So how was it?
So how was it?
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what i expected: triggered sjws
what i got: delicious dickfags tears
It was nice hearing Conroy and Hamill again, but that's about it. I've never cared much for Batgirl, and I get why they gave her a bigger role in this adaptation, but it didn't add anything to the finish product (it doesn't even add to the impact of what ends up happening to her). The source material is so much better (especially from a visual standpoint) that it makes me wonder why they even bothered doing this in the first place.
How long till the batrape scene gets uploaded to pornhub?
Oh, it was awful. In the end I think they really misunderstood a lot of what the comic was trying to say. The Batgirl stuff didn't totally sit right with me though I suppose it was a necessary addition because not everybody knows about Batgirl. The animation is stiff, the colour palette is totally washed out, visually it's just bland.
Also, the performances were really phoned-in, which is a shame.
>Also, the performances were really phoned-in, which is a shame.
I don't know why but Conroy really sounded like shit. Throughout the entire film, I kept thinking, "I wish they had hired the guy who did the voice for Batman: The Animated Series." It wasn't until after I looked things up that I realized they had hired the same voice actor.
Mask of the Phantasm still remains untopped. It also has a much better version of the Joker's backstory. And looks better. And... just watch Mask of the Phantasm.
It was shit.
Shoehorned in the batman and batgirl romance, the animation was awful, and they botched the ending joke which is literally what the entire story is supposed to build up to.
It remindme of the good ol times on newgrounds, fucking shit was animated in flash.
Needed more naked batgirl.
Animation might have been the worst out of any of the more recent DC animations. Mark Hamils Joker voice isn't suited for an actually evil Joker. All of the "adult themes" seemed out of place and forced. Paris France is probably the gayest villain ever. Batman killed a retarded midget. Fuck I could keep going with how disappointing it is.
I thought it was great. The comic was obviously going to be better no matter what, not sure why these plebs are unsatisfied, probably just too good for them like most things
>The comic was obviously going to be better no matter what,
Then why even fucking make it, and so badly at that?
The after credit scene ruined the mood set by the ending.
because that's what DCAU is all about. watering down the classics. they're sort of like the hungry man dinners of DC
I actually liked the ending and the fact that they tackled one of the more grim bat stories
The should have used the comic after credit part.
Why make any adaption since the source will be better? Why not just stop making movies all together?
>It was nice hearing Conroy and Hamill again
Because the 3 arkham video games in recent years weren't enough?
For being such an iconic and classic comic, they did a poor job in the animation department, the whole movie looked like a low budget anime.
I would have thought that they would put a little more effort considering how praised this comic is.
go back to Sup Forums faggot
not everyone plays videogames
kill yourself grandpa, that stuff was better than The Animated Series in terms of voice acting.
>playing videogames is beneath me
>i prefer to spend my time watching animated 30 year old comic book adaptations with shoestring budgets
>The Jokers final line at the end of Arkham Knight.
It actually made him sound depressingly desperate. I was impressed.
>that artstyle and animation
Why not use the classic Bruce Timm style if they're bringing Hamill and Conroy back?
Shit. The extra Babs content detracts from the themes and purpose of the story and even disregarding that the segment is incredibly mediocre on its own and is easily one of the worst versions of her character, the animation is adobe flash tier garbage, they went with the 'new' and 'updated' artstyle which basically removes all the atmosphere and nuance which made the original comic so amazing, it's very clear that they didn't bother giving any direction to both Hamill and Conroy and just took the first takes they did which means despite having the two definitive Batman and Joker voices doing it it falls flat in a lot of places, the flashbacks were handled terribly, doing the, "Why aren't you laughing?" speech as a fight scene was fucking stupid, and they handled the ending about as well as Nolan handled Bane.
The film was a mistake and we should all be sorry for inciting them to make it.
because they know they can throw a turd on a plate and all the retarded redditors and "nerds" will lap up this shit because M-MUH HAMILL AND CONROY
Wtf? Is that seriously how it ends?
Seems like Sup Forums is out in force tonight. Just friendly reminder friendos. If you're 18 and you are still not over gaming, then you're not qualified to post on here. Grow up and get real hobbies
>playing videogames is beneath me
>i prefer to spend my time watching animated 30 year old comic book adaptations with shoestring budgets
>get a real hobby like me
>sitting on my fat ass all day pretending to know about film on an Islamic Ironing forum
>Why make any adaption since the source will be better?
Good adaptions either surpass the original, come out on par or deliver a new and interesting spin on things that justify their existence.
The Killing Joke adaption did none of those things, and was shitilly directed and animated to boot. It probably only exists as another way to screw Moore's legacy at DC further over. Can't believe Bruce Timm put his name on this turd.
>he played his (You) card
Here you go, shitdick. Enjoy it.
>i prefer to spend my time watching animated 30 year old comic book adaptations with shoestring budgets
I'd rather watch that instead of playing those kickstarter indie trash games you cucks donate to.
>arkham games
>donations required
Haven't seen it yet but this looks like some of their shittiest animation to date.
Should have just made an xxx animation of Bat fucking Babs, Selena, Diana, Zatana and Talia. Basically him cucking the JL. Would have been more interesting .
neck yourself, leafy faggot
You know i wasn't refering to those arkham games. But since i beat you the fuck out and have no real comeback,you resort to internet words like kys. Your underage is really showing.Please leave my board at once and comeback when you're over 18 and dropped gaming for good.
>You know i wasn't refering to those arkham games.
But that user was so why bring up a bunch of unrelated shit? That'd be like user talking about Marvel films in response to your opinion on TKJ.
If you're really interested in the quality of this board both of you should fuck off and die.
