Vancouver Canucks vs. Ottawa Senators game thread

Will the Canucks score?

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I don't know how to feel. I'm for the snes, but I can't see the nucks suffer like this.

Then again, no one is as bad as Ottawa's season away game loss record of 1-41-0.

snes aren't gonna sellout again

>Will the Canucks score?

Lol, dumb Snes poster. Of fucking course not

hope andy's wife will be okay in the end

cancer isn't necessarily the death sentence it used to be so i'm hopeful

post your favorite tsn broadcast crew. for me its


>selling out a game

All are better than any time hockey night in Canada has the Sens on City. Fuck rogers.

Pointless Boro fight

What is that like the 4th or 5th time this year?

Dammit Boro....