Your daily reminder that homosexuality and transsexualism is a mental illness, and a scourge on society

Your daily reminder that homosexuality and transsexualism is a mental illness, and a scourge on society.

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Fun fact: Negative Reinforcement can help suppress deviant actions such as criminal behaviors, antisocial behaviors and of course, homosexuality.

caring how other people go about their business is simply put a silly way to spend your time.

Telling a transexual that their lifestyle is normal and heroic is like telling a schizophrenic that the voices in their head are real, and that each of them should have equal civil and voting rights.

shitty bait

Daily reminder if you cared this much about your own sex life you might actually have one

not like they think they are normal. Being transexual feels pretty fucking weird and alien.

I'll stop caring about them when the local tranny wants to shower with my daughter at school because it makes them uncomfortable not to, and that her discomfort with it makes her a bigot.

Because the discomfort of the many is insignificant to a group of mentally ill whiners.


Oops. wrong one. meant to post this.

The trannies and fags wanted everyone to pay attention to them. That's why they had all the protests and the parades won't shut up about their sexuality which is apparently "very personal and private", so much so they won't shut the fuck up about it. Ever. And then they wonder why people won't mind their business.

"Pay attention to us, but only if it's with positions we agree with/support us."

quite the generalization. IF you were a minority group that was often killed or there were laws limiting your rights, wouldn't you do something about it?

"I don't know why people dislike gay people so much. They're just normal people like you or me. They're not sexual deviants."

"What's the worst that can happen if we let gays marry? It can only get better for everyone if our beautiful lifestyle is validated. The people who say it's a slippery slope are grossly exaggerating"

And we saw yet again with Milo: gays are pedophiles

Maybe. Or maybe I'd take the majority's explanation under advisement and say "huh. everyone is saying that we're mentally ill. Instead of protesting the psychiatric conference of the DSM II because they say our sexuality is a mental disorder, maybe I could support finding a treatment or a cure."

But that didn't happen. With the support of Masters and Johnsons dodgy research (and methods), and endless harassment of the review board, the board relabled homosexuality as a sexual deviance simply to get them to shut up.

And homosexuals and other "oppressed" groups learned that while you COULD make a scientific case against available evidence, an emotional outburst will win every time.

Gay pride rallies and people shoving homosexuality in your face like this is a reactionary retaliation due to people like you making it hard to be gay. If you didn't get upset about this, they wouldn't do it.

tl;dr they do that because you don't like it

>a scourge on society

Precisely. They're all barley contained child molesters. They're like an army of Jerry Sanduskys.

ITT: self-hating closeted bisexual men

Then they'll continue to get hit. You think it was bad in the 80's and 90's? Under Trump he's going to bring back a whole new era of putting the cumchuggers back in their closets.

I see what you are saying for sure. the thing is being homosexual or transgender doesn't negatively effect your life unless you let it do so.

trans i can understand but whats wrong with being gay?
I mean you've probably fapped to lesbian porn before so whats wrong with homosexuality?

And there it is. The defacto response to any argument against gays. "If you don't like gays, you must be a closeted self hating case".

See, homophobia is a bit of a misnomer. There's no fear. Sometimes, people just hate you. Because you won't shut up. Or stop having parades. Or shoving your fag porn into peoples faces. Sup Forums used to be a wholesome beautiful place full of terrible, terrible things. Then the fags came and now it's nothing but trap threads, cum tributes and rate my dick.

Fags invade, infest and destroy. And in the new era, we're going to do shit that makes Matthew Shepard look like a frat hazing.

Degeneracy effects us all user.

if ya don't like it go to Sup Forums.
that simple

My god, I used to try and tell people that homosexuality was a choice and I got TOLD it was absolutely NOT a choice. Why would anyone put themselves under such scrutiny, such criticism from society?

I humbly admit that I was mistaken. I have seen the light. It is indeed a mental illness, a genetic mutation they simply cannot help.

