When I was a kid, my Great Uncle used to raise our Thanksgiving turkey every year. When I was 7, he was 90...

When I was a kid, my Great Uncle used to raise our Thanksgiving turkey every year. When I was 7, he was 90, and undergoing a round of chemo. He asked me to come into the coop with him. When we got inside the coop, he handed me an axe and showed me the block.
He said, "I can't hold 'em down and kill 'em at the same time when I feel like crap. So I'll hold 'em and you kill 'em, alright?"
I told him I didn't know how.
He showed me where to strike, and how to get out of the way (a turkey is a big bird and does a fair bit of dangerous flailing about after it's been decapitated). He told me about how we were going to need to hang the turkey upside down to bleed it out after.
We started with a chicken. It was easy, comical really. They literally do run around all crazy with their heads cut off. The turkey was something else. It's flailing was scary as hell, it looked me straight in the eye as I did it. The head kept looking at me after it was done for a few moments.
I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. When my aunt put that turkey on the table, I was more proud to eat it than I'd been proud of anything in my young life. My uncle looked at me and winked.
Vegans will never have moments like that, and it's something I will treasure until the day I'm teaching my grandnephew how to kill a turkey when I'm 90.

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And you'll never have a moment of being a decent, reasonable person. How's it feel?

I feels really good to eat what you have killed.

What a weak, disappointing punchline after such a long read.

you will never make it in the world being that soft you safe space cunt.

are you a vegan?

Hows the cancer treating ya?

You have to have the IQ of a child to not be. Given, if you are on Sup Forums chances are your IQ is in the single digits.

What? How is doing something with your oppa a bad thing? How did you get being a scumbag from that?

Wait so your great uncle got cancer (from the meat, google it you dumbass) and he taught you how to slaughter so you too, could get cancer and die aswell earlier? LOL

Unjustified killing of animals for no reason = scumbag.

I've helped my uncle slaughter animals on his farm countless times. I do think it beings you closer to the process, and that pple who couldn't bring themselves to do it yet eat meat are hypocrites. Plenty of people in my extended family have small farms and have done the same.

Having said that, you are the first person in my entire life I've ever heard say they "enjoy" it. Vegans are merely annoying. YOU, on the other hand are a psycho cunt. Get help, you sick fuck.

>no reason
>eating is not a reason

>"hurr durr I can only eat meat, what else would i eat"
> Not realizing meat is unnecessary in a diet and you live longer without it

>die early
Troll harder, faggot.


Is harvard trusted enough? Or should I take your anecdotal, shit claims over well substantiated, peer reviewed research?

I thought he was talking about eating the Turkey. As in he got more satisfaction from eating it knowing that he was responsible for providing for his family.

nope. He was definitely talking about the slaughter. THEN he was talking about eating it.

mind you, closest OP has ever gotten to actually doing the shit he says he's done is the deli counter at the local grocer's, no doubt.

holy fucking shit its fucking THANKSGIVING, you're acting like people are spilling the blood of virgins and having a blood orgy. get a fucking life insufferable vegan bitch

No you fucking don't, show me where you got those facts and I might or might not call you a stupid nigger. Cause If I remember correctly, this shit Has been disproved a dozen times, and only comes back because 'Muh Vegan Standards'.

I mean, I'm the one trying to save animal lives. You literally are arguing for the unnecessary slaughter and torture of innocent, sentient beings. But fuck me, right? I'm the asshole.

Go ahead then. Prove you know more than harvard. LOL

I know it's hard to accept that you pushing your bullshit on to other people isn't going well. Thing is though that even if it was anecdotal evidence you said some completely untrue things.

>says I say untrue things
>cant name said things

LOL bad bait dude.

Yeah, you are the asshole. If you wanted to save animal lives you wouldn't have time to be able to shitpost here.

>And you'll never have a moment of being a decent, reasonable person. How's it feel?

Found em

Turkeys are not sentient, they're dumb as rocks. And there's waaaaaay too many of them

I can't say I've ever enjoyed killing something on a farm (not that I've had much experience, just a couple of stays with relatives over the years), but I'd be lying if I said there was never a satisfaction that bordered on enjoyment at the end of a hunt.

And thats before we talk about hunting a bear with a pistol.

Die early ? Hmmm can you read

Jesus you must be mental. Now I know your baiting hard. Saying that anyone from harvard is the smartest person really shows that you have your head shoved up your ass. SAGED And you got me with the bait.

