Does this look like an eighth? it was $$22 USD (30 cad)

Does this look like an eighth? it was $$22 USD (30 cad)

also general stoner thread

yep it does. might even be a little more.

Id say so. Get a scale mate

Looks like a good 8th to me for $22

that would be cool, he said his scale is broken hence why the last sack was short. maybe he tossed in a little extra this time.


looks about right, you didn't get screwed that's for sure.

100% worth 20 bucks.

thanks anons

Aye Hook a brother up

Way more then an eighth, and decent quality for the price.

Looks like a decent amount of dank weed. Maybe he/she compensated for uncertainty.

Good snag if it smokes good.

If so, return to them. If they start cutting bags or giving you weak shit or bad shit, call them out (if you went through a dealer and not a shop.)

Where the fuck do u live yo get an 8th for 22usd/30 cad?

You got ripped off boi... Aye lmao

Looks closer to a quarter. Good pickup

Yes, it looks like an eighth at the very minimum assuming a canuk nickel is the same size as a freedom nickle. $22 for an 8 of anything other than mexican brick is a deal. Its a shitty pic but that nug looks like its worth the money.

yeah you did gud

canada bro

Amount seems good, I paid $40 for 1/8 bit looks less than yours cocksucker!
Anyone got Stoner comics?


looks closer to a 1/4 depending on density
would defs be happy with that sack for $30

30 for an 1/ 8 here in alberta
happy to say i havent seen brick weed since highscool
half the stuff we get is better than most stuff ive seen in medical stores


OP here
i'm from alberta too and that's what i paid aswell.
he said the strain is pineapple express but i kinda doubt it.

as a native american myself, this is funny af

I lol'd

...That coin is like a penny not a quarter...

dope, if you ever get offered hempstar id go for it, theres a guy in calgary that grows the best weed ive ever smoked, always some variation of hempstar and its local

That's 2 good for an eighth make sure that shit ain't laced or something

it's not, i'm baked rn with no side effects. i think he just righted a wrong for when he shorted me last time

nobody laces weed you idiot
how would that benefit the dealer at all?


last bamp

Get a fucking scale

im new to weed i don't need a scale yet