To the cunt I was arguing with in that other thread:
Fuck you, nigger.
To the cunt I was arguing with in that other thread:
Fuck you, nigger.
Fuck you too bitch
No, fuck YOU.
no u
hey... fuck you
no u
No, fuck you.
Now listen here you mother fucking lib tard cuck Imma get ma nigger big boii bogwandii the seven foot black man and the only grower of dat original top crop O.G kush to pop a cap so hard up your ass it'll turn into a fucking bright red make America great again cap you dirty PC SJW burney bulge gobbling liberal Cuckold.
You're both cunts, fuck you.
I'm a proud cunt. And fuck you too, cunt.
hey you piece of shit, shut your fucking mouth
fuck all of you
I'll rape you to death with eachother, you worthless degenerates.
Oh go fuck yourself, you stupid cooze.
hey cunt, ill fuck your dog
And I bet you'd get off to it too, you sick fucking furfag.
hitler dubs checked
fuck you
I'll gut you from cunt to gullet you slut.
fuck your diabetes bitch
leave my cunt alone gaylord
What if I want to get in your cunt? What are you going to do, stop me? How are you going to stop me if you're fucking dead?
gettin real tired of your shit dude
my cunt is to tight, you will die if you penetrate
you were a mistake of nature
I bet you have a gaping vagina the size of a hallway you slag.
yeah i even have a baby picture of you
Prove it.
Oh fuck your old meme.
i have a dick fuck face