>be atheist
>wish i believed in something higher
>think the world would be a better place if it was more christian
I can't be the only atheist who thinks like this?
>be atheist
>wish i believed in something higher
>think the world would be a better place if it was more christian
I can't be the only atheist who thinks like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Religion is basically why the world sucks.
Maybe you can find a more meaningful way to satisfy yourself, like purpose. Like, who knows, maybe you could help other people in some way. IDK, maybe you don't need to escape reality into some strange cult, even if that seems to be what people do.
I like this sudden surge of Jimmy Corkhill posting.
Watch this video.
dude this is me
I used to think that, but organized religion I think has been a great driving factor on human progress. I admire a lot of the morality in modern christianity.
Hey, atleast you're being honest about Christian principles. Seems like most self-proclaimed "atheists" have rabid hatred for religion and aren't willing to admit there is anything positive that comes out of it.
My advice, don't stress over the choices other people make. You also don't need to believe in the deity to live by the book. There are some good life lessons in there.
Watching Brookie is what started my incest fetish
Chiddlers, neyarrrr.
I think when people kick back against Christian morality just because it's Christian, you get horrible narcissistic people.
I try and treat everyone as I'd like them to treat me. I think if EVERYONE followed that one rule, the world would be a much better place
that would be true if the world where full of all reasonable sane people.
Moar jimmy
>mfw he was behind me in the corner shop not too long ago
>i was the only one that recognised him
Really?? How's ar Jimmeh looking these days?? What did he buy?
I think a big problem right now is most people who advocate for the appropriation of unethical or dishonest agendas believe that they are living by that same golden rule and because they don't have a solid sense of morality, they're quick to discredit those in opposition by any means necessary for the common "good". Slander and physical violence seem like they are becoming more and more prevalent as a means to shut down debate on agendas that have glaring issues from an ethical standpoint. So you're right.. If more people had a basic understanding of Judeo Christian ideology and were willing ti admit that it provides a good concept of morality, we would be a lot better off. Unfortunately people are gonna do what they want to do.
Inatead of religion beliece in yourself.
Well put
Rene Guenon said in an interview that you cannot get everyone with metaphysics, but with religion you can save the last man. Abstract moral philosophy is not the right stuff for a lot of people.
People will always believe in something. God, Zeus, the Fuhrer, the victory of the proletariate, Human Rights, reincarnation, the healing potential of crystals or...
... truth. There seem to be a lot of atheist preachers out there who concern themselves deeply with the progagation of the idea of the non-existence of God (or gods).
Wouldn't it be more in their self-interest to look what a certain religious environment can give them?
I know one old guy who worked a lot abroad. He's an agnostic, but told that, in a way, when he was in a christian country, he was a christan, when in a buddhist one, a buddhist, and so on. Because he was more interested in being part of the community than in abstract discussions about the existence of otherworldy matters. Methinks that for an atheist, this approach makes more sense.
Not really I just wish humanists were as organized as religions are
I can relate, OP
>born/grew up in Texas
>raised in non-denominational environment
>went to a second baptist church
>became a convinced atheist when I was 16
>22 now, still atheist, and meet up with older family for the christmas/easter service just because.
my grandma bought me a bible with silver-lining paper and my name embroidered on the front cover.
she's 81 now and a few months ago she bought me this huge, almost phonebook sized bible with gold lining and larger font. it's more of a decorative piece but I still cherish it.
I'm coming from an obvious bias but I truly believe Christianity, at least the way it's generally practiced today, is far more acceptable than something more ideological like Islam.
I live in a small(ish) town, probably 98% Christian. Church on every street. Some churches have influence in local events and businesses.
Being openly atheist has never prevented me from enjoying life. Never had a problem at home, school, or work.
I couldn't say the same I had been born in a predominantly Muslim country, but that's sort of derailing the topic.
There's nothing wrong with believing in yourself, however, believing only in yourself can lead to moral disaster. It's important to understand that our decisions can impact others significantly. Someone who's sole pursuit is life is self gratification might be more inclined to vote money that they didn't earn out of someone else's pocket who did earn it and into their own. A person with a concept of morality rooted in Judeo Christian ideology is more likely to recognize that as theft.
Yeah, especially Christians.
>organized religion I think has been a great driving factor on human progress
Hahahahaha, oh boy, yes the dark ages were such an improvement from the barbaric romans, with their blasphemous logic and reason, thank god for organized religion to finally save mankind from that. Religion is responsible for lots of things, but human progress is NOT one of them. Perhaps take an extra history class.
>I can't be the only atheist who thinks like this?
I fucking hope so. There is nothing positive about willfully denying children knowledge and truth.
>but we donate to the poor
Guess what, so do millions of atheists. You don't need a closeted homosexual pedophile to 'do good' in the world. All religion is cancer by definition, and religious people would be better off without it 100% of the time.
Because ancient Rome was entirely secular.
Because that was the argument I was making... ffs, why are relishills so dense?
But to be fair Christianity is a huge spectrum. I grew up in a protestant family and I was never into the religion myself but their whole thing was encouraging others to participate in the religion and community with no need to be a christian.
