How do i stop getting depressed about how fucked up this world is...

how do i stop getting depressed about how fucked up this world is? im always thinking of the struggles people have to endure in a life they didnt ask to have. ive always been a sensitive little cunt since i was a kid. i would always cry when someone got the shit beat out of em on wwe wrestling and when animals would get torn apart on animal planet lol. i just think about other peoples problems and feeling too much. can anyone relate? >inb4 stop being a pussy normie fag
also feels thread i guess

>learn to greentext first

>Like this? xDDD

>implying i was trying to greentext

Find people like you. You're maybe only one in a hundred at most. You are a fragile little snowflake and a faggot, there's no changing that. But believe me, there is room for you in the world, just not doing the same shit or being just like the rest of humanity.
There is a while set of skills you're going to have to learn to be able to live along side of "normal" people this shit world. Trust me. If you don't you're going to an hero.
Snowflake faggot here too. AMA.

thank you man. screenshotting this for further reference

Having a big heart is a blessing, learn to control your emotional energy instead of having it control you.

You dont need to cry over other peoples problems, your probably overly sympathising because your thinking about how you would be reacting in that situation, but people are tougher then you think give them some credit, also the majority of fucked up situations humans get into they got there by choice.

Pretty much stop being a little bitch worrying about everyone else all the time and think about your own wellbeing for once.

You're just sympathetic, OP. Nothing wrong with that. Hey, now that you've felt the feel. You'll be more prepared to walk the feel. Take up a cause, help the downtrodden, help the miserable. God speed, Sympathy-user.

thanks Sup Forumsros

I remember crying a lot and being real sensitive when I was younger. Over time, constant resentment and disappointment became a common theme in my life, and I sort of stopped caring so much and became generally bitter. I show my feelings when it matters immediatel, but keep to myself otherwise.

Np bro, dont worry your not alone, there are plenty of other people like you in the world, and although we dont fit in and are often ostrachised we are actually very important.

There are perks to being highly sensitive, our intense connection to emotional energy, once trained, can bring you alot of peace, bliss and joy that most people wont understand.

Try meditation and tuning into your emotions dive as deep as you possibly can into them, they will give you the lessons you need to grow and be where you want to be.

im with you, faggot

I was a VERY sensitive child. I started acting for a while-- being so affected by other's emotions makes us good for this craft, but after a while of dealing with horrifying entertainment people, I quit.

Now I just work a job I like in a crazy city full of crazy people and wish I could just live in the mountains with dogs.

I've also become bitter after failed relationships with women, in while I fall hard and fast, then become devestated when it ends. It sucks, but my emotions control me, its how I was designed.


Remember: There are three possible reactions to the world being fucked up. You can get depressed. You can get zen, change what you can and accept what you can't.

Or you can get PISSED. THE. FUCK. OFF.

Let that shit FESTER in your gut. Let the RIGHTEOUS WRATH build from it. There are twice as many vacant houses as homeless people in the US. WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE STILL HOMELESS PEOPLE THEN? We have a level of affluence that other countries would beg for. THEN WHY IS THERE STILL HUNGER? We could literally feed every person in the world (at least enough to ward off starvation) with a middling tax to the top 0.01% of earners in this nation. WHY DON'T WE?

Let yourself SEETHE that this shit can go on today. Let yourself RAGE against the idiocy, against the grayfaces, against the sheer lack of SLACK in this world.

Then go out and fuck some shit up.

Find the dens of inequity and stupidity and RUIN THEM. Slip in among them, pretend to be just another face in the crowd, learn how the system works... then break it. And watch it burn.

We'll take care of building the new tomorrow atop the ashes.

And remember - the Wise Spag throws his wrench and runs. Getting away with it means STAYING away from it.

become an hero?

Some people and controlled by their mind.
Some are controlled by their emotions.
Some are controlled by their sex organs.

Free will is an illusion.

Also to the over sensitive bros that get dissatisfied with the world and want to leave and go to the mountains and live in solitude, start meditation, the inner world is so much more appealing to us than the outer.

