What keyboard layout does Sup Forums use?

What keyboard layout does Sup Forums use?

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who the hell uses the bottom two?

Some guy is probably gonna post something calling us QWERTY fags and claim he uses either of the other two layouts.



Oh hai, I use Dvorak

every other layout is shit because you have no Ö / Ä / Ü / ß

wow people actually still use QWERTY? guess people on here really are as retarded as they say

Oh hai, Colemak here

i learned to type on an IBM selectric typewriter...it had a QWERTY keyboard...that's what i know and use.

Im trying to change the keys on my keyboard but when i press it its still the same as before

It's time for a change, isn't it?


It looks really nice though

I have been hunting and pecking my entire life, and I can type super fast doing it now. Absolutely no shame.

if you don't use qwerty you shouldn't be allowed to use a computer

What's your WPM score?

AZERTY (French's QWERTY), if dvorak was easier to get would try it

Tried Bépo?

I pulled an allnighter last night, and it's 3:50pm now, so i'm fucking wiped out, but if I wasn't I'd have been more accurate.

No but this one should have been made much more common, seem much better to corectly write french

>if dvorak was easier

It's no harder than learning any new keyboard layout.

It helps to print out squares with the new letters in the center and qwerty letters in the corner and ticky-tacky them over the keys. Once you do that, you can learn through 4channing as usual, starting with hunt-and-pecking until you get faster and faster.

No. A better method is to print out the full layout and ticky-tacky it to the edge of your screen, to that you learn touch-typing properly and don't have to rely on looking at the keyboard itself

Colemak is supposed to be like "Dvorak for people who don't like change", so to not scare people too much they don't change anything on the bottom row.

Dvorak is consistent as one possible optimization result for lowest-effort/energy/strain typing using modern computer methods, even though it was developed way earlier.

I assume in my method that the user already knows how to touch-type on qwerty so will quickly convert from hunt-and-peck on a new layout.

Nah, this is not the full story. Colemak is compatible with the most common shortcuts (ctrl+z,x,c,v,a), and uses rolling hands (for common letter combinations such as rst) rather than hand alternation (as seen in Dvorak)