I was shocked when as an adult I went to a friends wedding who was Catholic and several times during the ceremony the guy performing the ceremony had to remind non-Catholics to not participate in certain segments.
Also Mormons are also super interested in participation but you have to show that you want to join.
brookside was pretty grim
What the fuck are you saying? the world would be a better place if everyone behave to each other like they want to be treated, religion is just a way to earn money from pepole, just be a better person and that's it
Goddamn shooting stars is funny
Not him but it really is. You implied that religion was not responsible for human progress but the worlds longest lasting empire which is responsible for arguably the second largest push forward for human advancement was very religious.
It is easy to be a stable and productive religious society when you can choose your god from a large pantheon.
thats the Catholics, Presbyterians dont do that.
well like I said I'm coming from a biased perspective.
yes, catholicism is alien to me, even when I was a christian.
my dad once dated a catholic lady and as a kid I went to her church a couple of times.
I felt like I was in an RPG doing a ritual or some shit. but that had been the only time I've felt uncomfortable in a christian environment.
You know speaking in absolutes makes you sound like your convincing yourself of your own opinion. fyi
>It is easy to be a stable and productive religious society when you can choose your god from a large pantheon.
Yeah I can see that. People are always going to be very different. So if you have various gods that appeal to most personality types, you can keep most of the bases covered
>implied that religion was not responsible for human progress
I didn't imply it, I flat out said it. Human progress is the very last thing organized religion is responsible for. Now, about the romans, are you seriously arguing that it was their religion that drove their advancements in science and philosophy? Because that would be laughable.
You know getting basic things like your and you're wrong makes you sound like a dumbass. fyi.
most christians believe the timescales are off. a day to god could mean 1 million years for man. evolution is already knocked off its foundation if you didnt know. they found out its totally wrong. seems like you are denying yourself infromation more than the christians are.
I am a dumbass but that doesn't change that yiur just mad friend :)
>they found out its totally wrong
Hahaha, wow great hypothesis mate, very scientific, you sure showed me!
>evolution is already knocked off its foundation if you didnt know. they found out its totally wrong
ya bud. they just found out its wasn't linear whatsoever better update your database.
Ugh, inb4 'ur mom' jokes, I bet your highschool buddies think you're really clever.
Not sure if bad bait or actually retarded.
atheist cuck confirmed
I just think you're kind of a presumptuous dick. Science is about learning of the world around us and understanding it. If you go in with your ego you'll come out empty handed. You have to be humble and accepting that you could be wrong, or else you're just being an elitist. I'm apologetic in that I was just messing around with you, I just think you need to be more open minded.
This has to be a troll, right guys?
Then again my anatomy prof said like 15% of the population have problem following basic written manuals.
>I performed two statistical analyses
Bwahahahahahahaa, thanks mate, that was a great laugh, it's been a while since I've seen such drivel.
>I suspect that the skeptics are not seeking the truth
Wew, really made me think, the entire theory of evolution BTFO by this one article...
Don't forget to take your meds tonight kiddo.
check it out man.
>all world is christian
>noone to oppose them
>monarchy 2.0
>life is shit except for the select few that have positions in the church and their kin
>scientific progress is only allowed if it benefits the church and doesn't go against canon
Sounds good to me.
Check out 'the atheist experience' live call in show on youtube, you have no idea the craziness people call in with.
I have little doubt 'giant-skeleton' user thinks he has a golden bullet to unravel evolution in his own mind.
>you're kind of a presumptuous dick
>you need to be more open minded
How's that hypocrisy working for ya bud?
Also, please stop it with the nauseating 'open mindedness' nonsense. There is nothing open minded about taking religion and their silly fairytales seriously. That is ignorance and foolishness, nothing else.
There are people who unironically think that 'if evolution is real, how come there are still monkeys?' is a rational thought. There are people in 2017 who think the earth is flat ffs.
>>think the world would be a better place if it was more christian
>I can't be the only atheist who thinks like this?
Yes. This world would be a better place without religion. Religion =/= morals. You can be a person with morals and not need to pretend some great invisible guy in the sky won't keep your dog from dying.
>You can be a person with morals and not need to pretend some great invisible guy in the sky won't keep your dog from dying.
Rev up that propaganda machine, boys.
Here comes some fresh fascist liberal ideology right to your eyes!
Who scouse here ?
I too have my doubts about evolution but the're minor. Certainly not enough to disprove it. Maybe doubts is not right. I have a problem with it's attempt to explain everything that happened to life and will happen. Still it is the best we have for this moment and basic evolution is pretty much proven in stone.
Bout the skeleton thing I have no doubt there are some retarded people out there. Still I hold Sup Forums users to a higher criterium, dunno why...
Aztec drawings of living tree-ceratops and others. the ica stones.
I guess this means evolution is false. I see now.
Love the call in show:
caller: Moon landing was a hoax
show: What about the mars rover?
Caller: Wow, you actually believe that!?
show: I was part of the team that designed and launched it, so... yeh
Caller: The bible is right the earth is flat
show: are you calling on a mobile phone
caller: Yes?
show: You realize you're right now, using satellite technology?
caller: .....
