Hey this is not a joke, its real. I just had a missed call on my cell phone...

Hey this is not a joke, its real. I just had a missed call on my cell phone. It was from my friend who was sitting in front of me. The phone is dead in the kitchen. Can any intelligent people explain this? Or mystics? Mediums. Please post and help. This is the truth,, no trolling. Im shit scared right now.

Holy fuck just kill yourself you absolute pansy ass faggot OP

That's great. But fuck off

it happened i was there

Help me please, I don't know.

my fone was dead and i was in the other room when it happend

Fone. ....for fucks sake. But who was phone

its strange and just dont know how it could happen there was no one eles in the house

>then who was the phone?

Why didn't you just answer?

It happened because 100% of your experience of living is the result of your brain interpreting signals from peripheral nerves, and your brain can generate entire realities while you sleep. Stop believing bullshit is real.

You can spoof caller IDs

it didnt ring just came up with missed call

This is why I'm here. Thanks universal mind.


Lay off of the shrooms.

It was two people witnessed it. The other one is here. Its their phone. Not bullshit


That was the SysOp trying to rescue you from The Matrix. Answer next time.

I looked at my phone. It had a missed call message from 6:24pm. I checked the number and called it. Because here it doesn't tell you the called I'd. Just the number. And it was the number of the person I was sitting across from.. But their phone was in the kitchen . no call log on the phone at all. Believe me I wouldn't waste my time writing this shit as a fake fuck

sounds like a spoof call .. someone wanted to play a trick on you or pull a scam on you look up spoofing phone numbers.

Ok that's fucking weird . don't know the motivation

probably malfunction, why the fuck would it be a paranormal thing you asswipe

topkek for ancient forgotten meme

How would they know the person I'm with though. It was only 2 people that knew we were together. Us 2. Its fucked up

Of all the people in my phone. The person I was next to it called.

if it was a scam they probably just entered a random number and it turned out to be a friends number a coincidence.. i mean i couldn't tell you why that particular number showed up.. i think you are letting it freak you out more then it should .. If it still bothers you change your number.

fucking retard.

to OP, it was a delayed notification you moron.

A random number that happened to be the phone number of the person I was sitting next to....the mathematical odds.???? 1/99999999999 jeez

They didn't call me at all that day

its strange and it wasnt a prank how could it be when my phone was dead and i dont have another phone

its trippy never had ot happen before

Practicing Witch here, probably a phony call, it sent out a signal before it died by accident, or maybe it's your phone.

its because you are both homochildren, op.

By accident. Its never happened to me before


Technology's funny nig, but that doesn't mean improbably is impossible and therefore supernatural. While I believe there is a supernatural world to go along with ours, we should never jump to conclusions that what we see are phantoms and not distorted shadows of furniture or trees outside as one example.


Try 'Ghost Radio' app... you. Will. Freak.

I've had notifications get delayed by several days, sometimes more. Nothing new.

Accurate. And good grammar. The package