Why are Mexicans. Lazy. They take all the jobs to

Why are Mexicans. Lazy. They take all the jobs to.

>Why are Mexicans. Lazy. They take all the jobs to.

Why are you so stupid

>Why are Mexicans lazy? They take all the jobs too.

Mexicans do all the work therefore they are lazy?


I see wat you did there

Because you're not qualified for those jobs and the mexicans are. Mr. I dont know how to sentence

Mexican girls are hot...

I think you're describing blacks my friend.

Mexican immigrants pretty much corner the market on people working way too hard for less than minimum wage.

Mexican men immigrants are literally bro tier. They are loyal, hardworking friends. Mexican female immigrants, and sons of daughters of immigrants are literally trash however.

Because you liberal cucks are still crying that trump won
buhuuu buhuuuuu
Get over it faggots he is the smartest and most intelligent creature in all the universe fags

what do you get when you cross a spic with a nigger?

Someone that is too lazy to steal.

>Mexican female immigrants, and sons of daughters of immigrants are literally trash however.

I know such a family. Kids have embraced ignorant American nigger culture and listen to pavement ape howling while talking like niggers. Mexidad did everything he could while Meximom is the quiet one.

Hey I think I did alright. Born and raised in LA.


Everyone in my family is from Mexico.


I have never, ever seen a lazy Mexican. I hire day workers sometimes and man, no one works harder than those guys

That's cause you ain't never hire black guys before. They bigger and stronger and working harder than they lazy ass Mexicans.

It's ironic how you're typing this from your parent's basement while on some sort of disability or leeching program off the government

I bet your wife agrees too you fucking cuck


You want your house roofed you call Mexicans. No one can roof a house like Mexicans. They work from dark til dark with 0 breaks. Some hard mother fuckers.


Mexoicans are shit and theyre wn worst enemy. they cant compete with whites intellectually morally or aesthetically its no competition and they know it.

Kek tryna act hard. You ain't shit compared to us.
Stay mad.

report em and deport em

>They take all the jobs to.

Do i even need to make fun of how ironic this shit is?

They actually work pretty damn hard. It's their personality that annoys me. Most of them don't bother learning English while living in America, and then act like YOU are the one being an asshole because there's a language barrier. Mexican guys are hilarious because most of them try to act like alpha hard asses, but they're all insecure, greasy-haired trash with shit taste in clothing (show me a legit Mexican in America who doesn't look like he just bought a "new" outfit and Goodwill). The women are unbelievably difficult and always have to protect their fragile egos by arguing with everyone. I love big booty bitches, but aside from that, easy pussy, and decent cooking, Mexican women have little to offer.

Only one's worth anything are those with wide hips and big asses