>Dumbledore also speculates that Voldemort may have gained his hideous appearance by undergoing dangerous magical transformations.
Why did he go through those transformations? There was literally no benefit at all. He wasn't stronger, or faster, or more resistant to magic because of them.
Anybody would prefer to look normal instead of a pale, bald, red eyed freak with no nose.
And it would be much easier to get followers if you look normal. Tom Riddle was dumb, like really fucking dumb. He was a prodigy in magic but his IQ was probably like 90.
Maybe it helped him survive ripping his soul in half 7+ times
Lincoln Jones
I believe his body changed because he created the hocruxes. He was literally splitting his soul apart and it disfigured the vessel the soul was once in.
Lucas Kelly
>Tom Riddle was dumb, like really fucking dumb
Of course.
He actually thought if he and his buddies invaded the human world they'd win and not get gunned down in ten seconds.
Jackson Rogers
I always thought he had a normal body, until it was destroyed when he got rekt by Harry Potter the first time.
The snake like body looked like a result from the ritual in goblet of fire
Chase Thomas
Voldemort knows what guns are and what other weapons muggles have. He can easily mind control any muggle he wants and create a fortress undetectable by muggles.
Liam Lewis
>picture of michael jackson
Sebastian Brooks
>mfw in the first movie they couldn't even be arsed to give Voldemort a slit nose Bravo People get really mad if you say these soulless cash grabs are soulless cash grabs
Austin Hughes
Yeah and it still would be one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though "No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Justin Rogers
he wanted fake boobs obviously
Jaxon Russell
are you fucking retarded? he used very dark magic, often on himself, which resulted in his monstrous appearance he didn't transform himself with the intention of gaining that appearance
Juan Ross
Voldemort looked normal until he died. Then when he was resurrected, he got appearance resembling his horcruxes, because the last part of his own soul died. So he looks a bit like snake a bit like... well a book a ring you know. Basically snake.
Julian Morales
Very good bait, user HOWEVER
Zachary Flores
>People get really mad if you say these soulless cash grabs are soulless cash grabs Thats how it works with trash still riding only on nostalgia mate star wars, hp, lotr, the list goes on
Justin Brown
>shakespeare below steinbeck and hemingway ok.png
Benjamin Anderson
>go to 10 Downing Street >use imperio on the security guards to get inside >use imperio on the prime minister >>get prime minister to give you access to the United Nations >imperio every world leader
gets it, literally one person with basic magical training could easily conquer the whole world
Chase Morgan
star wars 1 (a new hope/return or whatever it was called) was alright.
Hudson Davis
>implying magic trumps tech or weaponry
Oliver Scott
Of course magic is better. The wizards can fucking TELEPORT to wherever they want. That alone is a huge advantage.
Cooper Russell
Mainly it was making multiple Horcruxes.
Voldemort might have also worked to enhance his durability. Being immortal is nice but not so great if a stray spell can destroy your body and turn you into an almost powerless spirit. I like to think that only his own Killing Curse, amplified by Harry's protection, was able to destroy his body.
Daniel Watson
He was the Stephanie Mayer of his day.
Aiden Parker
Not without wands or some other bullshit
Caleb Gray
yeah because carrying a wand is somehow worse than lugging around the shit in this picture
Jackson Thomas
I've said it once and I'll say it again, a sherman could wreck voldermort's shit
Hunter Ross
LOTR movies were genuinely good but I haven't seen The Hobbit nor do I have any desire too.
The HP movies were always cash grabs.
Alexander Mitchell
Muggles can nuke Hogwarts.
Guns are faster than wands, mate.
Chase Ramirez
He actually didn't look like this before he was nearly killed. " Voldemort had entered the room. His features were not those Harry had seen emerge from the great stone cauldron almost two years ago: They were not as snake-like, the eyes were not yet scarlet, the face not yet masklike, and yet he was no longer handsome Tom Riddle. It was as though his features had been burned and blurred; they were waxy and oddly distorted, and the whites of the eyes now had a permanently bloody look, though the pupils were not yet the slits that Harry knew they would become. He was wearing a long black cloak, and his face was as pale as the snow glistening on his shoulders."
Logan Torres
Hogwarts in unplottable. Muggles would never be able to find it. They have spells that can make you forget why you were even there and even ones to control people. Imagine world leaders that are just puppets.
