Trump's new healthcare law will disproportionately harm red-caps

>Trump's new healthcare law will disproportionately harm red-caps

I'm cumming at their pain.

Honestly, when you're premium doubles, send your daughter over here to California, she'll get some healthcare if she knows how to suck dick well.

Other urls found in this thread:–American_War

were they, dare I say it, cucked?

I find it strange that neither Sup Forums nor the_donald seem to be talking about this health care plan
why is that?

You mean ryan's new healthcare?

>dweeby tinydick chicano or indian is ass-ravaged

haha faggot

I don't think that bill will pass.
They need 50 votes.
There are 52 Republicans in the Senate.
Rand Paul has already declared that he'll vote no.
If 2 more Senators refuse to vote on it then it won't pass the Senate.

Because Sup Forums is full of college age idiots that don't know shit about politics and economics. They only hate liberals and shitskins, they have no real ideology. They also always play the whataboutism card
>b-but at least Hillary isn't president so who cares what trump does

>America STILL doesn't have a single payer system despite paying more per capita than anyone else

Only in a country as cucked as America could political pundits say "where's bernout gonna get the money HUH?" When's there's 2x more than needed to provide a single payer system

What percentage of your health expenditures went into insurance gatekeeping again?

Stop watching fake news, Eduardo Cortez

ye it's working so great for us isn't it?

Let's just all read Breitbart from now on guys.

You don't understand. This isn't about how effective or costly their health care is. This is about freedumbs.

>mfw americucks happily suck the cocks of their insurance jew masters and legitimately get angry when someone tries to improve their lives

Hopefully lots of americans will die as a result. The world will be better off without all you fat retards.

Yes it is, actually.

In what way? We seem to be failing compared to every other country that's implemented universal healthcare.

Its better than their system. Ours has a lot of work to be done but its still better than theirs and a majority of canadians agree with me. You can hate our system all you want but you cannot say the american system is better.

Huh, there are two threads on the front page of Sup Forums talking about it

Perhaps you should take that african and turkish semen out of your eyes, hans

Harper cut health care funding for a decade and now the liberals are making god progress on fixing it. The provincial liberals under wynne fucked it though.

Wait times aren't the only metric...

>we can't let these guys get the medical codes
This is a pretty nice discussion flipbro.

Why are republicans trying to take CBO down?

Is it because it showcased that their plan will benefit the rich but fuck over the poor?

Why would they try to shush something everybody knew they would do the moment they won?

Pretty darn significant one though.

You know what, Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice. And so maybe, rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on, maybe they should invest in their own health care.

We're hitting levels of cuckoldry that shouldn't even be possible.

But Pinoy-kun, you are Eduardo Cortez.

>That file name


I hate it when flip monkeys/American English teaching losers try to fit in.

You always try way too hard to the point of compensating.

>Im proud to get fucked in the ass by the rich, hell I enjoy it!

Trump is for the working class.

That must be why he defrauded the working class with a fake university

I get my health insurance through my employer

Kek, new iphone = 1 month of insurance

There's literally nothing wrong with defrauding retards

>A billionaire cares about poor people

>the weak should fear the strong
While were at it i may as well be allowed to sneak up on you with a club, bash you in the back of the head and steal all your shit. After all you deserved it for being an oblivious faggot. Shoulda seen me coming.

Trump University really isn't Trump
Some other guy paid a licensing fee. I'm not saying that Trump isn't an unscrupulous scumbag but it isn't quite the same.

Strange how the Thai flag is always sucking off chinks and gooks. You do realize the chinks think SE Asians are niggers, right? America protected the Philippines for decades and liberated them from the Spanish and Japanese. Fuck off you ladyboy fuck.

Blue collar crime is for niggers.

White collar crime is actually respectable on the otherhand though.

Trump University is owned and operated by The Trump Organization owned by Donald Trump.

Say it with me


You can pass anything with that process.

>White collar crime is actually respectable on the otherhand though.
>A red cap or redcap, also known as a powrie or dunter, is a type of malevolent, murderous dwarf, goblin, elf or fairy found in Border Folklore.

>liberated them from the Spanish

You mean killed them in droves you dumb flip diaspora roach.–American_War

Also Thais ARE Chinese (especially 2nd generation ones like me) so good luck trying to play that card.

Republicans/southerners/radical conservatives in America aren't normal, rational humans. They believe in some stone age survival of the fittest mentality/fuck you I've got mine Randian philosophy.

Im gonna kick your ass white boi

>finns made the snl black hitler skit real
What is with that country and being living memes?

>Thais ARE Chinese

The fuck is a redcap?

>trump is for the working class



That is completely understandable
What I don't understand is why they would try and pretend what they are doing isn't exactly that
post-trump "we're still crazy libertarians but we also care about the poor white workers" psychosis?

