Non consensual cosplay

Non consensual cosplay



Where is the cake? Faggot




I like that ass










sorry I hijacked your thread OP, lol

how the fuck is that even cosplay

It's the outfit worn by Nonon Jakuzure, when she joins Nudist Beach (yes, that's their name) in Kill la Kill.

The panties are actually an addition.



what the fuck

Here's another cosplayer in the same outfit

Wtf, I love cosplay now!


me too, user. she's deliciously tiny

got a bad case of bitch face

It'll make even less sense once you hear the plot:

Evil skimpy clothes are invading the world by giving their wearers the power of supermecha, so only the way to fight them is to go naked.

The original character has a bitch face

its entertaining though

No panties?

she has a utility belt. isn't that enough, user?

That's because she's playing a different character, Satsuki Kiryuin, who is the queen of bitch faces.

Couldn't find her in the Nudist Beach outfit, so here's the one she wears most of the series.




WTF is that


It's somehow, impossibly, a really good show. Not one of the best ever, but way, way, way, way better than anyone who heard a summary will ever expect.

Another of the girl the OP posted (Chiakifoil). This is what the sign actually said.



Feel like there's a fine line between these cosplays and public nudity. I'm not complainin tho.

Tampons, obviously.



It would be sexier if it were only the belt with nothing underneath.


no nipslip?

i'd bet she used glue to attach those holsters to her nipples, there's no way she'd be able to avoid a nip slip otherwise.




Not in that outfit, but see upthread for full nudity. She's a camwhore

that is not a tampon string and if it were she wouldnt be dripping


Kylo Ren likes that booty.

With some other Kill la Kill cosplayers


Two Jakuzures

proof pls


Match the tattoos


that's just discharge from her snatch you faggot. they're special tampons that girls use sometimes.

I know the blonde lol

Discharge from her snatch...

Fucking top kek.. ty user

your obviously not very well versed in women are you?? lol thats not a special kind of tampon stupid....

or the pattern of freckles on her back
here's another of her

No problem, friend.

yes it is you shut the fuck up right now i swear to god. im tired of virgins coming in here acting like they know about vaginal discharge. fucking hell.

Anyone know her camwhore name?

So whats up with this one? Some con where sexy things are allowed?

She just got engaged to her girlfriend.


underrated post

Chiakifoil (Emily Fart is her insta)

But she went completely off the social justice warrior deep end and became a lesbian, so I think she's out of the business (this is her now)

what the fuck


attention whoring gone wrong

died a little

What did you expect?

She has been gay since high school dude.
She has a twin sister, too.

Good jesus

is the cosplay still good though


Post more of her good shit. Id rather remember how she was.

She talked her boyfriend a lot on her old blog, so no boys period is relatively recent

Though to be fair, in the couple pics I saw he was kind of bearded effeminate


Yeah that dude was whatever.
She used to draw Tweak and Kyle yaoi.



Xhe is a totally unique individual who has never and will never follow the latest trends


oh no she's ruined



shes a worthless attention whore whos entire identity is wrapped up on how many people on the internet she can get talking about her. shes a worthless cunny....


Pretty sure it's a shop, my dude.

oooooohhh noooooooo