Baseball is rigged

>108 years
>1-3 by game 4
>come back to win the World Series
>old guy retiring gets a home run
>0 for 4 makes an rbi

Seriously, if you can't see this "game" is rigged, you are retarded. Everyone wanted this to be an underdog story and they got it.

Baseball is rigged.

we all know.

>team wins 103 regular season games

Cubs are extremely unlikable and lucky, but can't say this is rigid.

Saying live events are rigged is intellectually lazy

Literally obvious from day one they were going to win. This shit was set up.

Shut up spic. You export shitty players.

Shit sport. Rigged



If you couldn't see this "win" you're a good goy


I hate boreball

>musical theatre isn't rigged

obviously scripted

aren't stadium seats basically empty nowadays? they desperately needed this


Cleveland was the underdogs, dumbass.

this shit was obviously set up from 100 years ago.
Chicago knows what it was doing, those cheeky bastards

Waiting 108 years to rig it for a team. Rigging makes more sense when all the owners aren't fucking plutocrats. Also 100 years would have sounded much better.

how could it be rigged? makes no sense? It's all luckswing, you can't write storylines and plan out events when the guys pitching over 100mph,

baseball is all luck, just swing and hope for the best. Not rigged though

Yep, exactly like the elections. The process has been rigged to ensure that donnie Drumpf wins the election in an underdog story. It's a fucking shame that Secretary Clinton will lose just because of the misogynistic kyriarchy in charge of our country.


why is this thread locked?

>this is what Clevland fans actually believe

>mexican intellectuals

>the team that was statistically favored by 99% of all analysts at the beginning of the season wins

It's not rigged, but it's no big surprise, either.

It wasn't the team, it was the way it happened.

Magic and passion and love don't exist, therefore this must have been scripted

>tfw two intelligent to think all US sports are not fixed

Nate Silver thought they would lose though.

they play 162 games a year, that's why so many stadium seats are empty on weekdays. it's always been like that, you can go look up some games from the 1960's when it was at peak popularity and you'll see the same thing.

>the Cubs have a weather machine they strategically deployed during game 7

Cubs winning is fat better marketing opportunity

Nobody would have gone out and bought an Indians jersey today if they had won. Do you realize how hard we are going to be inundated with these cubs players the next few years?
>every mt dew ad has Baez winking or some

Thank (((you))) for correcting the record!

That's kinda why I can't wait for Cubs fandom in about 5-6 years from now