

Superman would, and has, butt slammed Hulk

Superman would, and has butt slammed Thor

There's not really anyone he couldn't butt slam. The handful who appear to have gotten the drop on him admit it's because he was nice enough to not turn their bones into baking soda

Thor , hulk , even fucking goku could take him to another planet or close to any sun where gravity is more powerful and fucking kill him. Superman got his powers only because earth is easier to live on than his planet ( forgot name )

Superman's power comes from the fucking sun, you want to telephoto him somewhere that has no sun, but goku would die too. No Dragon Ball wishes allowed.

>hasn't seen him destroy goku un both deathbattles.

>Thinking that deathbattles are accurate.
Goku wins.

Superman is the biggest faggot of all time.

Anyone with Kryptonite can buttslam him, you fucking weeb

Inb4 Saitama

The One Above All might win. I mean he can erase universes.

Superman and friends feared hulk so much they blasted him off earth to another planet

Thanos. Beyonder. Even fucking Batman.

Come on.

Superman is also the lamest most boring super hero ever created. He is what some 7 year old shitty kid would come up with when playing.

>but I am immortal!
>but I can shoot lasers!
>but I can fly!
>but I have super strength!

hulk could smash just about anyone if the fight pisses him off enough

Goku is a pussy. Deadpool can beat goku. Just attack goku when hes screaming for the next ten minutes.

The hulk would assrape Supes.

Not true, he can make himself immune to kryptonite. He has an enemy made entirely of kryptonite, that he beats all the time. Hell if Superman finds a Blue sun (I think that is the color) he can become a God, Superman Prime.

let me teach you the ways of Sup Forums newfriend

this is how you /thread


it's not polite to /thread your own post

Batman only wins because Superman is gay and does not want to kill him. Batman even admits to this Batman: "Me and Supes fucked once now he loves me."

So the only stupid weakness he has is not even a real weakness. How do people even like this OP character?

>That's not how Superman Prime works
>None of his enemies are made entirely of kryptonite

Tell me why anyone should listen to you if you clearly have no idea what you're talking about

He can't beat Jesus.

That guy has a 3 day respawn, plus, his dad is a mod so he could just ban hammer supes.

Superman could beat The Hulk if only the energy of The Hulk's father wasn't with him.


And this is precisely why superman is not a good or interesting story. They make him so ridiculously overpowered that no battle is ever a challenge. If they paint themselves into a corner and find Superman is about to lose, guess what? Turns out he has yet another power that will bail him out... it's sloppy, shitty, and uninteresting writing.

Really super heroes are far more interesting with few limited powers or no powers at all (Batman is probably my favorite of them), because these create situation where the story truly has stakes and the hero is capable of losing.

Whoever wrote superman originally should be sorry for it. It's like they were asking themselves how comic book heroes could be improved upon and their only creative answer was MORE POWERS.

Batman is boring as fuck, "Oh my parents died now I'm gonna be an emotional faggot my whole life". His Villains are what make him interesting.

Blame Jerry Siegel (original writer) and Joe Shuster.(original illustrator).

Isn't Superman like the first big superhero, and his comic is like 80 years old? You have to remember back then that comics were made for and only for children. You know that right?

Oh God... Jews created Superman... O.o

It all fucking makes sense now...

80th anniversary is next year! Holy shit,

go back to Sup Forums

How flash is.

Cant beat this villain? Run faster!
Cant beat alien villain? Dont worry, run faster.

Cant beat godly villain? Run faster.

Dr Manhattan
there are plenty of stupid OP characters
The One Above All

Deadpool would own them all tbh. Just 4th wall them. Win.

Hulk fucking Hogan

How about j'onn j'onzz? I think there was a story where he went crazy and soloed the entire league until they tagged in plastic man.
Dude has a bonkers power set.

Wouldn't want to post something other than porn on Sup Forums !

I just buttslammed superman by actually existing lmao

>There's not really anyone he couldn't butt slam.
You're trying way too hard to be funny.

andy sixx with the aid off ass/shit AIDS. andy sixx has more AIDS than all of AFRICA and SUPERMAN slept with lois lane so you know he knows about herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, zika and throat tonsils. (lois slept her way to the top so she had to start in harlem’s community journalism center...)


I'm sorry, only time I've heard of Supes being immune to Kryptonite is after spending thousands of years inside the YELLOW sun. What was it, 10k years? What the fuck ever. Chillaxing in the sun, apparently cures his cancer he developed from absorbing too much solar radiation. How that worked is beyond me. But still. That's the only time I've heard him immune to Kryptonite.