Hahahaha superman wore one of those Sup Forums masks he's just like us

hahahaha superman wore one of those Sup Forums masks he's just like us

Tell me, why does he wear the mask?

>suicide squad shirt



Who drew that dick on the shirt?

>we want the reddit audience

I'm literally screaming and smashing my arms on my desk. Why would he soil the V mask name??

>mfw he was a wow playing neet before he got the call to play superman.

His mom's gonna freak



I'm literally screaming and smashing my arms on my desk just thinking about someone degrading the universal Sup Forums mask like this.

What is this stance called?

he's such a stupid dork it's pretty adorable

wait, did henry cavill found anonymous?

>shilling in this manner

hahaha he's a literal gimp

Reminder OP is actually Henry Cavill

You better cover that hairline, Henry

>hahaha he's a literal gimp

Been a long time since I did karate, but I'm pretty sure it's called "ready stance" in shotokan.

Feet shoulder-width apart, fists clenched and held next to the hips. His arms should be a bit straighter and his hands should be held ever so slightly in front of him, but otherwise it's pretty good.

The Meme

Look into his eyes for 5 seconds
Feel the "JUST"

whats the point of this thread?
