Friendly reminder that this man didn't get a sticky
Friendly reminder that this man didn't get a sticky
not one penny
Maybe he shouldn't have ruined his legacy by taking credit for things he had nothing to do with and making everything he touched after his retirement turn into shit
literally fucking who?
I'm quite sure he did get one. Like 2 weeks after his death
literally who? is he one of the Beatles? why would a musician get a sticky on a sports board?
>Like 2 weeks after his death
Yes he did
Regardless, nobody gives a flying fuck about some random nobody soccer player.
Shut the fuck OP and go back to /asp/
Why are Americans allowed to exist?
Only time in Sup Forums history were mods weren't fags
Because your mate went after Stalin instead
Top 5 player all time in world's most relevant sport.
He did. About a week after Kimbo Slice died, purely because of the outrage of that fat talentless nigger getting one.
Easy there, kid. You might get arrested for saying that.
John Lennon got the sticky he deserved don't see the issue
Um, he did get his fucking sticky. Now fuck off.
>this man
>soccer fairy
top lel
Friendly reminder that every sticky is now a Cruyff sticky.
literally cant wait for another baseball literal who to die of fatness
I can't wait for another spanish literally who to die of the flu.
He got one after a bunch of people hijacked some luckswing guy sticky, some burger got mad, made a Cruyff thread and that was turned into his sticky.
It was a glorious moment.
But he did.
literal nobody
ya, not shit
elaborate please
Yep, the mods stickied one of those "Whoooo I'm the ghost of " threads for a few hours