I want to become able to speak German fluently

I want to become able to speak German fluently.

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Even if you reach fluenty you will be cursed with a most funny accent for some time.

What denotes an American accent in German?

It sounds wobbly.

>speaking nazi


well, could be worst. You could have a german accent when speaking english.


I want Werner Herzog's accent.

I think there is like 10 different ways to say "I" and "the", and don't try immersion to learn, Germans don't want to hear shitty German and will speak English to you, good luck

Ich will es auch.

Why is Deutsch so fucking retarded, speaking like fucking Yoda and shit?

I wish I had just went straight to Arab or Turkish school instead of learning their Legacy language.

Only one way to i, 2 ways to say me

ah okay, lived there a while, go into store and as soon as I'd say "ich mochte....uh..." they would speak English, didn't learn much

Yeah, they do that here as well

Dutch? But that's German user

You won't have reached true expertise until you can not just fully understand this:
and express yourself similarly but also be deeply moved by it.

This better be bait

Ich kann nicht das lang aufmerksam sein, aber ich kann dies Lied herhören und verstehen

this is better youtube.com/watch?v=zTL0CM4dI3o

Frenchs did the same and I was there. I simply kept speaking semi broken French until they started answering in their language. Find some balls and be more adamant next time

*when I was there

>want to become able to
Wait until you can speak English fluently first.

Why can Germans no longer produce good music?

>Ich kann nicht das lang aufmerksam sein, aber ich kann dies Lied herhören und verstehen
Ich kann nicht so lang aufmerksam sein, aber ich kann dieses Lied hier hören und verstehen.

me too

you take that back

Absolutely hilarious, do you know of any more?

let's go a bit farther south youtube.com/watch?v=ghmQTUfijAk

Also verstehe ich die ersten beiden Veränderungen, aber warum sagst du hier hören statt herhören?

Reee overly dramatic crying of Old-Greens. Those child molesters were the worst.

Um, i couldnt understand him but was that a song about slinging shit fertilizer everywhere?

I want to learn GDR German?

yeah he sings in dialect, have a song in standard german youtube.com/watch?v=qJe3cdM7f1c

Don't you like that song? It's totally meant to be serious

hmm ist das ernstgemeint?

10 Euro für den Mist?

How do you find these?
Well of course it's serious, why wouldn't2 it be?

Just fishing some (yous)

GDR Deutsch is superior Deutsch.
I don't have 10 eur, but I can give you 10 macedonian dinars.

I don't know many such songs. I just saved some of those that I found over the years

It has a nonsense text. Well it is a bit like Trio but more hilarious.

That was actually meant for There is no thing such as GDR german. Only what those saxon retards speak.

Herhören passt nicht so recht in den Satz. Es bedeutet eher soviel wie gehorsam sein. Ich nahm deswegen an, dass du dich dort entweder nur vertippt hattest, oder versucht hast, nach dem, wie das Wort ungefähr klingt, zu schreiben. Aber wenn du einfach nur hören meinst, im Sinne von to listen, reicht es auch, einfach nur hören zu schreiben.

Well thanks for sharing. My german teacher plays some German rock before our classes; thinking of sending him these

Try this one here, good german pop music, well understandable I guess


Ich habe einfach "to pay attention" gemeint und mein Wörterbuch sagt, dass "herhören" bedeutet "to pay attention by listening"

do people really speak Niederdeutsch irl ?

found another highlight youtube.com/watch?v=0Nrp_TNsAl8
doesn't really have singing in it though

But that is actual music; i simply want to share a joke, thanks though

you would only use herhören as an imperativ. I couldnt pay attention that long would be "Ich kann mich nicht so lange konzentrieren"

There is no such thing as niederdeutsch, I think this a group of dialects. Some Regions have their regiolects.

Ah da habe ich auch etwas für dich


this is the cologne dialict

What about paying attention to something?

But does one even say in English "to pay attention to a song"? This doesn't sound right.

okay, can the local turks understan the german dialects?

auf etwas achtgeben, auf etwas aufpassen, etwas beachten

there is no 1:1 translation here. Well spoken German is quite specific about situations and how do you want say something. The tone.

English has many words, German has many ways to say something. Too bad, with intercultural mixing and influences from English these notions of german language are dying.

You can say pay attention to most anything. You could also say "i couldn't listen to it" but that would be really open ended as to why, but if you say "yeah i couldn't pay attention" it means it was boring. Plus the link was to like a video about some bullshit, which you can most definitively use to pay attention with


Not worse or better than normal german I guess. In Bavaria the turks speak german with bavarian sound. They get better educated down there. Quite irritating because many turks here just speak kanakspeak, a crooked form of german

That's not what he wanted to say. All these expressions mean taking care about something.

Ich konnte mich nicht darauf konzentrieren and then give the explanation why would be fitting best.

Ach so! Vielen Dank

du has
du has mich
du has
du has mich


ich danke du

ich danke dir

German accents are a cute! A CUTE!