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This is just the beginning. Trump Iis next!



Nate Silver does sports odds too you dipshit


he's a cubs fan tho

and to think he posted this as a joke 6 months ago...

Holy KEK

He's having a meltdown

could this faggot JUST himself any harder, everything he says becomes the exact opposite


>Nate Molybdenum

Holy shit please tell me that's real

His feed is fucking delicious.

It's real, just like Meme Magick.


NATE _____


Nate Silver does sports odds as well you fucking retarded Hillbot.

Trump will win


this is why we hate jews.

aluminum foil


aahahahahahahaha TWTW forever


At least he's finally accepted it.


What is this guy

This is what autsim looks like, Jimmy.

What did they mean by this?

A man who couldn't play sports

>The guy who runs the most pro-Trump poll aggregator on the Internet just blew his WS predictions.

>pro trump

What is this meme even called?

6 degrees of word seperation?

I wonder what this guy has to say about the election.

It's the aggregator which shows Trump with the best chance of winning. Other models give him way, way less of a chance than 538.

Yes, compared to literally every other model they are the most conservative about Trump's chances. NYTimes, HuffPo, Princeton, all their models give Trump next to no chance compared to 538's 33% chance.

Sup Forums only focuses on Nate cause he blew them the fuck out in 2012, and they have such a lust for revenge


Jews ever being right trying to force their propaganda down our throats.

Its all tumbling down, soon we finish what hitler started xDDD

mittmentum... i just threw up in my mouth, though its not Sup Forums this time, pepe is all over every media outlets.

Cubs = small bears.... time for big bear!

Why is Nate so shook compared to THA GOD SAM "BIG" WANG?

>The Huffington Post

Come on, dude.

the fivethrityeight prediction model called this game a tossup

also, the fivethirtyeight prediction model is the kindest prediction model to Trump

Its ok the upside is if Hillary wins she can send your daughters to die fighting against islamophobia.

Everyone else gets a punished snake photoshop

Where the fuck is punished nate?

That's the left equivalent of citing infowars

Er, Sup Forums already got its revenge and then some in the presidential primaries.

I mean, Silver spent nearly a year - from June 2015 to May 2016 - shitting on Trump's chances of winning the nomination, only to look the damn fool in the end.


Which was fucking weird since his own numbers were showing that Trump had a very good chance of winning. What the hell was up with him?

Because if you've seen a lot of Republican primaries, you know there's always that fringe candidate that comes out, dominates the polls for a bit, then slinks into obscurity as everyone rallies around a moderate. That's why if his model suddenly shows Herman Cain or Ben Carson doing well, he doesn't put much weight on it because he knows its a safe bet that those numbers will fall. He - and literally everyone else, assumed this would happen to Trump too.

Donald was the exception to the rule which made Nate look silly.

why would anyone listen to a jew? Is /po/ some kind of jewish propaganda machine? They seem obsessed when everyone knows jews only want to destroy america. Thats who gave our nukes to the russians back in the day.

Yea but Nate Silver is a typical jew meaning they hate America and only care about themselves hence why he put so much time and effort into shitting on Trump showing he shits on our political system because hes a typical jew.

Your comparison doesn't hold water. People like Cain, Carson, Bachmann, etc. only surged for barely a month.

Trump was ahead, way ahead, in the national polls from the moment he jumped into the race, and he stayed there. After six months, one might begin to assume it's legitimate, but not with Silver.

Man, 2012 was fun

> tfw Hilldawg going to win the elections and make Sup Forums have a meltdown of alt right betas

Shes going to make it right bros?

I havent been paid for correcting the record in almost a month


Oh wow! You must be from Sup Forums. Is that the reply you wanted?

He definitely took it way too far, but I can at least see the logical place that the train wreck of articles started from. Dude just couldn't understand why GOP voters wouldn't converge around Cruz when basically the entire party was backing him, and disavowing Trump.

You could see the huge contrast between polls only and polls plus models for the Republican primary. Trump always won polls only, but Cruz was usually ahead in polls plus because of his endorsements.

