What the fuck is wrong with wikihow.com?

What the fuck is wrong with wikihow.com?
Its more surreal then the onion and is real!

Typical picture on wikihow.

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=hitchhikers guide to the galaxy entries&t=ffab&ia=videos&iax=1&iai=sw9wMH62h7I

It's a wiki.



The pictures are extremely good.
Yet have this WTF feel to them.

like me

I don't remember wikipedia having articles like:

>How to start your own religion
>How to throw over a government
>How to summon cathulu and end all existence
>How to see if your cat like all animals worships our lord and savior SATAN

I think there is a special corner of humanity where instructional videos fall.

They are surreal beyond belief.
>I literally can not believe that this is not parody
>Even satire websites have no imagination to make this up

I remember there being a how to channel (not expertvillage) where they uploaded a video detailing how to pick fruit
>Find fruit
>Reach with hand

Who makes this?
It has a lot of budget in it.

Who makes this?
Its definitively not humans.

Post most bizarre pictures from them

Wikipedia is more or less properly moderated though, most wikis aren't.


This picture is memetastick on its own.
>I have seen some shit you would not believe
like the human is saying
>I'm fucking you in the ass today.

I've got a couple saved from when we had this thread on Sup Forums, will dump.





your ideas are contrived and boring

you suck





Pretty sure most of them are rotoscoped, which gives them that uncanny valley look.


this is what happens when you have 6 billion excess people on the planet


Im honestly intrigued but I imagine the images out of context are much more interesting that going to the actual site. Keep em coming.


because they hired a mongoloid artist. Its really bad.









all I got

I like this idea. A Sort of Aliens explain how humans do shit. Like a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy entry.

duckduckgo.com/?q=hitchhikers guide to the galaxy entries&t=ffab&ia=videos&iax=1&iai=sw9wMH62h7I


Forest animal is triggered!
Get ready to dual!

how did this get pass the censorship?

Ether this cat transcended mentally the limitations of reality or its a soles monster.
Possibly boat.


I have never seen a image that is the perfect reaction image for everything.

I'm using this now.

My life is complete.

>>How to start your own religion

You are not even operating on their level.
Get on their level.

>Spend time creating detailed drawings for article
>Article is onion levels of strange
>its not ironic
Seriously who is putting their time into this?

you're one of them

>6 billion
Not 7 billion.

In all seriousness do they have articles like
>How to suicide bomb?
>How to join ISIS?
>How to manufacture nuclear weapons?

What is the strangest how to they have?

Excess.... dumb shit.


its over 7 billion now.

You realize you can acces that websote yourself, right?

dem eyes

noice trips
also go to website yourself lul

Article is about starting a Star Trek based cult basing it on:
>Jonestown, the Heaven's Gate, and the Manson Family


You realize I want the best and most insane articles, right?


Trips have spoken now you must obey.


o fuq

I was pointing out there are 4 x5s.

congratulations, user
i am once again confused

Have you got that low of a self-confidence?

if Sup Forums was soccer and dubs & trips were the mexican wave then a similar level of 'we are so fucking bored we need to find a way to entertain ourselves' has been achieved, should make a Wikihow about that


wikihow.com/Act-Like-an-Assassin-(Assassin's-Creed) kek

I'm going to search how to wiki
>how to get trips on Sup Forums

Better than
>Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

wikihow.com/Make-Yourself-Pee Just in case you don't know how to do it

TT is literally what is the stupidest thing you can imagine and see if there is a wikihow article on it.
Diffident find a trips guide found this.

>How to Browse Sup Forums
wikihow.com/Browse-Sup Forums

I've got an idea.
go to different wikihows
cut the different image instructions steps together

>And by the way, murder is illegal in most parts of the world

>or if you are extremely unintelligent (unless you're browsing Sup Forums) you aren't qualified
they had me...
...aaaand they lost me

never in a million years would I ever think about typing into the search box
>How to Make Yourself Pee

Thanks user.
Is there a article on how to keep your hart pumping?


already lost so here you go

Anons from Sup Forums were fucking with it a few weeks ago. I assume ED and Something Awful crowds mess with it too.


WEW lads
>How to Breathe

I'm crying tears


.I'm laughing so hard right now.

moar liek
>i scrambled ur children for breakfast u bird bitch


How to FUCKING BREATHE, I swear, this site was made for and by retards

I'm not surprised there are stupid howtos
It takes minutes to write surreal articles.

The real question is why do these alien articles have professional illustrations?
Are the trolls this level of talented and dedicated?
Or did whoever makes the images (looks like the same dude) go over the article and say
>Yes I'm going to spend the next 3h making illustrations on the articles:
>How to Make Yourself Pee
>How to Breathe

Imo it's comedy gold, if you look at it from a certain point of view.

They are literally labelled by their context in the lower right.

That's amazing

I'm having trouble breathing right now.
I'm laughing so hard.


my sides have gone from infinity and beyond

To be fair I was unaware of this
>Clenching your fists and pumping your arms while you breathe can help to increase your oxygen intake and stimulate your circulation.

How does Wikihow work? Are the articles curated, or can anyone make their own?




Search how to baby
look at first how to
much keks