Many people defending Pewdiepie, argue that he has been wrongfully branded a Nazi...

Many people defending Pewdiepie, argue that he has been wrongfully branded a Nazi, when the jokes in his movies don’t reflect his actual beliefs. But it honestly doesn’t matter if Pewdiepie personally believes in the tenants of Nazism. What he personally believes isn’t of great consequence.

What matters is the outcome of his actions, and the outcome was that he, someone with a large platform, encouraged and validated white supremacists on the internet over with his content during a time when Nazism and fascism and antisemitism are on the rise–particularly in gamer communities. And this was an outcome he didn’t make any significant effort to own or apologize for until there were financial repercussions for him.

You don’t have to be an evil or even a bad person to do great harm to others, particularly if you have a lot of influence during a volatile period in history. Do not mitigate the damage he has done. Do not minimize the urgency of condemning these actions during times like these. To do so is to further enable antisemitism and even Nazism during a time when Jews are in increasing danger due to such ideology.

>tl;dr: pewdz is trash, been saying this for years, now it's confirmed. Also not saying he's a nazi, or that he should be fucking executed, read what I said you fucking beasts.

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Wtf? Why are you saying that he's a nazi who should be executed? Fucking SJW's...

PewDiePie and Milo go down in the same week, it's a miracle

He's still rich as fuck and will continue making tons of money. He only lost his Disney/youtube RED deal. which means he is a free agent non-pc comedian with a MASSIVE following. He still rakes in millions per month on his youtube channel.

He also has no control over what parts of his humor people attach themselves over.


You're not trying hard enough m8

sjw's are the ones validating nazis

>making a joke 'normalizes' nazism

what have we become

I know OP is trolling but the fact lot of people think this way pisses me off. Non-violent/abusing comedy shouldn't have any limits.

are we trying to summon pewdiepie because we know that he surfs Sup Forums?

lets not

Dude did you really came to the random board with this topic?, I mean whatever, people starts whining about every single shit nowadays.
And also fuck jews, all of them should be heading to the oven right now

shit post

So there are people so stupid they don't understand satire combined with other people deliberately misrepresenting a person to further their own agendas.
Sounds like business as usual on planet earth.
Neither of the above are PDP's responsibility.


Pewdiepie is a shit, media is a shit, jews is a shit, everyone on this board is a shit

What happened to Milo?

He said one thing the Master Kikes did not like, and they instantly destroyed his career. The Jews are the most savage creature on earth.

Did you actually see the video? I really can't believe people are making a big deal out of it. People have been saying and doing dumb shit on the internet for years, and for some reason now it's different because someone popular did it.

fucking jews

I think he said he supported pedos.


Oh dear are all the moaning fucktards needing a safe space ??? Pewdiepie has a god given right to any opinion he wishes to have without having to worry about all the fucktards in the world bursting into tears..

Maher sucked his dick, then someone proceeded to expose how Yiannopoulos does not really have any arguments and just panders so others can suck him off.

i suppose i should have added self titled.


>careing this much

it's just a power play by jews
people in saudi arabia have iphones
people in africa have medical and law degrees
no minority deserves to be a protected minority in an egalitarian society
it's okay to post dear white people and buzzfeeds questions for white people, but not jew joke, because jews are asserting dominance over whites
to paint jews as the victims and whites as oppressors is absolutely ridiculous but you'll believe it because you think all jews are weak and all brown people are poor
progresssivism is just a kind of white supremacy that is only beneficial to non-whites
it's not based in kindness or understanding

Stop trying to burry what you don't like both hate speech and jokes.

>go down

he gained a fuckton of subs

Omg pewdie iz an nazi comfirmed

The term's use as a reference to homosexuality may date as early as the late 19th century, but its use gradually increased in the 20th century. In modern English, gay has come to be used as an adjective, and as a noun, referring to the people, especially to gay males, and the practices and cultures associated with homosexuality. By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was recommended by major LGBT groups and style guides to describe people attracted to members of the same sex.

At about the same time, a new, pejorative use became prevalent in some parts of the world. Among younger speakers, the word has a meaning ranging from derision (e.g., equivalent to rubbish or stupid) to a light-hearted mockery or ridicule (e.g., equivalent to weak, unmanly, or lame). In this use, the word rarely means "homosexual", as it is often used, for example, to refer to an inanimate object or abstract concept of which one disapproves. The extent to which these usages still retain connotations of homosexuality has been debated and harshly criticized.

