Will Trump be the best head of state that has ever been?

Will Trump be the best head of state that has ever been?

He's going very well so far in actually keeping the promises he made and not being a fake like Obama and every other politician. Not even the crooked media can put a dent in him.

What do you think Sup Forums?

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lmgtfy.com/?q=twinkie defense

I think an abortion was your mother's better option.

i think you're a virgin

I think he will be the best ever! Nationalism will grow and the globalist jews will be put in the oven.

Probably not.

>buttblasted libs

epic and original banter. you clearly are superior

>Posting anonymous legion faggotry image
>In a trump thread
Check out this 12 year old fucking faggot

Well I did vote for Trump and work a call center for him so that's without question.

>Will Trump be the best head of state that has ever been?

Why is Trump so based Sup Forumsros??

Please list a single redeemable cabinent pick other than Mattis

Please name a single act hes passed that benefits you

Explain why everyone is so eager to plop this mans nuts in their mouths when hes working his first job in his entire life and is doing everything he can to sew international chaos to capitalize and create a police state and personal profits

>best head
Roy Cohn said he gave good head, so yeah.


We have his permission.

>What do you think Sup Forums?

You're in the wrong place faggot.

It's still the better option.

He's kicking the shitskins out, trying to block other shitskins from coming in and is calling the jew media for what they re. A bunch of deceiving kikes.


>sew international chaos to capitalize and create a police state and personal profits
kek, tinfoil party over there? Trump has turned the entire butthurt left into the new birthers, it's hilarious.

He literally has the wealthiest cabinet of all time


But yea, you really showed those 'billionaire' lefties.

Im sure Trump and his olgarch buds give two shits about the well being of alt right nut jobs NEETS and weebs on Sup Forums.

Youve been brainwashed into hating this imaginary enemy of leftists which in reality dont fucking exist. Theres no coalition of trannies and jews trying to take your rights. While Trump and people just like him defund science and education and increase your taxes they show you the next strawmen to bark at and you go along like the good lil dog you are. No facts, no evidence, nothing that doesnt come from memes and alt right hugboxes.

Beyond pathetic, utter failures.

He's draining the swamp.

worst, maybe.
best, no.


>He's going very well so far in actually keeping the promises he made and not being a fake like Obama and every other politician. Not even the crooked media can put a dent in him.
Your right
He is building the wall and it is only going to cost 3 billion and the Mexicans are paying for it
On day one he repealed Obamacare and replaced it with healthcare that is better, costs less, covers more people,
He has banned all Muslims from entering the US until we could see what was going on.
He drained the swamp and stopped Wall Street from having influence.
and after that he was still able to attack our enemies like Nordstroms, the judicial system and the press. He exposed the 3 million illegal immigrants that voted for Hillary in California and the invisible buses in New Hampshire bussing in illegal voters. Oh and what about those 3 million paid protesters.
What a champ!
And that is just Trump. How about that cabinet!
Kelly Anne has been able to conduct hundreds of interviews without once answering a question directly. And, we learned from her about alternative facts. That was cool!
And Flynn! He was able to ferret out a Russian collaborator in Trump's own cabinet and force him to resign.
After all this wonderful I only have one question. If that British Intelligence officers dossier is not true, why is Trump acting like it is?

No person can be this fucking stupid...


why are so ass blasted about the rich? just because someone is rich does not make them a bad person.

>dont fucking exist
they exist, there aren't many of them, but they exist in places of high influence--in the media, academia, government, courts--pretty much in every institution in the world. Take the DNC cock of your mouth once in a while and look at a non-approved news source.

half of the dossier has been proven correct. the only thing to be corroborated is the underage hookers pissing on him. and we wait for the tape to be leaked...

Thank you! Every argument against trump is an insult to him. Every supporter details facts.

I think it was sarcasm. It has to be

I thought that was clear since I acknowledged the above comment about the billionaire cabinet.

Anti-Trump Protester Shredded Live on Air

"I Made the Mistake of Taking You Seriously" -Tucker Carlson

youtube.com/watch?v=o57Pr0vc3BE [Remove]

Can't even verbalize or say why they're protesting or what they stand for and he's IN CHARGE of the protest

>He is building the wall and it is only going to cost 3 billion
WONG! Da wall'z alreddy bilt!
OMB has projected a cost of $22 billion if they have to build another one.


like i said, virgin



Loosen the tinfoil conspiracy theorist


I think you're high, and he can go fuck himself.


I just love how the media is painting the picture as "ALL AMERICANS HATE TRUMP, US IN CHAOS" when he was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by a silent majority




Yes, Mike Flynn worked out really well. Betsy Devos paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a cabinet position and Rex Tillerson has a hard on for Russia. Are you fucking delusional?

