Why usa are so retard?

Why usa are so retard?

0 Fahrenheit is cold for the human (-17°C)
100 Fahrenheid is hot for the human (38°C)

Celsius is for water, not humans.
Fahrenheid is for humans, not water.


Why is you so retard

What the fuck does that mean? 0 is cold for the human? If you mean body temp, you're dead at 0. If you mean just for general feel, it totally depends on the person.

day month year is a step in the right direction, but year month day is 100% better.

Doing a little math for a conversion is not as hard for us as it is for Euros, I guess.

lel you are a fuckwit

Because intervals of 12 is so much easier to divide among 2, 3, 4, 6, etc. other than 10

Why USA are so retarded?

Are you asking a question or making a statement?

Why the USA is so retarded.


Why is the USA so retarded?

Pick 1 you stupid illiterate fuck.

Human body is made over 70% water

0F = -273C you retard. It's absolute zero

You meant Kelvin, Fahrenheits have something to do with Mercury if i remember correctly. Im not sure, im an eurocuck.

well you're just fucking retarded

even the americans is laughing at you

Also, enjoy your French cuck system.

trips says it all

US Military uses 00Mon0000


yeah americans do have a moronic system for measuring stuff
get your shit together

>rest of the world using dd MM YYYY
Glorious Hungary uses YYYY. MM. dd. and lastName firstName






Don't forget cross unit conversion is key for engineering, ie. dm^3 = l, 1l water = 1kg, 1kg accelerated with 1m/s^2 = 1N

This b8 is too successful

Don't corect others if you can't spell yourself stupid guy

wtf, user?

you must be retarded, must be

for poeple who read left to right, d/m/y is better. read the most frequently changing number first

Month, Day, Year is the smart way to go

Most important, Least important. Then year for context.

as opposed to Least important being first.
Also, pounds and such are more even numbered ande asier to use. No need to say Eh, Twelve and a half centemetres... It's easier to say 5 inches.

With distance, feet make more sense, as it's smaller so you never have "1/3rd of a metre, 0.6 of a metre" you have a foot/Two feet.

y/m/d > m/d/y > d/m/y

m/d/y is a decent compromise between left to right chronological order and practical timescales humans care about.

Longest to shortest units of time (y/m/d) makes the most sense from an ordering perspective. Notice how clocks all show hours:minutes:seconds.

d/m/y is exactly backwards in terms chronological ordering.


That month, day, year thing is retarded. I mean, in real life one says November 5, 1985 rather than "the fifth of November 1985". People do say it like that I guess, just not as common, faggy.

True. Ordering years, months and days in the terms of least occurance makes sense when it comes to archiving as well.

In the parts of the world that actually speak English, its spoken the latter.

I like that most users are just ignoring the measurements except for the order of days, months and years cause they know the rest is truly stupid in comparison

Languages evolve, dude. Get used to it. American English is different from U.K. English if you haven't realized by now...Besides, that adaptation is not niggerish in the slightest sense. Sorry, but i'm goong to have to go with what sounds cooler.

Have you ever heard anyone use the latter in casual conversation though? Excluding people that are from the era that the latter was the popular way to say it.
