>name your tournament "the world series"
>you're that only country in the world that plays
hmm, makes you think
>name your tournament "the world series"
>you're that only country in the world that plays
hmm, makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
canada plays it too afaik
but yeah, it's ridiculous
What a new and original thought. Good one, OP.
Americans are so self-centred because they genuinely believe pretty much all foreign countries are like some sort of post-apocalyptic hell incapable of being anyhwere near America's level.
How's the job hunt going?
That line's an antique these days, fella.
Nah, they believe the rest of the world is communist and that the world's no1 sport is communist
At least redneck Americans believe so.
Leftist Americans in the big major US cities are actually the opposite: they hate themselves for being American, whichbis also quite cringeworthy
>implying spanish people are activly searching jobs instead of being lazy
I collect antiques
Good for you
Saved to my American banter folder lads
>is british
>gets ass handed by it's farmer
>can't remember it's other colony because it's so shit.
>falling apart because you listen to the side of a bus.
>name your league the "English" premier league
>have it run by Asians
I don't know what language you just tried to type out there, Carlos, but you need to speak English on this board.
Another one for my American banter folder lads
>Unequivocally the best league in the world in its respective sport
>No salary cap for GMs to worry about (not incl. the "luxury tax")
>Have the best players in the world all throughout the league's rosters
>Implying the World Baseball Classic is the true "World Series" and not the commingled amalgamation of players from all over the place of the MLB's championship series.
>all the teams are owned by a bunch of dirty arabs
>I'm German, so I mmust know the sentiment of all Americans
>Even the ones who aren't cringy enough to post all of their thoughts online
Don't judge all of us by our Sup Forums shit-posters, just like I won't think that all Europeans are elitist dick wranglers
The red scare is over. Who the fuck cares about communism anymore? Terrorists are the cool thing to loathe, fear, and misdirect our opinions at the world toward.
We should make a a national team out of spite just to fuck with them, would be glourious, they would probably just invent some other shit sport no one is assed about.
Your countries could always scrape up a couple 100 million USD and buy into the league.
red scare is far from over
until all libshits are dead we must be vigilant
>a real country
I don't know where you're going with this, but i'll play along.
>Said the literal prison
>Western countries are getting flooded with people who need welfare
>red scare is over
>the """""""English""""""" premiere league
>the best players in the league aren't English
>oil shieks and Asian billionaires own all of the teams
top kek
The best players last season were English. All the major record holders are British.
Can the German and Spanish leagues claim that?
>Implying the MLB isn't made up of multiple races and individuals from numerous countries.
MLB host the best of the best from all around the world. You just have to come to North America to participate.
Post the whole folder
>"English" Premier League
>>falling apart because you listen to the side of a bus.
what the hell does this mean?
The Champions League has the best players and teams yet the winner is called the champions of Europe, not the world.
not to mention the managers
It has to do with British politics. Let the adults speak, alright kiddo?
Then make your baseball team that can beat the average MLB team. Just go out and make it happen. Convert cricket players, and whatever else you think will help.
Only non-English people call it the EPL (and a few underage English people who would get laughed at IRL)
Also thank you for watching our league and continuing to expand its global dominance, don't forget to check out this week's action!
I want an example you fat fuck.
I won't
ENGLISH pl starts below the first 5-6 teams
I thought that the only countries left in the word that still gave a fuck about baseball we Cuba and Japan. Thanks for reminding me that the UK is clearly obsessed with it
People voted leave because they believed the millions spent going to europe would go to our lefty health system. The bus said 350mil a week but it's far far less than that.
>caring about the other little countries
>be american
>europeans can't stop thinking about you
>south americans can't stop thinking about you
>chinks can't stop thinking about you
>aussies can't stop thinking about you
>all i'm thinking about is what to have for lunch today
>tfw Pence uses that bat to beat gay people to death
Hey Mike, we have equality in this country, stahp. Mike, where are you going? MIKE, GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT.
>>all i'm thinking about is what to have for lunch today
Stop giving them the easy ones, man.
>being so poor you can't afford food
>tfw you get to Crusade The Gay Away with Pence
>The red scare is over
Reagan is turning in his grave.
>all i'm thinking about is what to have for lunch today
it really causes you to consider
Tbh their not far from the truth
We wouldn't. Only Apehoop and Handegg are we just miles above everyone else. Baseball is Japan's sport, Hockey is the Canadian's and Scandinavian's, and we just suck at Association Football.