It's not a scourge on society.
They usually pay taxes (at least the gays), they do whichever job fits them and they don't reproduce.

Howard Stern lesbians. Lipstick lesbians. Actual lesbians are just a bunch of tubby bulldykes.

Like I said, if gays did their shit behind closed doors and kept it there, it'd be fine. But they don't. They want everything to be out in the open.

And then that lifestyle is okay.

Then the trannies say "hey we're normal too! we want to shower in the same place as your children"

And they do, and everyone applauds and claps and then that becomes normal.

And then the genderfluids come and say "if you don't call me by my ever-changing pronouns, I will sue you". And then that becomes normal.

The conservatives were right. It's a slippery slope. And the best way to stop this is to start the beatings again until the fags and trannies and xe/xhirs/xershelfs learn to keep their yaps shut.

They are the living embodiment of giving an inch, taking a mile.

Often killed and limited rights, eh? I'd swear that you were talking about black people from back in the day who faced actual oppression, not a bunch of attention whoring queers who simply want to believe they are being oppressed. I couldn't imagine what it must be like for groups of people who faced real discrimination when they watch some flamboyant retard marching in a pride parade. I don't recall a time when a gay man was only considered 3/5ths a man.

calling something degenerate is labeling what you believe to be the correct or proper way to be. It is a simple ploy to hold authority over someone else.

Attempting to sum up all of human experience to good and bad terms is moronic, especially when these ideas come from organized religion, politics, and other authoritarian aspects of society. Giving in to these masters makes one weak willed and easily manipulated.

Child molesters pay taxes. They're still a scourge.

Truth is humans want the same basic rights. These other points and slippery slopes you are talking about are really over exaggerated opinions from message boards and news stations to distract from reality.

Or...stay with me here, because what i'm about to suggest might be slightly unpopular at the moment...OR...we could beat you faggot tranny lovers like baby harbor seals until you crawl back under the rocks you came from.

I kind of like that idea better.

A simple and effective ploy you degenerate bastard.

maybe if you have no brain haha. But really why do you care so much about this?

Yeah. Except it's also in the news. How many school districts are having to fight lawsuits because Mother and Father OverlyPermissive applauded their childs decision to become a woman (after wanting to be an astronaut, a dinosaur and a fire truck), and are now taking the school boards to court to force little Tranny JohnnySue to allow him to shower despite the discomfort of the people who were there first.

HIs mental illness trumps the majorities discomfort. Because if they're uncomfortable, they're obviously bigots, and not people who haven't been given a chance to deal with a new, totally unnatural and very foreign concept.


The trans population is extremely small. I will agree that the other kin and gender queer tumblr kids that are not diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria are annoying as fuck! Understand this though, once someone has been on hormones for awhile and is attempting to look as their desired gender most people in a bathroom would barely look twice and simply go about their business.

uh were on Sup Forums on the /b board

this whole site and this whole board are a scourge on society. lol's not the case.

a) The trannies don't look as much like women as they think they do
b) taking a shit is one thing. showers are another thing altogether
c) as each group has been accepted, they have always gone on about how annoying the other up-and-coming group is. Gays couldn't stand lesbians. Gays & Lesbians couldn't stand trannies. Trannies couldn't stand the kin and genderqueers. etc. Untilt hey're all accepted and normal society is sitting there saying "woah woah woah what the fuck just happened?"

And then suddenly since the minority groups feelings are more important than the majorities, the majority strikes back, sometimes with foolish gestures.

And that's how Trump gets elected.

Think it's overreaching bullshit? Think again:

You guys brought this on yourselves. The world ends in nuclear fire because you felt discomfort by not playing dressup and got angry when others wouldn't play "Let's Pretend" with you when you dressed up as a girl. Way to go, faggots.

You would all know, Trump is super gay.

yeah. But you know, if theres massive beatings of gay people, I'm sure Jeff Sessions will bend over backwards to prosecute.

You're absolutely right.

As a homosexual, I agree.