One day humanity could be blessed by his presence.
it means how the hell could the Aztecs could have known what a dinosaur looks like?
Cus maybe there was an alive one in their time??? Evolution doesn't say all dinosaurs dies out to give space to mammals. Just like it doesn't say all moneys dies out ti give place to humans.
Could it be that they also dug up skeletons and drew their conclusions? Wait no, wtf am I saying, the entire scientific community has pulled a big hoax and faked thousands of pieces of evidence and peer reviewed studies, that's much more likely!
Evolution is change over time. That's it.
Through the fossil record,dna testing and other we can construct a timeline of the changes over time.
Most people confuse evolution with abiogenesis;
Abiogenesis, biopoiesis, or informally, the origin of life, is the natural process by which life arises from non-living matter.
Even if evolution was wrong, it doesn't get you one step closer to a supernatural cause, least of all which ever supernatural cause you happen to believe in.
you mean like that time the world was more christian and we had wars all over europe all the time and 2 world wars? Yeah, those were the times.
just saying you shouldn't ignore how accurate those drawings are. digging up bones does not a dinosaur make. you know how difficult it is to put them back together? you would haveto be expert anthropologists.
I don't actually want to be a christcuck, but I know what you mean.
You feel the need for meaning because you know how empty materialism is, yet you can't let yourself blindly accept anything symbolic that you can't prove is universal and true.
Try art, food, porn and doing creative things. Works for me.
The argument from ignorance fallacy
"I don't know how this obscure thing could of happened, therefore X"
>how accurate those drawings are
Mate, are you looking at the same drawings as I am? Because those are not even remotely accurate. My 3 year old niece could probably draw a more accurate version.
If God was real and there was evidence sure, I would to know when I die existence doesn't stop there, Christianity? Not necessarily, if any God came to earth and there was PROOF he existed all people would behave in order to go to "heaven"
Shhh, it's the only argument religion has, besides 'this book says so' of course.
Atheist here. I really wish I was a believer. I think a lot of Christian values are great and as an amateur historian I love to learn about Christianity. I just can't make myself believe there's a bearded space wizard micro managing our lives. I wish I could.
I do not confuse evolution with abiogenesis. Still it is an empirically unverifiable theory since it involves literally billions of years.
If Christianity were more progressive id be a christian. Id love the lie if it were all just being a good moral just person that isnt afraid of anytthing. Its a lot nicer to think that you go to heaven to hang with your fam instead of the cold reality of blank non existence after death.
tl;dr wish i had a soul and so did you
Not true.
The flat earth people are proof of that.
>dark ages
Shit, I think we're dealing with a scholar here.
I like how you quoted my comment but ignored the content.
they werent amazing artists. they also depict dinosaurs that had zebra stipes and thats why they have so much backlash. they just confirmed there was dinosuars that had zebra stripes. they also found a femur with soft tissue in it.
"From the 1960s Javier Cabrera Darquea collected and popularized the stones, obtaining many of them from a farmer named Basilio Uschuya. Uschuya, after claiming them to be real ancient artifacts, admitted to creating the carvings he had sold and said he produced a patina by baking the stone in cow dung."
Second paragraph in the wikipedia link he posted, come on guys.
Abiogenesis (Life from non-life) is fact, please see The Miller-Urey experiment.
Evolution is fact, Live adapts over time. I'm different from my parents as they are to theirs and so on.
For clarification:
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world.
because even scientists dont believe that and thats actually the point I was making to you. that dinosuars lived while humans were alive.
>a lot of Christian values are great
Name one? Basic decency like 'don't kill/steal/be a general prick' don't count for obvious reasons.
>as an amateur historian I love to learn about Christianity
You can do this without joining the cult. Have a look in your local library.
I'm thoroughly confused. You're being a di k, so I called you a dick. And that makes me close minded? Fun, learn something new every day.
dont pretend youre a woman. dont butt rape children.
I don't know what scientists believe because I haven't read enough studies and frankly I don't know a single evolutionary biologist in person. Still I know humans and dinosaurs living together does not disprove evolution. You just have to find evidence that at a certain point humans got better stats than dinos and slowly won the game.
*tips fedora*
>I'm thoroughly confused.
I bet you get that a lot. You called me presumptuous. And then you went ahead and presumed that I was close minded. Therein lies your hypocrisy. Whether I'm a dick about it is irrelevant, and says nothing about my willingness to look at new evidence.
He didn't accuse you of being closed minded.
He called you ignorant and foolish. You seem to be supporting this assertion.
Any other athiests here wish they believed the lie because they're afraid of death
Dude, I agree with you Im just playing devil's advocate. I spend my everyday life with the notion that evolution is proven fact. Still it is a good exersize of the mind to search for holes in a theory.
>Christian values
>dont butt rape children
Pick one, and only one.
You can still believe in the teachings of Christ, he was real after all, without believing in God or that he was the son of God. If everyone lived as Jesus wished the world would be a far better place.
Numbers 31:18:
"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. 18"But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.
I'm betting they didn't do a gynecological exam, any girl under 13 would have been acceptable.
thats the catholics. a corrupted church.
people married very young back then because they lived to about 35. its the butt rape I'm talking about.