Despite appearances we know that we have failings
if the're the only ones who play it in the world then by definition the ones who win their championship are the best in the world and thus the world champions.
less than 2% of MLB players are from east asia you dumbass.
>"english" premier league
>teams from wales are allowed to compete
>name your tournament the World Cup
>only 64 countries play in it
Japan is actually good at baseball, just because we only farm from Central America (who are also good but closer and more likely to leave for the MLB) doesn't change that.
They have qualifiers to get in, we lose to Mexico in a few days.
no they're actually not that good at baseball, a lot of americans who failed in the MLB have gone there and become some of their greatest players. it's not their sport, it's our sport, faggot. we will always be the best.
It was originally called the "World's Series" because the New York World newspaper.
Trust me, the U.S. didn't have a global perspective in 1903.
Also baseball is extremely popular in Japan, South Korea, Cubs, the Dominican Republic, Latin America etc.
They're so "good" at baseball they have to limit how many roundeye fat former MLBers are allowed on their teams because otherwise they'd be overwhelmed by Andruw Jones types hunting for a paycheck
Then why do the win the WBC?
>implying facts matter on Sup Forums
but i'll type it out anyway.
the name worlds eries was coined back in the early 20th century (unsure before or after 2nd most recent cubs victory) by some cheeky sports writers. since the american league and national league werent incorporated under the commissioners office until the 1980s i think, they both claimed that they were playing for the national title. so some cheeky sports writers came up with the idea taht if they played each other, it would have to be for the world title. hence world series.
is this a meme question or are you really that ignorant about this sport?
Sweet. That proves that it was always a meme, and Europeans really do think that they are more clever than they actually are.
And MLB x NPB series for when?
>be american
>never learned in school the difference between it's and its
It's is a conjunction of it and is, you don't say
>gets ass handed by it is farmer
(although this isn't the only grammatical error in this sentence)
>can't remember it is other colony
Murrican education at work.
There's only one picture in it
It because it is the biggest and best league in the world. The winner of the world series is supposed to be the best baseball team in the world.
Saved to my Aussie banter folder, mate
I can honestly say this is 100% what I think and upon traveling outside of the US my opinion did not change in the slightest. How the fuck do you people enjoy life?
I always thought it was sort of a joke
When you start using a real bat, the US might stop assuming we'd wreck your asshole in baseball.
What if the mlb added an expansion team called the "caribbean bc" (Caribbean Baseball Club)? That would cover all of the relevant baseball countries.
A English national baseball team would embarrass itself, in the same way the soccer team embarrasses itself.
So, don't even try.
And as a side note, USA doesn't care about soccer yet still beats England at soccer. Get fucked.
How do people live in the outside world?
me in the right
the winner of the world series is indisputably the best team in the world, no one needs a global tournament to know that
fucking rekt
Yes, but teams are comprised of Dominicans, cubans, nips, and American's. The teams are located in Us and Canada only. But the players are the best from around the world.
Bitch, Henry and Ronaldo and Suarez are the GOAT EPL players. Only reason they don't hold the records is because they moved onto better teams in other leagues.
Every year, Europeans make this observation and think themselves clever for it. And every year, Europeans fail to understand that 1) North America is the only part of the world that actually matters, and that the title of the competition is therefore legitimate, and 2) the league contains one Canadian team.
The fact that the Canadian team actually went fairly deep this year and the Euros still aren't aware of that team's existence just shows either the Euro's lack of knowledge, or else the low quality of his bait.
Or, let's be more charitable. No one ever seriously proposes the remedy that the Euro's bait/complaint obviously calls for: establishment of, say, European baseball leagues, which will ultimatley compete with everybody else. Because you'd rather play kickball. And that's fine. Incredibly, incredibly boring, but fine.
>Divegrass has never gotten 3 stickies at once
Really makes you think.
>scandinavians' sport
Only 1 scandinavian country plays it seriously and it's not even their #1 sport.
The fuck is "association" football
>not their number one sport
Seeing as hockey is the only sport Finland, Sweden and Norway could be considered top 10 in, (not even that for norway desu) I'd say it's their top sport.
Screen cap me for the reddit post
>name your country Great Britain
>can't explain what's so great about it
the lack of americans
Surely, all those muslims are better
>the only great thing about my country is lack of citizens from a better country
>lack of Americans
>NFL sells out Wembly stadium.
London is full of Americans sadly