>cubs win world series
>my girl hilldawg takes the white house

perfect year imo

That was his problem, he wadded too deep into the punditry. His entire thing is to be a cold numbers nerdboy, and he suddenly decided to not do that consistently. I don't know what happened, maybe the 2012 election really swelled his balding head. Or maybe Bill Simmons rubbed off on him.

yeah, polls only had Trump pretty consistently out in front

nate talked about this, but he always said like "what the poll aggregator doesn't account for is unprecedented events, and Republicans allowing a candidate like Trump would be unprecedented"

CTR focusing their efforts on spee because they keep getting btfo on Sup Forums

I konw it's fun to joke about supporting trump and hating minorities online and shit but seriously don;t forget that you still have to vote for hilary, imo sometimes i feel like some of you are taking this trump joke thing too far and are actually supporting him

Its almost as good as the dude who got the Indians champions tattoo.


You know Trump supporters emulator their leader when they take the bait this fucking easily

This is just like old Sup Forums thinking JIDF was everywhere because of cheeky Anons trolling them

they got the democratic primaries exactly right despite every bernout on reddit screaming about how hillary was finished

and again, their poll aggregator got Trump right, too, Nate just liked to editorialize like "Republicans will rally around either Cruz or Rubio to stop Trump, most likely"

it didn't happen because instead of stopping Trump, the old school neocons went to war with the tea party while Trump cruised

Nate had no prediction model for how Republican leadership would react. He assumed they would get their shit together in time. This time they didn't

kill yourself libtard commiefonia scum.

God I hate you but you're right. And yeah I'm pretty sure most of these fucks really are supporting trump and going out to vote for him. Good thing I live in California and my vote doesn't matter :^)
Still voting no on all the props tho


Twitter thinks you are interested in lesbians and cucks

Fucking Sup Forums is going to have a field day with this shit.

Can't blame them though.

>male pattern baldness
>numale glasses
>weak chin
>big nose
>round shoulders

This is the face of liberalism? Leftism was a mistake.

This dumb kike has been so thoroughly BTFO this year

He has completely discredited himself

Also jewish

Yeah let's vote for the lady that wants to go to war with Russia over Syria great idea.

gee you're dumb

Have you listen to her policy? It makes no sense. Actually do some fucking research before you blindly throw your support behind someone.


kys redditnigger.


Who /deplorable/ here?

First Lester
Next is Cubs
And finally trump.
Where were you when you discovered meme magic was real.

lmaoing at u

You have to go back

If you vote for Trump you are l i t e r a l l y an uneducated, not to mention dumb, ameritard

If you give in to your racist tendencies developed from a lifetime of not really succeeding in life you are l i t e r a l l y a shitty person

If you deny global warming, you are l i t e r a l l y an angry, contrarian, misguided "brainlet"

If you reply to this post by calling me a cuck, you are l i t e r a l l y beyond saving and have had your sanity taken away by the retarded hugbox that is Sup Forums or Sup Forums as a whole.

Reminder to live your life and stop hating other people because you're not living the life you want. Reminder to stop being little bitches and blaming everything on MUH FEMINISTS, MUH LIBTARDS, MUH JEWS, MUH NIGGERS, MUH MUSLIMS and actually man and take responsibility for yourself.

We are all



HuffPo is a mainstream news publication, Infowars is a crazy guy in his basement. You have to go way, way, way farther to the left to find an equivalency.


Banana Oil?


>HuffPo is a mainstream news publication

This should tell you everything you need to know about the current state of news media in this country.


jesus, didn't know ctr were this deep in Sup Forums

He skewed his own prediction to favor Trump after fucking up the primaries

But i succeeded in life, i own property and have a comfy job and a GF and i still dont like muslims? I had to visit the town hall today to get some papers and it was filled with Moroccans and their offspring, even the kids don't speak dutch, we live in fucking Europe. If i wanted to have a dose of achmalach I'd go on vacation to Casablanca. So fuck off you tight jeans, checkerd shirt, loafer wearing pussy.

Eigen volk eerst.

Imagine what Jodi Lemire thinks of this

HuffPo is shit