So the guy likes twinks
Wew lad

Remind me why I'm supposed to give a fraction of a shit over this?
Thanks in advance.


his right
theres evena famus quote that goes something like
to find out who rules over you, find out the people you cant never insult


i know right! its the first time i actually started to believe there might just be a god


Never heard of Milo... really.


pewdi pi did this because his boss got caught doing sexual stuff with a cam girl and needed a cover up. It happened a day or two before he did this.

Said it was natural for teenage boys to get fucked by older men, that it was part of the "acceptance" process or some shit.

Pretty much got outed as a degenerate, which we know all fags are so...

Can somebody recap please?


We don't know if pew is nazi but:

1- If he is nazi, what is the problem? Nazism is an ideology that you are free to choose. If you make money with youtube is your audience the ones who decide to follow you or not.

2- If he is not nazi, this means that mass-media is crying again with everything "internet related" because they don't understand how it works.

Muh opinion:You can be nazi but big corporations complaining about youtube contents is just pathetic. (cuz we all now that youtube is the worst place on the internet)

Moarrr like this

piediepie in an attempt to become edgier made some off colour/distasteful jokes he's been dropped by major sponsors (disney)

he is no regarded as a racist/nazi/anti-semite


>implying fascism, antisemitism, and nazism are bad
leave Sup Forums

Fuck your fucking feelings. If people think his jokes are funny, they will subscribe to him, otherwise they won't alot of people apparently find him funny. The market has spoken.

And jokes do not harm anyone. ever. Only the feefees of social justice warroirs, and honestly, you can go die in a ditch.
Everybody hates you. The right, the left, the centre. Everyone but the little group of circle jerkers in your echo chamber.

>tl;dr: Stop trying to control what other people laugh at you meddling cretin.

shut up faggot

I love Pew. My household cancelled our YouTube Red subscription and WSJ (I'm in NYC). He's a good guy who makes me laugh.

well there is a other way to get ride of antisemitism. get ride of jews so no one can be antisemitic anymore

Nice b8 m8.

ITT: jelly butthurt asperger lords who wish they were our fav pewpew

Are we still talking about this dumbass? All it was was he made a stupid joke and everybody got triggered and then he's pissed cause muhrevenue

stfu you nigger jew nazi cunt.

Go cry about it, then follow that up with an hero.

>our fav pewpew


>encouraged and validated white supremacists
This shows me you haven't watched any of his content

Pewdiepie made this thread you fucking idiot. Check his twitter.

>Fuck your fucking feelings.
>and honestly, you can go die in a ditch
Wew lads, looks like we got a triggered little faggot over here!

You look stupid spouting those meaningless insults everywhere. If you want to get your point across you'll want to control yourself a little more. Or don't, just means i have more to laugh at.

Comedy is subjective.
If people want to bitch about what he says, that's a personal issue. Personal issues aren't anyone's problem.

>>Millions per month

>What matters is the outcome of his actions, and the outcome was that he, someone with a large platform, encouraged and validated white supremacists on the internet over with his content during a time when Nazism and fascism and antisemitism are on the rise

I strongly believe in the phrase "offense is not given, it is taken". It is you who gets offended, it is you who misrepresents him, it is you who takes his jokes out of context and it is you who complains about it.
I believe you can joke about anything and if you had even a few working brain cells you could see that Pewdiepie himself is a big joke, all he does is jokes.
So is the adult here? The man who makes jokes, some good and some bad or the man who gets offended from sayd jokes.

>twitter is for vain faggots

The problem with blaming SJW's for everything is that it shouldn't be an excuse to go even further to the extreme right. If you do so out of reactionary reasons then you're just as mindless as your opposition.

>twitter is the future


"fuck you fucking feelings" is a point in itself. You need to learn that no-one has to care what you feel about something. Your feelings can never, and should never, take away the freedom of anyone to do anything.
And besides you simply ignore whatever points that are actually made and focus on the poetic embellishment of the post.

Jokes do not harm, is another point, you haven't addressed.

