Vaguely describe the post of a vidya 2:electric boogaloo

Vaguely describe the post of a vidya 2:electric boogaloo

Other urls found in this thread:

its dark
its cold
i'm bald

....max payne series?

>Mine things
>Craft things

nigger simulator

world of warcraft

It's minecraft you cuck

it was supposed to be joke you retarded autist


And you're supposed to take one up the ass. Faggot with a shit sense of humor. Kill yourself.

gotta kill your entire family because you find out your dad left you his house in his will and they all want it

Says the faggot.

>2017 humor


>escape from prison
>old dude tells me to find his son
>wander off instead and steal whatever isn't nailed down
>end up back in jail

you cant play because you fap every step

Civ 6?



Its finally happened, some guy made a Trash Dove Rap Remix.. And its actually good... this world

No more heroes

>killing everyone
>fuck life sucks like that i dont want to kill everyone anymore
>become friends with a priest
>someone kidnaps priest
>fuck i have to kill everyone

Is it prototype 2?