>r/tv/ - television and film
>people talk about movie and cinema
R/tv/ - television and film
>r/tv/ - reddit tellevision and film
> people talk about joyint flick and kino
>going to Reddit
>post pepes on Sup Forums
>people calling you a dumb frogposter
dumb frogposters
>Sup Forums
>its just a subchan for redditors from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /reddit/
>Sup Forums - television and film
>people only talk about capeshit game of thrones and black dicks
>still acts like they have better taste than everyone else
What did he mean by this?
my god, it's almost like both reddit and Sup Forums are frequented by different people with different opinions
>r/tv/ - television and film
>people talk about kino and toov'uah
dumb frogposter
Found the redditor
Only something a redditor would say.
>/comfy/ frogposting thread
>add new rare frog to my collection
>shots of Rio skyline
>Mas Que Nada starts playing
What did he mean by this?
they're calling u a homosexual
>People talk about their failed marriages