Joshua Ward
Lotr and star wars was shit only fellowship was decent enough. But as movies the pacing is horrendous
Eli Cook
This was the quote I was thinking of. All his dark arts messed up how he looked, but he didn't look truely inhuman until he was ressurected.
Andrew Gutierrez
A competent military force that had knowledge a magic army were coming would probably slap their shit pretty quickly.
But in the books Muggles were more or less portrayed as incompetent and stupid assholes who couldn't do anything. There was that scene in the sixth book where they were meeting with the Prime Minister and he was basically a bumbling Barney Fife begging the good wizards to magic everything away.
Dominic Reed
>Apparate to the army general's office >"Imperio" >"Tell your military to go home" >"Ok sir"
Easton Gutierrez
>Voldemort looked normal until he died.
No he didn't, read the interview chapter in HBP.
Also, any muggle supremacist in this thread is retarded. Wizards in HP are OP as fuck, they can literally repel all muggles with a simple protection spell.
Ethan Wright
They wouls get their shit wrecked. Wizards would curse the thames, sick magical creatures on the civilians to create chaos. Then when parliment and the pm are all in their pajamas apparate inside or impersonate or control bosy guards while killing ir stunning others until they kidnao the prime minister and either control him with the imperius curse or make pollyjuice potion. Enact martial law, tell the civilians you have special magic defensive buildings and just kill them in mass when you round them up. It wouls have been easy. The hard part was voldemort crippling and controlinghis own population and wizard society which he did pretty well.
This how thick can someone get
Daniel Sanders
As if he would just walk up to the general without getting shot
Lincoln Evans
Teleportation doesn't mean shit if you don't know someone's about to shoot you because they're sniping at you from a mile away or raining artillery onto your position.
Asher Morris
Sniping doesn't mean shit when you can't even find your enemy or see him.
Stop baiting. If you seriously believe this you don't even know the franchise.
Cameron Watson
These fucking memes
Read wizards would be stealth and only do what's needed but they can impersonate anyone officer included
Luke Long
>Magic is OP >A bunch of Death Eater were repelled by the equivalent of high school students without managing to kill a single one
Maybe the Death Eaters are just incompetent as fuck. Even with plot armor that's pretty embarrassing.
Jordan Cook
Are you serious? Dark wizards have a tendency to go full retard and reveal their power levels out of hubris in the books, the second that happens Voldemort is grey matter on pavement and is floating around looking for one of his horcruxes.
Christopher Long
Was that English?
Isaac Perry
To be honest they werent trying to kill them unless they had to. In the ministry I mean
Xavier Peterson
I get what you're saying, but Tom Riddle himself was a huge showman. He would try and invade the human world in the flashiest way possible to show how better he is than Muggles. He was arrogant as fuck and would probably consider stuff like sneaking around and playing "dirty" to be beneath him. Stealth would be the last option in his book.
Andrew Hill
Only when they are fighting other wizards voldemort and purebloods hate muggles they would do it without question and be professional about it to wipe them all out when given the chance. They duel and talk shit to other wizards because why not
Hudson Stewart
Voldemort was barely ever seen in public. He wouldn't just hang around muggles. Even wizards didn't know how to find him, let alone muggles.
Camden Sanchez
You're fucking retarded, most of his actions are stealthy and sneaky, that's the whole Slytherin motto, and he almost never goes out in public. He didn't even reveal himself after taking control of the Ministry.
Jose Miller
You can understand the typos..I misspelt one or two words entirely but the jist isnt nonsense
Hunter Lee
nah dawgs this is just cos voldy was only a few horcruxes in. By that stage voldemort wasn't even trying to openly take over magical britain. By the time he went to try and kill harry he was full snakeman
Owen Hughes
That's because there were still people in the Wizard world that were a threat to him at the time. Once he thought all of his obstacles were out of the way he went full on parade float.
As much as he fucking hated Muggles there's no way he would give them the same respect at first.
Logan Roberts
There are flashbacks in the books that mention him getting bald and paler, so no, he just slowly changing his appearance. The reason was because he messed with dark magic.
Cameron Collins
Do you really think they'd stop after they defeated all the good wizards and not just march into the street and declare their supremacy over muggles? It would be completely consistent with their characters. They were all unhinged and had no problem revealing themselves when they were confident in their victory.
