I talked to a vegan the other night

I talked to a vegan the other night.

Immediately, She entered a rant on animals rights and attempted to inform me about the cruel, irrelevant conditions farm animals in Africa experience.

At this point I revealed that my eating preferences revolved around a wholesome diet of meat, eggs, cows milk, vegetables and fruit.

She visibly choked up, eyes beginning to water. I knew she saw me as the enemy, the devil, the source of all evil in the world.

Before she could get a word out, I quickly added that I had spoken to another vegan earlier that night and that he had dispensed reprimand regarding my diet choice (this was a bluff), and that I understood his stance fully, however the vegan culture and brute force was the wrong way to go to convince meat-eaters to stop eating meat.

Her PETA training never prepared her for this. She was at a loss of words. She knew that in order to save the animals, she had to be a special snowflake and could not conform to a negative culture, but yet she had to do something. Veganism would change the world if everyone just believed.

A few moments passed in silence as her brain worked overtime, struggling to find a passive attack without appearing like a 'tool'. The long term lack of Vitamin D and Omega-3 had degraded her mind once powerful enough to push her through her arts degree. Eventually she sighed and murmured "Yeah."

I decided to let her down easily as she was such a good sport, avoiding empty death threats of sending me off to the butchers and seeing how I liked it.

"I buy from sustainable sources where the animals are well treated and I never buy caged eggs." She looked back up at me with a tear trailing down her left cheek, brow raised."Really?" I smiled. "Yep."

Later, we entered small talk which quickly evolved to flirting. We later went back to the hostel room and fucked. It was the first night in years that she had a pork sword in her mouth.

I had done it. I had cured veganism. I ate McDonalds later that night.

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>>this was a bluff

Did you ask her why people in 3rd world countries should be forced to starve for her ideals?

No, but I should have.

My fucking sides op, my fucking sides, ty for this

Double points if you slam the next one for eating organic. Yeilds 80% of a traditional farm's harvest (by area) and we have farming methods that yeild 600% of a traditional farm's harvest

that's actually a really good idea

Obviously. Literally the only reasons to be vegan are to give yourself various nutrient deficiencies and to inspire a false sense of superiority for nothing more than existing.

Pretty much. Some actually believe that they are making a difference, but yet Nestle is still in business.

I'll see what I can do.

Aquaponics is the farming method, if you're interested. Can't feed vegans and can't be grown organically. These people lose their goddamn minds when you start to questions their moral integrity. Most of them end it with "Well I don't care because it's better for you" which is factually disprovable.

10/10 it's posts like these that make me think Sup Forums isn't dead

>making a difference
Any difference they claim to be making is either a bunch of bullshit that can be dismissed with two seconds of critical thought, or is actually a bad thing that they only think is good.


I agree

Hate those cunts. Dump your dead animals at someone elses door, I'm tired of hearing from these self hating pricks.

Hey, that's some pretty cool stuff. I might even get back into growing herbs.

>growing herbs
420 blaze it

Has anyone done microgrows with hydroponics before? Interested

Lit Mr. fam, very lit.

That contraption looks like it cost a lot and doesn't work super great. What's it supposed to do? Also small scale hydroponic is super easy. What do you want to know?

It looks like it's just for show rather than maximum crop output

Maintenance of both crop and equip, expected grow period, light advice, ect.

I'm assuming all of this is about weed
>maintenance of crop
Most people replant each harvest. I think you can keep your plant alive and healthy by trimming just the buds instead of taking off whole stems and branches and adding Fox Farms "boomerang comeback formula" never tried it though
>maintenance of equipment
Mostly a non-issue at this scale. Check daily replace parts as needed
>expected grow period
Varies by strain usually between 7-12 weeks
>light advice
Aim for around 1 watt of light for every gram you want to harvest using LEDs.
Here's a link to some good, cheap ones:
Keep your plants on a 18/6 cycle during vegetative growth and switch to 12/12 to begin flowering

This is good for a laugh:


Pretty good, but I like to pick apart their core ideology and watch them struggle to peice it back together


>learn how to green text, faggot

Here's a link to a nutrient guide for bud

Also look into screen-of-green grows and make sure to trim away the leaves from your bud sites to help them grow bigger