Ok Sup Forums. This is only for curiosity, and not for anything else

Ok Sup Forums. This is only for curiosity, and not for anything else.

Say that you got a kitchen knife hidden inside your backpack. Your going to a school you don't really know about. Your goal is to injure or kill as many people in that school as possible before the police shows up. What's the best strategy to somehow achieve the greatest amount of victims.

Again, this is only for curiously, and not for any actual school stabbing.

wait for a conference or something, where all people are gathered in a theater and start from the back rows

Intresting strategies, thanks user.

OP is a serial killer

Liberate fuel from tanks and set fire.
Use the knife to make me a sandwich... kinda hungry

im disappointed in the human race

Depends, what kind of school? High school or elementary?

High school. More people.

Hide in the toilet and assasinate who comes in then hide the bodies in a cabin.

They'll see the bloods though.

Elementary, kids are helpless sheep

I'm going for a high school envirement.

(Not in real life)

Hide in women's bathroom during class, kill one by one as they enter then leave before the end of the period so you don't get a rush of people. Move on to the next bathroom and repeat

Why women's bathroom? I don't think they'll think it's someone on their period when there's too many blood.

get a gun. stupid. youd be better off with a baseball bat than a knife, or throwing big rocks at people, having a fifty pound bag full of rocks. youd be better off with an axe, or a scythe, or a sword or a bayonet. or a machete

Because they're smaller and easier to overpower, obviously.

I don't have access to a gun.

chef here. French steel < German steel < Japanese steel

go steal one faggot. plenty of houses have them.


How did you photoshop that?

I didn-- what??

You do know that 95% of people on this app just pull images off of other threads right?