Jose Gutierrez
Stealth was what he did in the book and it worked until the battle of hogwarts. He had control of the ministry easily. He would be stealthy and Snakey. He's cunning firstly
Alexander Cooper
They would take over the pm they know who he is and would make the population do anything or declare martial law and kill them
Joseph Price
>That's because there were still people in the Wizard world that were a threat to him at the time. Once he thought all of his obstacles were out of the way he went full on parade float.
He only went "full on parade float" when he realized Harry had most of his Horcruxes. He also grew up in London during world war II, so he knows what muggle weaponry can do.
>Do you really think they'd stop after they defeated all the good wizards and not just march into the street and declare their supremacy over muggles?
They won't stop, but they won't just go out like that. They'll take over the muggle world by stealth just like they did with the Ministry of Magic. Basically your entire premise about "muggles fucking up wizards" stands on the wizards just letting them.
Joseph Campbell
That tier list kill yourself you contrarian waste of life.
Nathan Ramirez
>harry potter faggots still think magic could take over the entire world >every thread is like this
Camden Smith
This he was also only full on parade float in the cemetary because why not
Levi Carter
Wizards are a very slim portion of the human population, you're saying all of this like they're infallible. Wasn't Bellatrix Lestrange killed by Ron's mom because she was cocky and slipped up? There's absolutely nothing that indicates that a bullet wouldn't be just as instantaneous and lethal there.
Caleb Howard
Tearing his soul apart disfigured his body.
Ryder Martinez
it would very easily. All the security measures we currently have are based to deter human threats and not magic
Evan Lee
Wizards could essentially wage an invisible war on the larger human population fairly easily.
How would anyone even know if Wizards infiltrated and replaced the upper echelons of every major political and military structure in the world?
Ian Myers
>hes so facefucking retarded he doesn't know we are talking about specifically london because that would be all you would need Nobody is talking about taking over the world but a world war against wizards would be stupid you think the world would so that for britian? After its fallen? They would do nothing
Rons mom was a very skilled witch. She wasn't an idiot. There are hundreds of proper wizards which could ereck havok like I said by controlling and apparating etc
Eli Foster
>Expecting anything more from retards with low IQs lmao
Blake Ramirez
There's no spell to take bullet out of your body user. Eventually any wizard would get capped.
Jace Hill
Well now you're just talking about any hypothetical shadow organization so it's a moot point. The point wasn't Ron's mom, it's that dark wizards aren't all infallible killing machines.
Matthew Williams
You're assuming muggles in the upper echelons of leadership do not know about wizards. If you really think wizards can do the shit they do and keep it all under wraps, think again.
Owen Cook
I don't know what kind of battle you think they'd be fighting but you're talking like wizards who can turn into animals and other people plus teleport and control other people would be trying to fight an actual batrle and not dismantling london from the inside
Gabriel Fisher
It was shown that Wizards were in contact with the Prime Minster of England. There's no reason not to assume that the other world leaders were aware of their presence as well.
Even if they weren't, if shit really started going down they'd probably be told about it as quickly as possible. It's not like the good wizards would just sit around after England falls and go "well, the world is fucked now."
Brandon Johnson
We know about meteors too, but if one was about to smash our shit it doesn't mean we could do anything about it
Ayden Price
I described earlier how the pm could be controlled in one night if need be. Martial law.
Bentley Martinez
But Voldemort can A) Blow it up B) Teleport inside and kill the operators C) Cast an illusion charm resembling himself over another tank, so all the tanks eventually kill each other
and like 50 other things. No, if he was smart all of his advantages would make him ruler of Earth.
Also remember that electronic (i.e. digital) devices "go haywire" when exposed to a strong magical area like Hogwarts. So most modern weaponry, i.e. everything with an integrated circuit, is useless.
Jeremiah Gray
>turn into animals I forgot that animals were impervious to bullets. Also >wizard defectors teaching muggles wizard tactics and weaknesses to incorporate into their asymmetrical warfare strategies
Gabriel Sullivan
>Voldemort will never win and start wizard WW2 to purge the world of magicless normies
Aiden Lee
>implying there are no ultra sekret government magic agencies
It'd be like Voldermort vs James Bond only James Bond would be a magic user.
