YLYL thread. Even though i'm old and consider threads like this cancer, i love a good laugh

YLYL thread. Even though i'm old and consider threads like this cancer, i love a good laugh.

Other urls found in this thread:








id let him suck my dick but thats about it.
















Haha I want every millenial to have their skull caved in by a baseball bat!


Doesn't change the fact that you're dying alone

> inb4 furries are rapists and not approachable and do not like children to play with them


Kill it with fire




Start soakin' them dentures ya fuck...ain't got time for raggity urine smellin' oldies that can't make a proper bowel movement.




/me shared

Why would anyone not think flying and shitting was possible ?

Niggers been swinging from trees and doing it for fucking hundreds of millions of years



dude becomes a chick at the end


anyone else notice the guy carpet bombs the lake just before he jumps in?


That's the joke.





anyone else notice even the sign that asks not to add "og" at the end of his name has had "og" added to the end of his name?




>the joke

not sure if cringe or ylyl

ru stupid

Did anyone else notice the mark his balls left on the snow??


I have that mug

just sayin

You assume that I've not completely annihilated my ego.
Have fun with your samsara nigger.



That's the joke...

tfw all phones are huge now

Go to sleep XXXOBI666IZZXXX

this would've been funny w/o the faggot caption

9gag watermark. Get. The. Fuck. Out.




lol'd because I hear that shit on the radio all the time





Yes, you inbred



lost lol


upload a smaller version next time, took too long to load



the dog ... lost

>you need smackin' down

anyone else notice this poster is a faggot who thinks he's funny?

Two sizes of shitty. Congrats.


I give her a year, tops

whats a nine gag?

Im not proud to admit these made me laugh

Prove it

got me

>it's not very effective

>Did anyone else notice the mark his balls left on the snow??

Yes dear, we all did.

my upload keeps failing what the fuck

kill urself


I nominate this guy to be the new people's champion of Sup Forums

>time flies when you're a faggot

