What did you like about Scary Movie
What did you like about Scary Movie
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watch Scream then Scary Movie back to back. It's really a beautiful parody. There's a lot of attention paid to small details. Even if it does parody many movies, the similarities with Scream are some of the funniest.
1 > 3 > 4 > 2
Anna Faris was a qt
I thought it was hilarious at the time, particularly the Ray being gay jokes
Before I had internet porn I used to fap to this chick in the movie whenever it was on TV
>Damn girl, I sure like to get in your pants...
>Yeah, what size are these?
me on the left
>No! I can do it myself!
>What? I ain't gay! It ain't never gay to get your dick sucked
"What do you want?!?"
"I want to see what your insides look like!"
"Well then turn to page 54!"
"Oh, very nice."
Nigger, what?
this isn't scary movie though you fucking retard. this is scary movie 2.
he asked what you like about scary movie. please stop being a retard and answer op's question.
Her. Was 15 when it came out and my hormones were raging so hard that I still remember how hard I wanted to fuck her.
I'd still go back and time and fuck her
1>2>whichever one had the car door unlock scene and the white dude rap battle>didn't see any others
The ghost sex scene in 2 got me hard as a kid and this was before I discovered porn I think.
>B.A. Corpse High School
>Dedicated parking spot for the coroner.
>When the jock guy is pissed off at his grades look at what the paper looks like.
>When his grillfriend points out that at least he got one A, it's completely different.
>Ray acting gay but at the end saying he's not gay, was great.
what's wrong with the clothes?
So I'm the only guy that thought Cindy was the hottest?
>>When the jock guy is pissed off at his grades look at what the paper looks like.
>>When his grillfriend points out that at least he got one A, it's completely different.
>Skin tight leather pants.
>High thong straps.
I did like the crazy grill who was raped by the ghost and then crushes on him hard though.
"Kinky's my middle name bitch!"
One joke I didn't get was her panties saying Monday and it being Wednesday.
Sure it could mean she hasn't changed her panties in three days but couldn't it also mean that she just put on any day of the weeks panties on any given day?
It haunts my dreams.
you are not
>the end when the one wayens brother is spitting while talking
>but wait, there's more!
so good just after watching scream
I watched them back to back by coincidence last haloween
FYI she has a couple of good sex scenes in Boss
I always had a soft spot for 3. The shovel reload gets me every time.
>my Aunt Shaneequa used to live over there! But that bitch got evicted though.
>For what?
>I thought she had rats?
>No, rats are outside, mice are inside.
>But what if a mouse goes outside does it become a rat, and if a rat is in the house, is it a mouse?
>I ain't seen no mouse outside. That's what I'm sayin'.
>That's because it's a rat, fool!
>Damn! You mighta just made fact. That's some real shit right there!
is he right?
I never got the joke
were the aliens controlling her hat?
It's a random joke, don't overthink it.
>tfw you fapped to her
what would you do in this situation
>I ain't seen no mouse outside. That's what I'm sayin'.
>That's because it's a rat, fool!
>Damn! Really makes you think huh
The killer is amusing too
Gotta download it, gimme a second.
Does this shirt make me look gay?
Anytime something is racked like a shotgun that isn't a shotgun, I laugh my ass off.
I'm ashamed.
Whatever happened to the girl that got ghost raped? She was hot.
A Canadian playing the President of the United States, greatest thing ever.
>mfw she isn't on Bates Motel since season 2
God this woman is perfection.
It meant she was a fucking skank, user.
I got it! Without their heads, they're powerless!
is bates motel good?
Well I gathered that much; I was just reading too much into it.
I just reach for whatever pair of boxer-briefs is in my dresser so if they said the wrong day, I'd still wear them.
Season 1 is good.
Season 2 is alright.
Season 3 is good.
Season 4 is SO cash.
Season 5 is going to be EVEN MORE cash.
Also 5 was shite
at least friends paid my way in to see it
>That's Big Daddy Kane.
Take a look at his grade sheet.
It used to spell "Dumbass" vertically in black and white, then his grillfriend pointed out the one A.
But it was kinda hard to make out so they changed it to the one you posted with the big red stamp that says "Dumbass" in big red letters.
Adderall is a hell of a drug.
Tom, I'll need a ride home.
Scream 2 is what had the theater scene though
I get what you mean now, it was suppose to spell dumbass with the classroom names but instead had it be a big red stamp to make it more obvious
2 > 1. That dinner scene alone puts it above the first.
He was the worst part of the movie. Like, come on, you have to suck pretty hard to stand out in a parody movie.
WTF I hate 90s kids now?
Okay now, dig in.
such a sweetheart ;_;
He appeared half in Scary Movie 5 and still sucked
couldn't even do a good james franco parody from planet of the apes
my god shes so cute
Wait what?
Why is that?
How about now?
This guy is a rapper by the name of Dirt Nasty. He's in a rap group with Andy Milonakis and Riff Raff
nah you're cool
Fuck Lucy Lawless is so fucking hot.
She was amazing in Spartacus.
And even better in the prequel Gods of the Arena.
Watching how close she was to Gaia and how she kept her red wig and took an interest in Crixus because Gaia was really sweet.
girls farting on film
Lucy Lawless?
More like Lucy Flawless!
It's F L A W L E S S get it right.
I can't believe she's coming back for season 2 of Ash vs Evil Dead. I don't even understand it from a story point and I don't care because she's a damn good actress.
I feel like I should know who this is.
You mean this?
Honestly, even after several years and many viewings later, they still make me laugh. I've actually grown to appreciate them more and more.
>describing things as "cash"
Drink bleach.
"Welcome to Club Wundersexx; where your every fantasy will be fulfilled."
"Also says I get a free t-shirt with flyer."
young anna faris (and before the plastic surgery) was damn fiiiiinnneee
Fucking metal.
The blonde dude in the movie was fucking hot. Dude was jacked.
Can't believe she was in Spiderman.
>Guy with eight hands, that's HOT!
>This is Detroit
>This is Detroit after the invasion
Chillin, killin
Boobs in background.
full on sick m8
The redhead from Scary Movie made a gay man straight in real life.
same, that shovel reload made the entire movie worth it
Carmen Electra, she of the many shitty parody movies where she's there to provide tits.
I can see why.
welcome back from the dark side user
the lesbian sex* scene was the only thing worth seeing in that one
Nutin, sitting here watching the game smokin some bud.
I'll still say this in conversation often, unironically
It's such a great response to "what's up"
She made Gregg Araki straight.
I just noticed it because it's freeze framed otherwise I never noticed it.
>Dated cultural references: The movie
This is why things like Not Another Teen Movie are superior, they parody broad tropes and not specific elements that everyone has forgotten by now.