Why do Americans melt plastic onto their burgers?

Why do Americans melt plastic onto their burgers?

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tasty plastic

>Why do Americans
Why do you ask rhetorical questions about yourself?

This "banter" would be a lot more effective coming from a country whose NATIONAL DISH isn't American boxed macaroni with powdered yellow cheese

>officially make the best cheese in the world (World Championship Cheese Contest winner)
>instead of putting a slice of that on your burger, you use a yellow slice of congealed industrial waste

Hamburgers are the property of europeans. Americans bastardized it. Hell, we probably invented cheese to begin with

what do you mean we?

I don't see the EU flag on your post


The eu isn't the same thing as europe.

i wonder what a brown cheese burger would taste like

It's our food

you're swedish

hamburger has origins in germany

so why do you saw we?


>hamburger has origins in germany
no it fucking doesn't you fucking cuck

Why are Canadians so obsessed with Americans? Don't you have your own culture?


my sister consistently puts brown cheese in the tortilla on tacofredag. it's infuriating and interesting

meant for

I like melted plastic cheese on hamburgers. Only on hamburgers tho.

>brunost på taco
ka i helvete

No pickles onion hamburgerdressing sallad or peas on ops "burger". Wew.

Same as pic I can only eat as a toast.

Why are Swedes such intolerable faggots?

If you bantz your enemies, they win

You don't put peas on burgers

Hard work and dedication

hun har gjort det siden hun var fire, hun er tolv nå. hun er syk.

erter på burger? du er sjuk

er ho typen som putter ketsjup på julemiddagen?

Excellent unemployment benefits, they can shitpost all day and still live in comfort.


nei, men kanskje ikke noe kulinarisk geni, hun er typen som sorterer middagsingrediensene på tallerkenen

>they can shitpost all day
No, you're thinging of 'Australia

Admit it, American fast food is pretty fucking tastey even if it is unhealthy. Also Texmex is fucking amazing. And lobster dishes.

>amerisnips store their melted plastic in the fridge

Oh and do you like fried chicken glazed with honey or sweet sauce or something?


What the fuck euro countries even have a cuisine besides Italy, Spain and France lmao

>on a plate and obviously homemade
>fast food

Fast food is all they know about American cuisine, they don't understand that we usually make the same things - but much better at home.

Hell I make my own fucking bread 3x a week for sandwiches.

don't you dare insult our sheep's head and tacofredag ever again.

>American fast food is pretty fucking tastey even if it is unhealthy.

No. I choose this over burgers that taste like cacke and plastic.

>Eurostani countries talking about cheese


They have their head so far up their own ass they've been blinded by their arrogance.

You can't reach your ass even with your hand fattie.

>responding with memes when I challenge you with facts.

Keep it up Euros.

>I challenge you with facts.

What facts? That was more like opinion.

That's American food, and dare I say, every other aspect is infinitely better than Polands.

Do you see polish food stores every other block in every city around the planet?


Do you see American food stores every other block in every city on the planet? Yes.

>Do you see polish food stores every other block in every city around the planet?
yeah about that

Equal to Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, Au Bon Pain, Dunken Doughnuts, Dominos etc.

Yeah about that.


Most American food is a mongrelized mixture of German and Anglo-Irish culinary traditions.

Pizza isn't American you dumbfuck
>au bon pain
no fucking idea what that is

Everyone shits on American food but USA actually has the best cuisine in the world.
How any American food chains can you see in your city or pathetic little countries? Hundreds, even thousands.

If your cuisine is so good and relevant then why aren't there thousands of your restaurants all over the world? Because they are not good at all, irrelevant and taste like shit too, and probably nobody would even go there if they actually existed.
USA has the best cuisine worlwide hands down.

Fuck you faggots, really.

Pizza is culturally American, just because some Italian wog came up with a shitty version of it a hundred years ago it doesn't make it Italian.
Pizza as well as pasta are American, and the world aknowledges it.

Ah Bon Pain is a nice Sandwich and Pastry chain. There's the 30 more you'll probably recognize as well.

Back to the point though, name ONE polish internal food chain.

I'm not gonna lie I do that too. It's delicious as fuck.

My parents buy all this expensive cheese but I like the plastic kind most

We don't have half of those.

Id really like to try one of those overzised american burgers full of cheese n shiet


>m-muh american c-culture

face it
without germany there would be no america
we made you

That's your argument? "You don't have half"

We have zero of your cultures food. Do you understand?

50% or 0% which is larger?


Without your disgusting country and maggot-like people the world would be a better place, kill yourself.

>We have zero of your cultures food. Do you understand?

Bullshit, you've got like 1,5 million polish related people in US. You could probably find multiple polish themed restaurants.

Hitler died in ArgentYna.

Not to mention if they didn't burn Rome's library's we would easily be 1000 years in the future. There are documents proving that Rome was close to steam power.


polish sausage is a US staple

Ok, then. How about globally? That's what we are talking about right?

You can probably figure out that tough question on your own.

He's still living there you fucking faggot

Hitler is living with Tupac in Argentinian forest while your country is getting raped by refugees

Hitler never existed.


Also Subway, McD, etc. aren't really etchnic food. You don't go there for "true american food expirience". Hell, they even change their menu from country to country to better fit in with culture.

He lives with the penguins.

Why does your country have penguins anyway


you are truly lost polska


I thought they only survived in the cold

>these mental gymnastics
>trying THIS hard to prove his relevance and that his culture and country are dogshit

no, there are penguins in south africa too
the oher south africa I mean.

I like Argentina

You are my favorite country in that region.

Penguins in New Zealand too, live in the forest.


Without America, you never could have attempted your eugenics program, Mr. Hitler.


>Thinking that food quality has anything to do with multinational fast food chains

Really activates the almonds

I've got a question. Why do Polish people always eat massive slices of bread with some sausage on them? And why do they eat food from jars?

I can't respect someone that doesn't enjoy eating melted plastic.

You realize world famous chefs recommend American cheese for burgers, right?

Anybody who puts anything besides American cheese on a burger is a pretentious faggot.

Nah, cheddar is way better.

>if i defend the amerilards they're gonna acknowledge me as white
really jogs my nogs


It was popular during communist regime.

You forced this onto Poland, your country did.

>place of origin: Germany

That's according to White Castle, a shitty restaurant chain in the Western US. There's no evidence that the hamburger came from there except for what White Castle claims.

Erm, no mate. We didn't force communism onto anyone, the Russian forced communism onto you.

Don't know where you got that from but it's horseshit.

Mozzarella and cheddar is superior

It was invented by two Americans that happened to be in Hamburg. So technically Germany is the "place" of origin, but that doesn't make it inherently German.

There isn't any definite origin of Hamburgers, there are several theories but I've literally never heard that one. All that's known is they were first served in America and certainly not Germany. Why don't people at least read Wikipedia before posting this shit?

What you want is good British cheddar, or another strong hard cheese.

Check the Wikipedia bro

It is an advanced civilization in America.