I understand none of these words

Commies? Hes a yankee so everything that isn't him is a commie

Trump voters you retard

a new type of identity politics is just born here.

are you a mixed guy of chinese and thai? sound like so called ABC.

red cap means red states aka states that voted for trumo you dorks

Well considering that every supposed universal healthcare bill seems to be about forcing people to pay insurance companies, it's not really as if the Canadian system is being offered as an alternative to Americans by either Democrats or Republicans. I know that I would support it, and my girlfriend's dad who is a pretty conservative often mentions how he would support it.

Watch the lower income uneducated white birth rate get even lower, senpai. It's gonna be great.

You don't understand how dumb poor whites, especially poor white Southerners, are in this country. Half of them didn't know that the ACA, which they used to buy health insurance, was Obamacare to begin with. Many get easily baited and distracted by racial conflict sideshows while the the Republicans Jew them to hell on everything from healthcare, to the environment, to worker protections, to decent wages and education, etc, etc. They rationalize getting fucked over in every single way that would actually matter in their life by saying "at least we aren't giving minorities more money/haha we pissed off some liberals". It's even worse because they distrust intellectuals and science in general as well. Strangely all of this is combined with a """Christian""" mentality where people are just supposed to rely on charity or something. A few years back one prominent Republican politician was highlighting how charity could get things done when the "guvment" couldn't, starting a Kickstarter for his friend with cancer. Unfortunately the total treatment cost for the guy's cancer pre-Obamacare was $750,000 and they only raised like $16,000, so he died.

This goes to show you how fucked up/third world Red states/Southern states are in general, I live in a blue one and it's like you'd be crossing over from Finland into Turkey or something.

When i hear red cap i think French revolution and communism. Trumptards aren't important enough to have earned the right to share that term.

>Its better than their system. Ours has a lot of work to be done
that's rad, but the thing is at least theirs is constantly in the spotlight and the issue is being addressed
whenever there is actual problems with our health system addressed, they don't get near the amount of attention they deserve because we *shudder* wouldn't be able to use it as a point of moral high ground above the US anymore

Only thing I sort of agree with the Repubs on is gun control and being less of a total cuck with regards to foreign policy/immigration but they are so anti-worker/anti-common person I haven't been able to justify voting for them in recent memory.

Should have let the retards secede in 1860

Trudeau has been making deals with the provinces left and right to improve health care and its talked about literally every election. Read a fucking newspaper you mong.

>Sup Forums
I realize that the whole flag thing on Sup Forums and the fact that there aren't that many left leaning people there leads political threads on Sup Forums with a lefty spin to them, but let's keep Sup Forums for what's meant to be.

No, we should've SHERMAN'D them a fuck ton more or impeached Andrew Johnson so that the radical republicans could have completely reshaped Southern society from the ground up. We still have our family's Union cavalry saber from the March to the Sea, and desu I cannot wait to see it slake itself in Southern blood again if they keep being the colossal retards they have been from the past 400 years.

for the past 400 years*.

Well, good luck with all that.
It seems you're going to need it.

schönes Mem

But dude, the wealth just trickles down lmao. Vote Republican!

I'm hoping that with our generation they can stop being colossal fucktards, I mean, they have shown signs of critical thought before (voting for socialists in the early 1900s when they realized just how badly they were getting fucked over by the same conservative elite that has always been raping them) but it's going to be an uphill battle. It should be a little bit easier now that racism isn't as bad as it was before despite what Sup Forums thinks and more people are getting a college degree than ever and are actually able to have some critical thinking skills, but it'll probably be at least twenty to forty years before we truly get uncucked.

>more rich people live in cities than in rural areas
Wow, what a great and insightful article.

> mean, they have shown signs of critical thought before (voting for socialists in the early 1900s when they realized just how badly they were getting fucked over by the same conservative elite that has always been raping them)

Also they did support the New Deal when they finally realized muh trickle-down economics, bankers, and corporations without regulations led to them literally being in bread lines, but fuck is it depressing that they needed THE single worst depression in American history to realize that.

Why are Americans so classcucked?


And also the fact that many of our Dems are traitors and need to be purged in favor of progressives by 2020.

I'm worried it's going to be a lot harder than that. Everything about american society encourages binary thinking and juxtaposition. Having to defend extreme opinions that might not be your own but which come with the package of whichever side you chose breeds fundamentalism that is immune to critical thinking. Unless something dramatic changes you're just going to have to wait for all the rednecks to die of old age.

the majority of democrats are essentially neocons in disguise, like clinton
ngl, im not a number one fan of the bern but at least he's a genuine progressive candidate

He is one of our rare, actually progressive Dems, has been for quite some time. I'm really pissed that the establishment Dems under Debbie totally sidelined him during this last election, the way to win was so fucking simple. All you had to do was cut a deal with Bern to be VP with the promise he could run in 2020 and throw Jill Stein the EPA chief role and promise her VP in 2020. Instead they picked Tim Kaine, who might be a nice guy but who literally no one cares about. I'm actually seriously debating a political career simply because I'm sick of Republican retardation and leftists who bend over to their bullshit literally every time.

