she is so misunderstood and underrated.
no oscar
>Clouds of Sils Maria
just frogscar
>Welcome to the Rileys
no oscar
why do they hate her? she's a sweet and talented girl.
Other urls found in this thread:
She's too pure for Jewlywood. She should have chose another profession.
Its because she is one of those crusty girls who smell all the time
There are people who still have Kristen as a waifu?
Why don't you all go back to 2009 where you belong?
She can't act for shit.
>same facial expression for every movie
>can't speak
Because she's super tip top qt in 2016? And now also an accomplished actress.
she looks rough as fuck. Like a former heroin addict.
Also she shit as an actor
>you will never sniff on her sweaty asshole
why live
It honestly pisses me off when redditors claim she won a "French Oscar". There is no French Oscar. There are the Academy Awards, and then some shitty French garbage no one knows about. Fuck you.
>a qt girl who looks like this
>Sup Forums hates her
what went so horribly wrong?
Seems like Sup Forums is only interested in underage girls now.
that french award is even more prestigious than the oscars
she looks like a sickly boy
That's fine, but if it's so prestigious then you should refer to it by name, and stop calling it "the French Oscars". The ACTUAL Oscars have seen her movies year after year and have never even nominated her flat ass.
I'lll proudly admit I'm a redditor if that makes me distance myself from Sup Forums which apparently hates Kstew.
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I'm not even a footposter but Jesus I could bury my face in those and die happy.
More of this 2bh
Looks like a smurf came on her eyes
/kris10/ is the biggest thread on the waifu board, mr. newfriend.
I wish /kstew/@/hr/ was good again ;_: I want to talk to my friends, I wonder what they're up to ;_; probably they're done with their studies and they don't come to post waifus on Sup Forums anymore ;(
>I'm glad u asked me out user
What do?
>implying you can "change" your waifu or like "dump" her
she chose me, its not up to me to change that
which place are you talking about, link ?
I wanna sniff those armpits.
seriously how can a girl be so desirable? I want her so fucking much.
the place I'm talking about does not exist anymore. Kristen threads on /hr/ degenerated into a raging hell of misery and despair.
bislut confirmed
which is awesome
I wish. Never before has there ever been a more cumable face than hers. She just screams "cum on my fez!"
>same facial expression for every movie
Wanting a female actors that speaks and has opinions that need to be heard. Disgusting degenerate.
I face fucked a girl with whore make up like this
it's so hot because it's basically "yea I'm a whore now fuck me"
we know the truth
Would you say you would Die Hard????
oh look it's that samefag anti kstew shitposter... must be fascinated too though to be here with us like every time... always the same paparazzi shitty pics, we got it faggot, why don't you show us your waifu ?
He probably doesn't even have a waifu. He never ever felt this feeling in his entire life, that's why he is so bitter.
>bald stoner dyke.gif
resentful looser
Official thread theme
I love this gif. She's so qt.
>Seems like Sup Forums is only interested in underage girls now.
That's because her smile is GOAT
>just shatter my heart into thousand tiny little pieces
she's too much, familio.
btw you guys I wanted to make a special kstew cut of that horror movie she was in, but without the shitty jumpscares, would you be interested ?
>so perfect loser has to spend his shitty life altering her beauty
wow, so much salt for not being chosen
it only reveals the ugliness of your soul, user, you seem in pain, I sympathise with you
How can anyone be this obssessed? Did she not respond to your Elliot Rodger styled, cheeto-covered fanmail and now u hate her 5ever?