Hey Sup Forums lets have dubs decide what I should say to this girl I just matched on tinder...

Hey Sup Forums lets have dubs decide what I should say to this girl I just matched on tinder. will post results if anything interesting happens.

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Would you care for some intercourse m'lady? -tips fedore while wearing nothing else-

Can you describe how your nipples look like?

Why do you think someone like you should deserve to like somebody as awesome as me on tinder?

Let's meet and have sex.

Niggers should hang.

You might as well stop talking to me now, since I'm just going to say a bunch of stupid shit that idiots online tell me to.

I really like this one

I use Sup Forums

Normies get off my tinder

Op here to help some of you out.
she is a sorority girl who likes the walking dead and star wars

Want to fuck tonight and get IHOP for breakfast? you'd have to pay for me though.

sounds like the average tinder slut. you could be getting laid but you've decided to fuck this up instead

I enjoy walking to people and scream "I am your father"
Hello! How are you M'lady?

"I know where you are. I've been watching you for a while now. Good luck reporting this number to the police before I rape you to death."

Op is rolling for this

Rolling for this for sure


We did it reddit

aight give me a couple of minutes


Op is not a faggot lol

Have you never done this shit before

Are you seriously this fucking stupid or what

I was born with 31 cases of autism

top kek


>Op is not a faggot

sure pal

OP, if this is a joke, you made me laugh, but if it isn't you are retarded. Rerolling is gay though.

its just a prank bro


OP here, still taking requests and here is a picture of me if yah wanna roast.

How long is your dick?

Everything makes perfect sense now.

You are certainly in the crowd. Pic related.

yep there I am

gotta go. bye

Tinder is dumb, can we just skip to me eating you out

So wanna help me make america great again

Send her this pic


Do you like jazz

Would you be willing to send me a video of you farting?

I am a nigger

wow yall are not creative


Don't leave the poor girl hanging

so I was thinking about drinking some blood.. but I have this irrational fear of blood.
Have you ever worn a costume?

Sorry, I was going to send nudes but I am driving and I dropped my cock out the window. brb.

I want to die

Roses are red
So are your lips
You should sit on my face
And wiggle your hips

And a one and a two and a shamalamalamadingdong show me the tittay

You ever get that burning sensation when you pee? because goddamn my dick is on fire since yesterday!

Seriously, sometimes I piss this HUGE amount of blood.. and my ass is itching allll the time.
Life sucks.

Want to go on a date?

Hello do you have any "Younger" siblings that could maybe hang out with us on a date?

Hey baby, my name is steve and in accordance with law I am required to inform you that I am a sex offender.

now that is out of the way, how are you today? :D

I mean, I would totally roll up to your place for our date


God damn I want to tape my cock to your car as you drop it in low gear going 10 down the highway.
Will you do that for me?
And throw some donuts at me.. holy fuck I am so hot right now.


Hi. Did you know that I can jizz by twisting my balls 850 degrees? ha ha just figured that you might want to do it for me!

Hitler did nothing wrong.


I need some burritos stat.

So, do you like my little pony?

IF you do, oh baby, I can show you my collection.. Its huge.

Do you like peanut butter?





OP here lets keep this going that was a good comment dubs, it fit the narrative

fist me pappa

Have you ever looked at someone and thought "I wonder how they'd look in my bed" Because I get that thought when I see you.

I'd waffle stomp your bootyhole


Can i borrow a feeling?

When you butt nut she suck fuck keep nuts

Not sure if I can send that on tinder, I would if I could

What are you doing tonight? I was thinkin i scoop you and we roll a bluntski

'i'm retarded?'

looks good enough to me pal

No balls you won't send me nudes

You wanna smoke a bluntski?

I want your pinky in my butt

I had an ex named Madison. She liked it in the ass. Do you?

Reroll for this

Roll for this.

Ayy yo girl you tryna catch the nut?

I'm leaving this thread due to boredom.

OP you're a fag.

Is tinder really that easy?

It's easy

Yeah. Just don't be a sperglord.

Two in a row.

Is it for more college aged people or what?

Ive given up and am actually having a nice chat with her now OP is a faggot for life.

lemme suck those milk juggs

There's people from all walks of life on there. I'd say mostly 18-28. Then the few older ladies who either got divorced or never found a guy. They're usually weird or nuts.

Ok, thanks desu

I'll tell you plenty of college-aged people use it, in heavily urban areas

Have you ever had any wins? Like they send nudes instantly?

uh, no? women are people. like, get that idea down and you're on the right path. they're people, except you can bang them.

would you send unsolicited nudes to strangers? really think about it.

Well I wasn't sure, thanks for the explanation though

no problem at all. the road from kissless virgin to normie is long and paved with a lot of self-discovery and work. but hey it's worth it. I'm not a normie myself, but god knows I try.