Mother fucker Kevin Conroy is 60 years old. He's not gonna sound like he did in 1992.
Not great, Bob.
what the fuck
The Batgirl story for normies was awful and added nothing to the actual story.
The Killing Joke part was fine
The Oracle mid credits scene ruined the ending
It's pretty mediocre.
This looks like shite. Just read the comic
>But since i beat you the fuck out
How underage can you be?
the batgirl subplot was pretty bad
they even give him a fatherly role throughout which just makes it all awkward
the rest was fine, I don't know what people were expecting
B- Faithful adaptation but the first half and the second half were so disconnected I had to wonder why the new first half was even there in the first place.
Also for a supposedly R-Rated Film, it was very tame. Very little blood and no nudity to speak of.
First half was brilliant only to be followed by retarded reddit tier second half that must have been written by an talent-less neckbeard trying overly hard to be edgy to impress 13 year olds who think Zack Snyder's Watchmen is the deepest movie they'd ever seen.
Here's your (You)
Was the recolor of The Killing Joke any good? It seems like such a waste to throw all that away
I was pretty excited for this film but holy shit, that scene you posted was god awful. Is the whole film the same cringe worthy quality or do the VAs actually put some effort into the rest of it? Also, Batman putting his hands on Joker while laughing.. What the fuck was that? I know what they were trying to convey but... Ugh.
It's less red and more grey. Some like it some don't.
It's really a personal preference thing. I think it's horrible and kills the atmosphere of the original but you may like it. Check it out and decide for yourself.
that fucking art style, what the fuck were they thinking?
this isn't twitter
It was shit like every animated Batman the last ten years
It was okay but I did hope for more. I would have wanted some "oh shit thats sick" or something big like batman or joker dying or something. I was disappointed that gordon was okay in the end and hold to his morals even after seeing his daughter getting shot and then pictures of her having been raped. . Also I really thought the animation would have been better than that. It looked just like something from 10years ago.
I did enjoy it but wanted bit more. Felt little bit like generic batman animation movie.
Hamill and Conroy were great
She wasnt raped
Pretty shit compared to Batman v. Superman.
>murderous gangster
>says "freak the eff out"
Ahahahahha what is this, super duper sumos?
she had things done to her against her will. that's the definition of rape.
why is western animated movies so cheap
the fps is so low the animation is stiff and lazy. there was literally zero detail during the car chase. the only things moving was the car and the pole it crashed into
So I was raped thorough the 13 years of school?
>she had things done to her against her will
I think it's canon nothing sexual was done to her other than have her naked so no, no rape.
Meanwhile in Japan
It was terrible considering how much it was hyped from the definitive Batman/Joker graphic novel
voices were phoned in other than Hamill's
I've seen animation better in the original BTAS
Batgirl segment could've been handled better but I get it needed to be there to give her shooting meaning
the ride of crazy could've been handled better - did they fucking equate Joker with Gospel preachers?
gay friend of Barbara is just more libshit
The writing in the arkham games is 90% shit
It's either a reference to a line that was already done better
Kevin Conroy is not provided with any kind of drama to perform in the Arkham games, he just spouts dumb comebacks and "I need to climb into that vent overlooking the room" and other expositional tutorial bullshit.
Mark Hamill's Arkham Joker is just built of copy pasted shit taken from better sources without the context. The only game that utilized Mark Hamill in an interesting way at all was Arkham Knight.
now post the 2016 anime
the best part of Hamill's performance is the musical number.
the recolored edition is up for free on imgur
just read the comic
anime is just as bad, if not worse
kys weeb
>Take what is possibly one of the greatest stories in Batman, get two of the best voice actors for Batman and be unable to conjure greatness
Whoever made this should never get a job in this department again
>mfw arguably the most acclaimed cartoon of all time, Batman:TAS was largely animated by a Japanese studio
Nope, generally not.
I thought the comic was mediocre overall. It was probably edgy and cool back in the 80s but it lacks a lot of bite today. So same holds true for this (entirely too faithful, imo) adaptation. It honestly doesn't deserve its R rating.
That said, it's better than most of DC's recent animated movies.
Did you think it was cooler when the Joker had his face cut off?
Is this a new episode of King of the Hill?
First story was kind of boring and really pointless because it assumes that Babs is a focal point of TKJ when she really isn't. I did like the bad guy though, he was fun.
As for TKJ itself, the animation really detracted from the story compared to the god-tier art of the source material, all the added fluff and line changes didn't add anything and, at times, took away. A fair bit of iffy voice work, Hamill was great for the most part though. I felt there were some lines that weren't delivered how they were intended by the source material. My largest gripe was the absolute butchering of the transition scenes like pic related, they were powerful as fuck in the source material but in this they're almost not even existent and completely miss the tone and purpose of the transitions.
It's not terrible but I'd never recommend it over the comic itself, you've really fucked up if you watched this before reading the comic.
At the very least they left the ending somewhat open to what should have been the canon ending (Batman killing the Joker). But the laughing was pretty flaccid and they cut the sirens for some reason.
You do know the fact that if you're too concerned about what's appropriate for your age you are most likely not a mature person?
Hamil can only put so much effort into being the Joker, he's said multiple times that the voice and especially the laugh hurts his vocals, he's voicing KH3 and has to be in Starwars shootings.
It's supposed to be ambiguous if Batman is holding or strangling him isn't it?
Wasn't that the reason it pans to the reflection before you can see him hold Joker in the comic?
The linework is a lot more defined but it kinda loses the manic atmosphere. I like some parts of it but I prefer the original.
yeah they missed that important detail hard
I dont mind this.