Isn't that Milo Iohannovichski holding up the sign?




And the head of the EPA has been taking bribes from the oil companies for years. Not to mention that he personally changed the lethal drugs for Oklahoma's death chamber and made a guy take forty-some minutes to die in agony. Great choice!


i bet this would work in a US court as a defence
>mfw captcha was pick up trucks







The muslim immigration and syrian refugee argument SHREDDED Live On Air with Basic Logic and Rationale

Thanks, Sweden!


>keeping the promises


>mexico's gonna pay for the wall
no actually we're going to pay 20 billion for it, and lose out on a lot of income tax revenue

>i'm gonna drain the swap
no actually i'm going to fill my cabinet full of wealthy insiders who can really profit off of their appointment

>i think the EU is on its last leg!
no actually i'm going to send people over there, including my vice president, to tell them that we think the EU is great and we will support it 100%

and that's just been since january

I heard he gives the best head, but you know that




Ok, so what do you trump voters consider as crooked media? The corrupt ones or just the ones that criticize trump?



Only in states that have legalized assisted suicide. In the others, you'd have to use the Twinkie defense.


>non-approved news source
What like fox?
try reading a book, probably try 1984 or animal farm, you know, once you learn to read




It takes a big man to be able to change his mind.

Anti-Trump Protester Shredded Live on Air

"I Made the Mistake of Taking You Seriously" -Tucker Carlson

youtube.com/watch?v=o57Pr0vc3BE [Remove]

Can't even verbalize or say why they're protesting or what they stand for and he's IN CHARGE of the protest


your electoral system is actually retarded, you can have gun to 'overthrow tyranny' but a clear majority cant win an election, hes a national president so it should be a national majortiy

twinkie whut?

>trying to equate one man with a firearm overthrowing the government to an entire system that ensures everyone in the population has a fair voice in elections and two states don't make all the decisions for a country with a greater GDP than the entire EU.

wew lad you are severely unprepared for this convo

lmgtfy.com/?q=twinkie defense

I supported him over Hillary Clinton, but after its over I can't agree with many of the things he has done, and I am especially upset over the Flynn scandal

what if hes an actor ?

so far so good, but he needs to purge those who disobey direct orders.

Also, although not his style, I'd recommend he use a teleprompter to avoid giving the MSM easy ammo every fucking day.

leave it alone, liberals celebrated the electoral college in 2008

>that ensures everyone in the population has a fair voice in elections
you mean like a vote by citizens?

It doesn't matter where the people are in the country, do you not realzie that everyone could have voted the exact same way but lived/voted somewhere eles & Hilary would have won, it makes the actual vote pointless and count for nothing, its a piss in the face of democracy.

Is this really how far the left has fallen? Calling up tinfoil-hat-level conspiracy theories to justify their lack of actual principles? Cmon man. Get real. Liberal nonsense is more than obvious. They vet their guests and they call out both sides. They clearly doxx the guy in the debate, look him up if you're that worried.

Whut the fuck are you talking about

You do it your way over there, we already decided what works best for us and that's the Electoral College. We stood on our principles, we kicked your ass in a war then 200 years later came to bail you faggots out because you would've been destroyed without us. The opinion of some europoor faggot who's comfortable giving up his own personal freedoms for a few peanuts from the state means jackshit to me and 99% of Americans.

hahahahaha you think im left ? m8 stick to you fucking buzz words as your country falls to shit , i didnt watch the video bc your post already made it seem too autistic to stomach

Guess when it serves you its OK. Pansy.

whats his name ? google him right now

Thats the weakest counter ive ever seen, how is that even slightly relating

His favorite daughter is a jew, same with his favorite son. He just put a jew in charge is all the money. He hired all the leader jews from Goldman Sachs and put them in his cabinet. I think he loves the jews. To be honest, i do to. Big titties and amazing head. Amazing!


besides the fact that the country shouldn't be subject to the whims of coastal bubble cities where all people think alike.

You're the one who made the original claim that he was some "actor", whatever the fuck that even means. You're asking me to prove something that doesn't exist? Prove a negative? You clearly failed logic class as a kid. The burden of proof lies on you. Let's see it, princess. Until then, you can shove your conspiracy theories up your ass because no one's buying it. You're a fucking clown and clearly you're not prepared to speak on the subject.

Stop surviving on the achievements of your ancestors, your entire country gets laughed at by the rest fo the world because most of you are only just intelligent enough to work out how to breath.
>europoor faggot who's comfortable giving up his own personal freedoms for a few peanuts wtf is this meant to be referring too

I'm opening up a ladder, catapult and parachute store on the Mexican side. It's going to be yuuuuge!

no prove he was a real person in charge of a protest you fucking moron

President grandpa really doesn't give a crap about the people unless he can use them to further his own businesses