If you could have any superpower what would it be?

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Would you use it for good or bad?



id use it for my own gains and after amassing enough wealth id just buy an island and fuck off to never be seen again.

id probably have super speed or time control

Something akin to being able to manipulate light and make it a physical thing or something

Stop time

so any character from dragonball z?

Green Lantern?

The power to control everything, with this power i would reform society into a utopia, and introduce an alien race closer to earth so we can have intersteller warfare.

Have this dude's ability. Plenty of ideas in store.

Yeah, but I don't want to have to wear a ring or recharge it

There are so many to choose from so it's really hard
reality altering, time control, telepathy, telekinesis, speed, teleporting, invisibility, flight, invincibility, and much more.

If it's just one power I'd choose teleporting or telekinesis, they just seem to be the most fun.

I wouldn't use it for bad nor good, I'd use it for myself, besides, good and bad is just perspective. Also I wouldn't hurt people, probably mess with them though.

nah, more like

either shape shifting or super speed

I can't decide between telekinesis or telepathy.

Immortality till i wanted. Just would be an endless watcher of the human race , and when the moment comes , i'd kill myself.

Why Quicksilver? He's a worse Flash.

The power to stop fagts posting on Sup Forums

It would be over-powered user.

Whatever Goku can do would be nice.
If I had to pick just one it would be the ability to fly.

cool gif, i can control the direction of the cubes by blinking.

Like it matters?

Vector manipulation
I would use it to manipulate vectors

Same here , but i can control it by looking at it's diferents corners.

Wanna be best friends?

I don't really need superpowers and what do you think.

Flash is quite literally a speed god and can bend space time with his speed. Quicksilver is just really fast.

Depends on how fast you want to run.

I would have the power to minipulate molecules. Like molecule man pretty much. That power has endless bounds if used right. I use it for good but most for my own benifit.

I want ice powers so I could usher in a new ice age.

Within milliseconds