But you can't address any actual points, can you? Because the ultimate defence of you position is you feelings, and you can't explain why they should weigh any heavier than anyone else's.

you dont know shit, fuck wsj, fuck the media, I hope that pewdiepie sues the shit out of them. still dont know why nobody shitposted on their facebook and twitter enough to make them lose their shit. you just would have to go to his youtube, to markipliers, spread shit in the comments and you'd have an army of people shitposting them.

>Gay jewish man
>surprised they have weird sexual fetishes

gee willikers

And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for them meddling kids.

I've been trying to get this across on youtube to no avail.

There is a difference between bitching about weather someone says "guys AND girls" or say's "nigger", and actually using the fucking term "death to all jews".
Jews were actually killed - fucking recently.

Pewdz is trash, but he's not a nazi, just an idiot. he got what's coming to him fair is fair.

He got a hot slut gf and his shekel lvl is 99

The world does not end with a bang but a whimper.

The people's reaction to Pewdiepie's treatment is proof that nobody buy's into the bullshit media. So's okay for blatant fake news to spread about this guy being a nazi and get dumb celebrities like Rowling to shoot the gun and make unfounded remarks about the guy? I mean, I know you're jealous of his success but give me a break.

why don't you go tell your boss that you want him to die and his whole family too.
Just so he doesn't get confused tell him you were just joking.
Then when he fires you go bitch on Sup Forums

He fucking apologized for using those words. The punchline of the joke was not jews though. He wasn't joking about jews being killed. It was nothing more than shock value.

He never said
>I want death to all Disney and Google execs
He made a joke and the imminent backlash is the direct consequemce of his massive following; someone somewhere found that joke distasteful.

Nice, so Sup Forums is now the average youtube user.

I know people have been saying this forever. but here it is. proof is in. Sup Forums is shit. it's just normal entertainment for your average teen.

and disney has a god given right to fire his unfunny ass

What a stupid analogy. You're dumb.

>hurr durr muh 'joke'

you bought into the news agenda, just think for yourself about this, put yourself in his shoes. If all the jokes and insults you had mad were public, how do you think you would fair? i know i would be fucked

"dear white people" "death to all Jews"
hmm... lets put it down to minor difference of style eh?

>when the jokes in his movies

Can we just take a minute to think about how glorified youtubers have become. We're giving them more artistic credential than they in any way deserve.

This entire thing just shows how much influence internet personalities have. Welcome to the future.

It was just a goof brah

Reminder that the media never referred to them as jokes. They literally said that he made "anti-semitic posts".

Has hasn't done shit.

Sup Forums today = your average everyday youtuber


Actual Racism vs. A Fucking Joke

Is no one gonna talk about how Walt Disney was a fucking Nazi?

I don't like the Pie, but I don't like hypocrisy either

don't bother.
Sup Forums is mainstream now.

Whoever wrote that article are smart as fuck. Imagine all the free commercial and amount of clicks they generated with this.

Theyre fucking genius, and they can justify taking everything out of context because theyre accusing someone of racism/nazism.

If it was any other accusation they wouldn't have gotten away with it since it wouldn't be taken so serious. 10/10 journalism.

>This entire thing just shows how much influence internet personalities have. Welcome to the future.
It's fucking awesome. When I was little people told us that a single person could affect the entire world. It's true. All of it.

>Founder of a company being a racist in a time when racism was much more acceptable.
Who gives a shit?

I really respect pewdiepie, and i think witch-hunts like this are far to common on the internet nowdays, and even if you are trolling, i think it addresses the root of the problem, band-wageners, trolls and false media, which create disinformation that then effects large groups of people to start believing and even passionately following things, that they never would even cared about without the hype-mongering

Yeah. It's real genius. The media has been doing this for years. They fucked up big this time by red pilling Pewdiepie's entire audience. Their reign is ending.

I heard there was dick sucking involved. That's all you need to know, really.

It's funny that anyone would come to Sup Forums with this argument, nigger, kike, and fag are probably in the top 10 most popular words here. Jokes are jokes, even feminists make them in private. Having a fanbase does not make you responsible for their actions, if people are stupid enough to take his unfunny jokes literally, that's on them.

well shock he did. now he can reap what he sowed.
felix is not anonymous posting on fucking Sup Forums
he is a celebrity so yeah, he can expect a reaction