Women do this shit to themselves
You're looking at it all wrong.
WITH a man, she's getting money from a joint bank account.
WITHOUT a man, she's getting neetbux.
i don't get it
The image is actualy a femine empowerment image to show that women don't need men as providers.
But they do?
Only if they had a child with the man, or if their child thinks of the man as his father, or some other way a court decided that a man should be forced to fund her choice for 18 years (or longer if the kid decides to go to university).
If you have to constantly tell yourself "I don't need a man for XYZ", you need a man for XYZ. If you really didn't need it, you'd be confident enough to do it on your own without constant reassurance.
Logic... does not apply in emotional creatures.
This is true for both sexes but is inherently worse in women.
This reply belongs in a YLYL thread
Women think they are impressed when they post/say "paying my own bills, don't need no man."
Not impressed by menial shit that everyone should be/is doing
You paid a bill, you bought a car, whoop-dee-doo it means so much more cause you're a woman
im fucking a girl that has a boyfriend that pays for everything.. she doesn't consider it cheating because she's not "emotionally attached" to me. the dude pays for her apartment, her car, her food, her clothes, everything. he met her off of /r/gonewild when he messaged her
When you're done with her, be a bro and tell him.
Yeah, that's called a dumb nigga
>when you're done with her
he plays WoW and dota all day.. pretty sure he must be from Sup Forums
>pic related, it's the girl
His hobbies are his own. I ain't going to judge him for it. Ain't going to tell you to give up your fun because she's a cunt and he's an idiot, but do him a solid and tell him he's wasting his time and money with a whore.
i don't have any more unfortunately... i really tried to find her reddit account for all the GW pics but she apparently deleted it all :/
nobody said it meant more.
It means you can fuck off.
the dude caught me snapping her shirtless pictures and told her to delete me like 6 months ago so he has to already know... like.. it's pretty obvious lol. also, he knows she's a slut, like i told you he met her off of gonewild..
Found the vagina
No one had to, it's implied
lot of angry men here lol. women ain't that bad
chicks from asia aren't that bad.. american girls though.... lol... if you're dating an american chick then eh, have fun i guess. it'll always end the same.
nah, i disagree. maybe you should stop trolling for women at bars. if you're picking from the bottom of the barrel you'll always end up with garbage.
there's also the possibility that women of any actual caliber want nothing to do with you. more likely, given your attitude.
lol thanks for the judgement man, you can keep em.
>thanks for the judgement
>every post judging women
you're the exception to everything aren't you?
>Logic... does not apply in emotional creatures.
You just fail to apply logic to emotional creatures.
Ya she don't need a man cause she's getting child support now.
hmmmm. stereotypes exist for a reason. there might be some exceptions to the rule, but if there are I haven't met any. as a result, yes, i'll judge them and then apologize when necessary. there's no need to be so hostile
I think its supposed to be demeaning for woman since the bitch doesnt pay a fuck when she have a bf.
i'm not being hostile. you argue like a child that's been caught lol. don't dish out the heat if you can't take it bro.
somebody get this snowflake a safe space
>there's also the possibility that women of any actual caliber want nothing to do with you. more likely, given your attitude.
>not hostile
so you sweet talk everyone like this? and who is arguing? i thought this was a conversation.
Ah, thank you.
Seems disingenuous though. Usually men pay for shit when in a relationship with a woman. If they're with some broke-ass nigger, it's their own fault.
arguments are conversations with arguments made. you made plenty of arguments as to why you don't like women, i was just rebutting them with my own viewpoint. you chose to ignore it in lieu of your own and then got huffy about it, as though the idea of anybody disagreeing with you is preposterous. i doubt very much you've ever been swayed by thoughts outside of your own head, but i would recommend taking other viewpoints into consideration if you want to know the truth of things instead of a single story, especially your own.