I thought boxxy was dead
Also who gives a shit about youtube reviews
I thought boxxy was dead
Also who gives a shit about youtube reviews
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That's sh030nh34d you peasant.
No it's Boxxy.
>tfw no Shoe gf
It's probably the BEST review I've seen of GB2016
Look how cute they are together :3
*tips fedoras*
>a black BF
Wtf? I hate Shoe now
>I watch anti-feminist videos on youtube
>The black
Why are anti-SJW girls so cute?
they're both retarded with shit opinions and she's a nigger fucker.
thats about as black as a butthole.
>That giggle
>I'm a male feminist
post her feet
So does she just act retarded for clicks and outrage like Brittany Venti or is she genuinely retarded?
Name three anti-SJW youtubers.
Wtf is that bear thing and why did its creator put a fucking fedora on its head?
stop shilling this coalburning ho. she trying to get money after all the unsubs or some shit? all these shill threads
she wants desperate alt right virgins to give her money for being a skinny girl pandering to them. when all of her videos and social media material is wanking her bf. her fanbase is literally cucks
That guy's a prick!
>A 1 hour Ghostbusters review by basic plebs who actually like Paul Feig movies
Yeah, nah. Who would watch this?
Yeah, I don't really watch her, but now I'm watching this and she seems like a retarded highschool chick, all she says is how she disliked the original because it's so OOOOOOLD and how his "neckbeard fans" are stupid and how much she wants to fuck the dude. Is she actually underage? The guy is almost 35, what's happening here?
>anti-feminists and manginas are exactly the same
both of you should fund a rocket to the sun thanks
I'm not trying to win a debate you dumb pol word salad schizo
you both are simply equally cancerous. go live in the arctic or the sahara if you hate "moderate" things so much.
Not fat enough to be Boxxy.
Are you implying you hate moderates more than you hate SJWs?
People have brought up the age difference before yeah.
If you watch her videos you see that lately EVERY one features out takes of them doing "cutesy" stuff together which is very different in tone from how the rest of the video is edited. She strikes me as a girl with such low self esteem that she takes every opportunity to remind people that she has a boyfriend who fucks her.
It's like when Kevin Smith kept putting his wife in his movies or got her to do playboy or kept talking about their sex life in public.
Sh0e has shown in the past she has a shit sense of humour.
At the beginning of the year she was on a stream with Sargon and crew and she was trying to convince everyone that Amy Schumer in standup had made this really super smart meta joke about rape
>"what's the hardest part abou being a female comedian?"
>"it's the rape"
Nobody else found it funny and told her it just sounded like Schumer was using rape for cheap shock humour.
A month or so later sh0e makes a video about how unfunny Amy Schumer is.
Her opinion on this is just as worthless.
They're dating but they're awkward as fuck together. Also
who does this? even the RLM review was a bit long but at least they're entertaining
>ywn deny a girl sex only to have her giggle and jump in your lap
Feels good bro.
I love boys with long hair :)
do any sexy pics exist of shoe? if so post them
>hour long positive review of Ghostbusters 2016 with no humour and with 3 ad breaks.
I remember why I unsubbed from this cunt
>tfw now actually want to see it
It's a shame that such a cute face has a shit brain behind it
lmao that hack is still riding the lamergate wave? I remember how he got btfo by a pixie sjw girl basically just asking questions live
Ah I love me a white woman! she should get back with the brothers!
>? I remember how he got btfo by a pixie sjw girl basically just asking questions live
link? i call bullshit. hes way too wellspoken and factual to let any sjws get the better of him
>hes way too wellspoken and factual
when he argues against himself. in his own videos.
Different user but only when he can write things out in advance. He turns into a stuttering autist live.
does she have a wikifeet page?
>when he argues against himself. in his own videos.
the fact he can't argue against a live person should be sending up red flags. his "facts" are something he has to perfectly set up and frame narratively to make them seem like the truth.
you're starting to look like a cringey autists that is his fanbase
i dont like sargon and havent seen many of his vids but you would sound more believable if you posted an example.
Still waiting on the example where he apparently got btfo by an SJW
You've yet to provide a link and that's all the guy asked for
You don't need to "frame" the truth. It's either true or it isn't.
In what fucking world is live debate more important than having a well thought out and constructive video?
You are literally just looking for a personality contest and don't care about the quality or validity of the content. Not that I like him either but his channel is clearly meant to be and informative and framed content.
its biased as fuck
>I can't stand someone now adhering to my point of view, so I'm going to make a crummy paint picture and I'll be the winner.
Shoe said she would fuck me when she was drunk one night
>average intelligence of a sargon sub
you ever wonder why you always walk away from a documentary agreeing with them? because that's the only point of view they will portray and hammer it in
Sure but if you are that worried about having your opinion changed you can just watch another video with an opposing view.
With a live debate its all about charisma and breadth of content. That automatically puts anyone in the minority on the losing side. If you are talking about how blacks commit more crimes you are forced to tone yourself down and monitor what you say. I've stuttered many times while trying to tip toe around race so I sympathize.
or maybe
you should consider Sargon's ideas do not exist outside an echochamber.
>I need infographics, links and videos waaaa spoonfeed me my opinions
I see gg hasn't changed. it happened. just google it you'll find it eventually. I don't exist to get you up to speed you unresourceful faggots.
she also fucks niggers and the guy in the OP, so
The problem is that beliefs are cohesive.