Not as sympathetic as OP, but had a similar problem. I couldn't understand why is there so much pain in this world. Positive feelings were a nonsense to me; some form of betrayal of human kind. However, I found a solution when I became christian. Learning more about it and God made me understand how does reality work and why does it look like this; although it was helpful only to some extent, it gave me a better idea of myself as a part of this system. When being a witness of any evil or injustice - whether it's happening right on your eyes or just in a movie in your TV - you can just pray and please God to save people from their suffering, believing that your kind request won't be in vain. Although people search for a similar way to achieve peace in different religions, they will get it only partially, because they are, well, false.

Either this or with time you might become an emotional wreck, just like I did before.

i disagree with this. having lived it, I disagree.

Or maybe I was doing it wrong. Good luck righteous wrath user.

take the MBTI. im willing to bet youre a faggot INFJ. you guys are such whiney little bitches. youll probably find more info there to help you in your quest to becoming a giant vagina

>inb4 stop being a pussy normie fag

>implying i told you to stop
go cry about it, bitch boii. ill be over here fucking your wife because women like INTJ masterminds like me that dont feel the sun come up every morning

*tips fedora*

nothing personnel, faggo

try sucking a log of shit from andy sixx's asshole


this is bait. people like you deserve to get bullied for thinking youre so much better than everyone. if you actually gave a shit about peoples suffering you would be out doing something to change the world instead of coming to fagchan to feel better about yourself for having le epic good values. you white knights make me sick

thanks for the input

how does this make you FEEL, princess? i bet youre too much of a bitch to even watch it

pls source on that vid

on mobile, cant watch webms :)

hope you have nightmares and kys

have you tried taking drugs?

thanks boss

Apathy my friend, it is a beautiful emotion.

many times

Second this

If my dick was three inches longer and had some girth i would facefuck every human female i come into contact with until my dick fell off or they died

Bearing that feeling even though it tears you apart is beautiful. You have to suffer to be a good person and nobody will give it a second thought. There's nothing normal about the way you feel because sadly the people we live with don't have such complex thoughts. Suffer with me and we can find something worth suffering for.

Damn user

i love this thank you :)

Can confirm.
I am like that too.

Quit giving a fuck tho.

I am still touched deep down somewhere, but that is overshadowed by the tremendous edgyness I reflect back into this shitshow of people that are out there in whatever name.

I work very hard on myself daily, and that is what keeps me going.
Hang in there. Or don't.

Youre an empath. It's better than being a psychopath like me. I wonder what other kinds of paths their are...

The Christian god can only be a lover, not a creator. No loving being would make such horrid suffering.

>Mfw Christians shrug off WW2

>what is free will?
>what are consequences?
>can a man learn?
I'm not even christian but I think you got some things twisted here.

this is fucking great

God damn it

Look at that dog getting tortured and raped that that faggot posted up above. Fuck you if you think that scenario was made possible by a loving being.

sauce? imma need that name now.

Did you just watch Fight Club?

Don't get me wrong. I like what you are saying. But feels like I am way too disappointed with the world to give a fuck.

mayli wang. it was part of what made me start this thread shes so cute n she got demolished and i wondered...why? what has she gone through to get at this point? so i did some research because of how emotionally invested i get into things and found out she did it to get back at her parents for something. now shes living as an artist in new york and continuing with her life but i know her dark past and how she has to live with that. im such a pussy lol

thats also another thing that happens to me i think about struggles people went thru and how hard it must have been i feel so sorry for them but theyve gotten past it and probably dont even think about it anymore.

OP, Google 'Faith in humanity restored'. It's not all shit yet.

hey who's the girl

read above

Well obviously it was a Man who did that.
Which is kind of the whole point, you see.

u can cure depression by watching mayli's greatest work over and over again

god she is hot, how could u be depressed after knowing such hotness exists for us to fap to?


threads about to die thanks everbody keep your head up

no, people have to deserve exactly what they get, otherwise I can't feel self-righteous.