>Wait so your great uncle got cancer (from the meat, google it you dumbass) and he taught you how to slaughter so you too, could get cancer and die aswell earlier? LOL

I realize that this may not be you but you responded to the user who called this bullshit with an article about how life without meat is healthier.

It was for eating you fucking idiot , how fucking stupid can you be

Wow, thanks for waisting our time with your mediocre story.......

Just made my own kick ass relish from my homegrown tomatoes and other vegetables.....

Retards like you will never have a moment like this in your life.

You know he's going to say eating is unjustified, right?

>>"hurr durr I can only eat meat, what else would i eat"
>> Not realizing meat is unnecessary in a diet and you live longer without it
Yeah we should save pigs so they can fly us to the moon

>Eating meat makes you incapable of growing vegetables.

I like my vegies but relish is objectively bad. I'm sorry to inform you.

Smh vegans

Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave. Your ego is taking up the entire building.

And you'll never stop to consider that maybe you're a fucking pussy. How's it feel?

Vegan here. OP is total scum. We make fun of dudes like him all the time in my vegan group, the National Association for Meat-Banning Legislation in America, or NAMB... wait, fuck.

It's not necessary, but its not like vegans are particularly good at making things to replace them that taste good.

I'll agree that meat is unnecessary if you agree that it's delicious.

Holy shit could you be more of a faggot?

Of course meat gives you cancer. EVERYTHING gives you cancer. The sun gives you cancer, the air gives you cancer, being old can give you cancer. Avoiding the causes sometimes isn't enough, for there are far too many.

Exactly. Also, a fair number of the animals that die for my plate actively help conservation and herd management. People don't know what happens when there are too many deer.

My grandfather used to hunt and put meals on his table with his rifle. He would shoot, butcher, and cook the animal all on his own. Then one day he said he started feeling more tired, weaker than he used to be. My last summer visiting him he taught me how to track, how crawl through the forest slowly and how to find a deer. He then said arthritis took his aim, and asked me to take shots. We had to go out a few times before we could find a deer and him giving me his old Springfield made me feel something. I took a shot at a deer and he felt pride. I didn't get the best shot, but I hit it in the lung and it went down in about 10 or so seconds. I felt bad at first but it was to put food on our table. When I carried that thing over my shoulders covered in its blood to his truck, I felt disgusted at first. When we loaded it in his garage to skin and butcher, I began looking at it closer. It was a good kill. There was a lot of meat. My family saw only the cuts of meat, and we're proud of me. Instead of feeling bad like I first thought I felt pride. It's not about the kill that made me happy. It was the fruit of it.

My grandfather died years ago and I still remember him telling me he was proud to see me kill a deer with his rifle. That's something that I'll never be able to forget. Most folk these days think that's psychotic but it's something you can't learn in a city. It's something country born and rural living folk know. It's just a way of life.

HAHAHAHahahahaha. I just lost my shit.
Thanks for the laugh.


Admittedly I have had some really good vegetarian food, but i don't know how much of a stretch it is from vegetarian to vegan

The Indians do it well, as do some other Asian peoples, but you need a history of non-obligate vegetarianism for a reasonable cuisine to really develop. For most of the history of the west, meat has been either a dietary staple or a much desired item. We've worked hard to make it into a lot of things, to find the tricks, the seasonings, the pairing, the various preparations that go into making interesting, flavorful food.

Now thats a feel good story.

I could see how cultures dependant on vegetable growth could find good ways to cook things not requiring meat. I'm gonna look a bit more into it, honestly I've been close to vegetarian. I still eat fish cause I live close to the sea though, so that's the worst I've done in a while.

Oh, how could I forget the one vegetarian dish that I do absolutely love?: Saag Paneer.

Looks like the designateds can do something that bitchtittied glitterdicks here can't

Then again, how much sapience does a fish really have? Plus, they can't even feel pain, and there's loads of fish out there that we can eat.

Wow take it easy psycho. I like my meat dead

>And thats before we talk about hunting a bear with a pistol.
Try a bow, pussy.

In OPs defense I have been hunting since I was young and remember the first time I skinned a deer it's rewarding killing and skinning something you kill and later eating it

thats right, divert the focus away from yourself you pompous edgelord

trips don't lie, i loved spearing fish when i was younger. we do have the reward system for hunting afterall

I've always thought bowhunting sounded like fun, but I live in the city so I have to pick and choose what I have time to put the money and effort into.

