really though it doesn't matter....can you play? EVH or Jimmy Page could pick up anything and write an epic song. (Jim Martin too)
What amp do you have?
What's important to you for your future?
What interests do you have?
Are you in a committed relationship? or just messing around....or are you a loner.
These are all very important questions that I need to hear the answer to before you an I can connect on this conversation.

Ibanez has the best necks for solos. Jumbo frets and thin neck. Pickups can always be replaced for a better sound. Don't fall for electric guitar memes if it feels good then the only other thing that matters are pickups. Body wood and neck through have zero effects on guitars. Hollow body will give a warmer sound though this a troll? No way a sane and intelligent guitarist would write down these words....unless it's a troll, in which you just got me so congrats

Right? I am betting either troll or also a very junior level guitar player trying to act experienced. His language could suggest either.

OP is a troll
>asks for advise
>knows guitarists are OCD freaks
>let the arguements about everyones opinions stated as facts begin

Buy a used MIM Strat, you can find them for 300-400

People on here saying that you need to upgrade a $300 guitar are full of shit. If you like the metal type of guitar and have that much to spend, Ibanez is a good choice. If you want something a little more versatile, I've been playing a $150 Squier Bullet Strat that I swapped the bridge pickup out for a Duncan JB. Honestly, just go to guitar center and play a bunch till you find one that you really like. That's the only true way to pick a winner.

Why do I need proper grammar for a message board that's filled with filth? Been playing 20yrs and made good money. Everybody knows pickups and feel are the only thing that matters. Neck through are over priced hype and the sustain is any better. Just use a compressor. The wood of an electric guitar has zero influence. Sure mahogny is warmer on acoustic but complete hype on electric. It's been proven. Debate me all you want I know more than you


Good advice. The people in Guitar Center are more than happy to let you try stuff out IME.

Can't get a good 2x4 and rubber bands for $300

Haha not true at all

OP here. I have a fender mustang I recently bought used. Most important to me is playing music for people who enjoy it. We do a lot of covers and stuff. A lot of different music from tool to bad religion to nirvana to weezer. I'm completely socially retarded so I don't have a girlfriend.

Entirely subjective which guitar you want but I like this one. If I had to reccomend a humbucker guitar it'd be this one. Love the Modern Proffesional Thinline Tele aswell. Also the Matt Bellamy Cort is amazing. What are we talking about again?


epiphone aj-220

Also OP. I have an epiphone les Paul 100 that I've had since I was 13 and played the shit out of

I have an '89 american strat+ with the lace pickups, locking tuner, fancy roller nut and all that shit. There's a small chip in the body.

Sell or keep? I haven't played it in a while and I dont like the color

Nothing wrong with ibanez.

$300 on any guitar carries risks. Try before you buy.

Sell to me for $300

billy corgan fan?

ok. Paypal ok?

Thank you

pretty sure he doesn't play one

ayyy that guitar is disgusting

I just bought an ibanez rg350exz and I find it pretty much perfect but I tried out the rg120 in the store I believe and that one sounded really nice just doesn't have those cool sharktooth inlays like the 350 if you can get your hands on a 150dx it might sound great plus it has those inlays ibanez in general is great and cheap those guitars are in your price range I think my 350 was more than 300 dollars

Sup Forumsro, his thick saturated sound on the Siamese Dream was from a strat with lace pickups through a 70's Big Muff Pi.

inb4 everything sucks but what I play

go to a guitar shop and try out a bunch. buy the one you like most. done.

Only additional advice I'd give is to look at the early '90s Ibanez RG series. RG570, RG550DX, S540. Great guitars if that's the style you want, really well made and can be had at the 350 to 400 price point.

Anything for $300 won't be that great. That said, I have that guitar pictured (RGR320EX) and love it. I don't really play much anymore though.

Trick is that they can go for much more, so you have to be patient on eBay. But I got a '90 S540 (actually 540S as it was called that year) for $400 in Jewel Blue with non-original case, and a '90 RG570 in Jewel Blue for $400 with case.

My lms offered me a hunnington for 300$ was tempting to me

references FYI.