If you believe one thing you usually believe a whole host of things as context.
Videos have to be framed so you can get all the information and facts from them.
I've never seen a single live debate where I learned anything. It's just a pissing contest. You don't have enough context or information to truly make any conclusions.
If anything the back and forth reply videos is the best form of debate.
Are you going to fucking tell me that the best way to learn science is to have Bill Nye win a debate over magnetism? Retarded.
This is stupid
>someone claims something
>ask for proof
>"proof? pffft... stop being entitled"
>Google it
Can't back up your shit even by linking to a video that does it for you.
I remember some user posting the debate he did on Brexit with that ebin scientism long hair glasses man(always forget his name) and losing, badly. Like, not only the debate, but he was BTFO on factual shit. And his fans in the comments were beyond butthurt.
>muh gamergate boogeyman
Keep charging at those windmills.
Was that the same video where Thunderfoot was drunk as fuck the day after Brexit and yelling over everyone who disagreed with him then after 5 more Brexit videos wondered why he started losing subs?
I thought hat man is supposed to be a feminist white knight? Make up your minds.
It's always fucking GG with you dipshits here. Cunts like you bring it up on Sup Forums more than they do on Sup Forums
>I've never seen a single live debate where I learned anything.
then you are a low intelligence consumer who wants one sided material they can agree with instead of their views being challenged.
real scientists have their theses and material peer-reviewed you know. unlike sargon
how is it stupid? then why is it the only people who agree with sargon is his beta orbiters wanking over his videos. he literally has a bubble of cucks wanking and defending him for every word he says.
That's the one, Thunderfoot. No, it was before I think. There was some thread with it on Sup Forums I think.
>p-please watch my webshow
Fuck you, flagged for copyright infringement.
>we f-follow sh0e and sargon
>but we're not g-gamerg-aters ehehe really
>we're also too dumb to use google or remember hilarious events in our cringe movement
this is too funny and pathetic
Dobson. Some fat inflation fetish artist dude who used to draw an idealised version of himself spouting stupid opinions then changed it to a bear when people kept saying it looked nothing like him.
>i-if you don't agree with me that just means y-you're part of a spooky internet hashtag i dislike!!!
>we're also too dumb to use google or remember hilarious events in our cringe movement
Maybe that is an indicator that they don't follow/are part of said movement.
You've learned shit from live debate? Wow, you are pretty attentive. Nonetheless, most people learn things the normal way.
They watch a video with a presentation, with a lot of facts gathered and a central narrative so it has focus.
They consider what they've learned, whether they believe or not. Than if they think its dubious they watch another fucking video when an opposing view. Its the exact same with those "peer-reviewed" papers you talk about.
The peer review papers are just one person gathering facts and telling a narrative. These papers, just like yt videos get challenged all the time.
Your own points contradict themselves. Why can't you just admit your bullshiting?
The only reason you are bitching about Sargon not being able to debate live is because you are strongly biased against him. Its just a lay of pathetic excuses to hate someone. Just drop the live debate bullshit you retard.
It's dobson, you fucking dobson.
This pretty much
>inb4 you get called a gooby gaber
>legal retard scraping the bottom of the youtube gutter to try and dethrone RLM as the de-facto jewtube channel for Sup Forums.
A noble endeavor, but ultimately futile.
>1 hour long
What's the point, you may as well just watch the film instead of the review at this point.
>most people learn things the normal way.
>discourse and exchange is not how humans normally prove and talk about ideas
I'm done here. you're an autist. so you identify with sargon and defending and saintifying whatever he says because you identify with him
It just seems really creepy to me. I mean, obviously you're going to do this shit with your gf, but why the fuck would you put it on Youtube?
How old is she anyway?
I literally said I didn't like him in one of my post you triggered autist.
Also pretty ironic how you refuse to engage in the "discourse and exchange" you value so much tumblr fag.
Perhaps you just aren't good at live debates? Maybe you would've been better off gathering facts first pal
This. The plinkett reviews are productions in their own right.
This is just an hour of 2 annoying retards talking about the movie and selling ad space at the same time.
I've not seen someone's argument self destruct so badly so fast as this.
This guy got btfo by RLM
political live debates comes off as hostile rather then a learning expierence like most live science ones.
that was a joke
She's just turned 24. I'm not sure what his age is but he's been married and divorced before. Only know that cuz she made a video on her alt YouTube channel about someone who was criticising him which she later removed.
The last video she made she was making fun of Onisson or whoever that fag is saying "I've slept with thousands of girls!!" Because he was clearly overcompensating.
But then she ended the video with a bunch of outtakes of the two of them kissing and stuff like she didn't understand the irony.
I agree with this.
I used to like watching them because I wanted to see "my guy win". But then I realised its as meaningless as rooting for someone while watching the oscars
why does she think anyone would want to see her making out with someone?
it is not smart from a marketing perspective at all for the audience she seems to be going for.
imagine if one of the rlm guys or someone from channel awesome did this,it would come off as so awkward and strange.
You know you're fucking up when Channel Awesome are more professional than you.
Basically think the classroom slut trying to act smart, not noticing the irony, and bank off horny viewers.
Bad memeing.
That guy is a pro-feminist
>I dont like pepsi
>I dont like coke
>I drink water
You are so right, user
Sucks ass
>trusting attractive people