The bill won't pass, it's been disavowed by members of both parties.

The Republicans are fucking retarded when it comes to healthcare and they've only just started to realize that they've backed themselves into a corner where their only recourse is to either back off on repeal or risk pissing off their constituency.

They are JUST starting to realize that Obamacare was the least socialist piece of legislation they could have possibly got. If they want to keep their campaign promises, they know they have to either not touch Obamacare, or institute a single payer system.

Of course, none of them will ever admit they were wrong, ultimately nothing is going to happen, or minor changes will be made to Obamacare that won't do shit while they claim to have 'fixed' it.

You -severely- underestimate how idiotic our politicians are. It's one of the reasons why I'm actually going to the Irish embassy this month to get citizenry by descent just in case it turns out even worse than I expect.

>"hey, so uh guys, we got ourselves a grassroots populist running as a republican, what can we do to win?
>"how about we run a grassroots populist with decades of public service, clearcut bite-sized policies, reputable character and doesn't run a social media campaign like a drunk rich kid?"
>"nah fuck that lmao let's put someone with a dodgy career, vague moral standards, little and unclear policy and has a warmongering reputation on the ballot"
they shot themselves in the foot, and the other foot too, jesus christ

That's what they said about DeVos. Don't forget multiple democrats will likely vote in favor.

Perhaps, but most of them aren't -that- stupid. From what I understand, most of the Repubs are fine with everything but the insurance mandate in principle, it's just the Tea party that is autistic about repealing the whole fucking thing, regardless of the economic and political effects it will have on the solvency of the insurance market. They don't have the will nor the unity to commit political suicide of such caliber just yet.

It's the same reason why Repubs haven't touched social security, because changing or removing it will piss off so many people who voted for them that they will never win an election ever again. If they have the balls to actually go through with this united as a party, I'll be impressed, but it will single the end of the Republican party.

I worked for the Dems in '14, the establishment was hellbent on Hillary for some reason even though a third to half of the actual lay Dems in the party wanted Bernie because they thought Hillary was too corrupt. Luckily now we can "drain the swamp" of them in the party and move on to people who aren't cuckliberals.

The only Democrat that will vote Aye is probably Manchin.

The bill is garbage. They had six fucking years to come up with a solid plan for replacement. Instead they blew it all off on >MUH FILLIBUSTERS and when they realized they had to actually try to fulfill their promises they scrambled and shit out these piece of garbage that they wrote in 3 days.

>Perhaps, but most of them aren't -that- stupid. From what I understand, most of the Repubs are fine with everything but the insurance mandate in principle, it's just the Tea party that is autistic about repealing the whole fucking thing, regardless of the economic and political effects it will have on the solvency of the insurance market. They don't have the will nor the unity to commit political suicide of such caliber just yet.

Actually no, Ryan can easily get the votes he needs to pass it, but believe it or not the people hampering it from passing are those who want to make it even more anti-constituent, anti-worker, etc. They want to make it even less socialist. You could actually see this abomination pass. Modern Republicans literally don't care about the common man except to give tax breaks to billionaires and guns to shoot poor people with.

ITT retarded leftist cucks

back to tumblr with you

>tfw you will never live in a timeline where moderates and progressives are united around the man from a working class background, with an admirable life story, and is immensely popular, Joe Biden

why even live

Quality contribution. Please go back to and tell them about it.

>retarded leftist cucks

>even though a third to half of the actual lay Dems in the party wanted Bernie because they thought Hillary was too corrupt
I can 100% believe this
what do people outside of elected positions do to work for a political party? like what did you do?

An obsolete class

>rural white girl
>sucking dick
Dont worry they already know, their father taught them.

>, but believe it or not the people hampering it from passing are those who want to make it even more anti-constituent, anti-worker, etc. They want to make it even less socialist.

Thing is, you can have a free market healthcare system that is affordable in a world where 20+ year long drug patents, multi-billion dollar insurance conglomerates, and an insistence on expensive procedures are the norm, but all the actual Libertarians/people who understand economics in the Republican party are faux at best.

>You could actually see this abomination pass.
If it does, they won't escape the fallout. I feel bad for Repubs like McCain, who seem to be the only respectable and sane people in the entire party.

Why is it always dick and gay shit with you people. Can't you go one minute minute without thinking about african dicks in your mouth or arab semen on your face. Its like am obsession with you polfags.

If youre gonna troll at least try. You're embarrassing yourself

>yfw all the Inbred Southerners fled the board