>When I carried that thing over my shoulders covered in its blood to his truck.
What did you shoot, a fuckin' fawn?
Nobody carries a deer over their shoulders.
1) Who wants to carry 100 - 200 lbs any distance.
2) Do you want to wrap your head in deer fur during DEER SEASON?

vegetarian here

i dont care

I love fishing in the summer me and my dad always go out on the lake bass bream throw them in the cooler repeat till dark and cut em up and eat em


by this time in my life (23), I've killed thousands of animals.

deer, elk, cows, sheep, chickens, turkeys, dogs, cats, rabbit.

Most die quickly. Some of the stray cats and dogs will get hit, then crawl off and hide, and take a few hours to die.

You need to spay/neuter your pets. I'm tired of dealing with them.

trips don't lie, this whole thread is a huge bait bucket

Or when you cook a steak for yourself for the first time.

It's probably cooked unevenly, or you made it well done when you wanted it medium rare, or you accidentally burned part of it, but dammit you cooked it all by yourself, and you remember exactly how it tasted.

You'd be surprised how much sapience fish can have, especially bigger fish. I've kept tanks for years and most fish larger than about an inch or so are capable of predicting feeding time, cues for when food tends to show up, or both. I know people who have taught Betta to jump through hoops and Oscars to play catch with a pingpong ball. A fair number of large fish will recognize their owners and swim up to the glass when they're near but ignore unfamiliar people of even similar build and appearance. They're not at the level of monkeys, but they definitely are more complicated than a shrimp.

As for pain, they can definitely either feel pain or have responses to what we would consider pain that are close enough to what you'd expect from something that can feel pain as to be an academic difference.

I still eat fish, but honesty matters.

yooo digits

Whoa now deer,turkey,and other game are fine to me but purposely killing dogs and cats is where I draw the line

>all life matterz!!!11!1
If you weren't autistic you'd realize everything is born to be eaten by something else or live long enough to have sex.

don't you virtue signal to me, boy

> cutting red meat
> turkey

Come on now

I mean it's your life just throwing in my opinion

>you can only kill animals that aren't popular
You can have all of those animals as loving pets, faggot.

I commend you for being a real American and a hero.

Please go to therapy. I think you need it.

But it's not necessary to eat animals to survive, so it is unjustified.

show us your tits
you talk as if you are some obnoxious cunt so, tits pls.

Turkeys aren't sentient? Do you even know what that word means...

A lot of people where I'm from including me hunt for deer so we don't have to spend much on food since quality meat is expensive

I'm vegan and I completely agree with everything you're saying. Meat IS unnecessary, you DON'T need it to survive. I've been vegan for a year now and I haven't been sick once. My doctor says I'm completely healthy and I love standing up for animals and what's right. I feel bad for anyone who thinks killing innocent animals is "fun" or "necessary". Have fun with your cancer and erectile dysfunction carnists.


Turkeys don't have any feelings. They are literally oversized balls of meat walking around on two legs. get over it

Then don't buy meat?! Eat vegetables and fruit and beans and rice and lentils and meat substitutes and other things? I live on minimum wage and i can afford a vegan diet so pretty sure you can too. You just don't want to.

Poultry isn't red meat you fucking cretin.

>kirring dog
ching chong chinaman detected

Piece of shit vegans all animals are edible except dogs and cats and a few other pet animals.

You're literally autistic. Sentient means that something can feel and have feelings. If a turkey is screaming for their life and communicating with other turkeys and people, they are In fact, sentient beings. They have feelings, do any research on Google about turkeys and you will find how social they are. You have to evidence to back up your statements and are ignorant.

If dogs aren't edible, why do they eat them in China? You're just speciest.

Loli time

Listen dude it's ok to eat meat around here we do it because it's more cost effective,taste good,and finally not every one is going to become a vegetarian just because a couple of tree hugging liberals say so so chill Genesis 9:3: "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."

>my doctor says
>i've been vegan for a year now and...

fuck, where do you come up with this shit? please world, i'm begging you, please be bait.

Vegans are fucking cancer. Just pull the trigger if you don't want to see how we eat meat as we please.

Because the damn commies don't wanna feed them what do you expect from chinks