Shit, I'd watch that.
Ryder Morales
> It's not like the good wizards would just sit around after England falls and go "well, the world is fucked now."
>your ministry is infiltrated by voldy >your top school is run by voldy puppet Yeah senpai im sure they would inform them in a timely manner
Noah Cooper
Wasn't it just a consequence of maiming his soul so much?
Justin Thomas
I would be more worried about the magical creatures, to be honest.
I don't think a gun is going to do much against a spooky ghost that can drain you of positive emotions.
Aiden Sanders
Jesus christ. It wouldn't even be a declared war. The wizatds could control the uk gov and act like they've come to terms with the wizards and everything is hunky dory again.Voldemort and others can live in isolation and the wizards can do what they please to muggle society
Blake Anderson
I dislike your gif.
Adam Carter
So, you are saying wizards are Muslims?
Easton Sanders
Cameron Butler
Why is harry potter so bad throughout the whole thing? Why didn't rowling learn how to write at all during how many ever years it took to finish?
Joshua Scott
Yes isn't it fucked.
Except they can't even do magic
Daniel Rodriguez
>It goes over perfectly whenever democratic leaders go full despot No. At least in America, I think within the first week their would be assassination attempts. The PM could no longer be a public figure, or at least not one without an enormous security apparatus.
Wizards are not planet-killers, Jesus. They're flesh-and-blood humans with supernatural abilities, and most of them are jack shit without a wand.
Luis Robinson
Ryder Powell
>the UK government Well there's your problem right there, the wizards have already infiltrated and disarmed you. Don't abscond, bin that wand. >declared war I don't think you understand the nature of armed resistance. I was trying to find a good gif of someone using one of those .577 T-Rex rifles but I couldn't find one in 2 minutes so I gave up.
Cameron Richardson
Not only that but they are limited by their imagination/writer's imagination.
Joseph Peterson
I'm american we aren't talking about america british wizard don't want to live there
Evan Howard
I watched that for like 2 minutes nursing my fiery erection, for nothing. What the fuck.
Ian Myers
Pretty sure you could protego bullets, not to mention more advanced shield charms.
Michael Hill
Yeah but we know there's an America with American wizards. Unless Voldemort was content with leaving an entire continent of wizards alone, they would be drawn into the conflict eventually.
I'm American so I can say for sure, if the American president went full gonzo and instituted martial law, it's unlikely rednecks would be happy.
Leo Butler
>I was trying to find a good gif of someone using one of those .577 T-Rex rifles but I couldn't find one in 2 minutes so I gave up.
I wonder how strong a wizard shield is. How many kilonewtons does it take to overwhelm a wizard shield? Would a high-powered armor-piercing 7.62 do it? Grenades? ICBM?
Camden Bell
because shes the female stephen king/georgeo martin
Justin Wright
I don't know. What the single most destructive spell they showed in the series? And I don't mean something like one of the unforgivable curses. I mean in terms of raw firepower.
I think the biggest thing I remember is someone summoning a dragon made of fire in the fifth book.
Angel Perez
It really depends on how strong the plot is.
Charles Collins
>"Life is short and one must not waste time reading what is bad" >"So I'll be a good sheep and read whatever people say it's good and I will never in my life make a judgement of my own."
I bet my nuts 98% of /lit/ is absolutely incapable of judging a book on their own without going online and seeing what other people say about it.
Julian Cook
You could use the weakest attack spell combined with a time spell to pretty much destroy anything and everyone.
Parker Hughes
Why the fuck do people always talk out their ass in HP threads? Is it an inferiority complex? Jealous of Wizards? Voldemort is one of the most insidious and successful villains ever, got taken out by pure fucking Mary Sue luck and happenstance. Before that he had complete control over the government in a matter of three years. Combine that with a massive knowledge of magic and the fact that shield spells, invisibility, the ability to make muggles retarded just by being in the vicinity of magic, and of course the magic that makes mundane objects move out of the way of magic ones (Grimmauld Place, Knight Bus) is ALL canon I'm sure it's nothing to stand downrange and let the bullets fling uselessly at him. He also grew up in the muggle world in London during WW2, no fucking way he's just up and forgot about muggle warfare.
Joseph Allen
The shitposting in harry pottter threads is at maximum velocity