Everyone who supports the legalization of marijuana is a stoner. No exceptions

Everyone who supports the legalization of marijuana is a stoner. No exceptions.


yeah, so who cares. just legalize it. it would help the economy.

Good point there faggnater

Bait...but here's my explanation. I got money I'm medical Marijuana stocks legalization makes me money. I don't touch the stuff, don't smoke your product

You would help the gene pool by taking yourself out of it.

Everyone who supports alcohol is alcohol

yes I am alcohol

You're goddamn right I am.

muh freedom

I want to know how to do that!

Weed is life

People who say that don't even have one.

All drugs should be legal. Not just because the government shouldn't be a fucking mom and control what you want to do to your own body. But also the people that die of OD or get hooked on blow or crack are worthless anyway. When they die the world is better. Weed will just make everyone realize life is simpler than we make it.

>Everyone who supports the legalization of alcohol is a alcoholic. No exceptions.

supporting freedom makes me a stoner, so be it.

as if stoner was a pejorative anyway.

None of it should be legal. We need a society rooted in morality and sobriety, and it seems that a fascist government is the only way to bring about it. Trump is a good start.

Stoner thread?

How much I should smoke if I'm on a break for 5 months? I want my mind to get fucked hard. Is .3 g good?


The concept of freedom has been perverted and undermined by stoners.

How is weed immoral?

Fucking sheeps.


it's a plant. implying that it requires more federal regulations than a fucking tomatoe does is anti-personal freedom.


Only the pussies

p.sure this is just low quality b8m8

Obviously. I'm a stoner and I don't mind it

This thread only proves my argument that only stoners want it legal. It's a biased issue. Always has been, always will be.

Morality and sobriety eh? By what right do you decide what our goal should be? Did you ever consider that perhaps success does not exist without failure, and a society with perfect morals would have none at all?

I'm sorry that you feel unable to alter your world, and have decided that giving someone else complete control would be the easiest route.

Governments are, however, consistent of people, generally ungoverned. You would be handing the reins to someone with no more motivation that yourself at the deepest level.

Cessation of free will does not eliminate your problem, it only invalidates it's existence.

I would advise putting more thought into solving it.

On Sobriety (a subset of morality): Anything that damages your capacity to improve is negative and should be eliminated. The definition of improvement is up to you entirely.

guy if you don't like weed then don't smoke it

Eh, I support it and am a stoner, but I don't think that's as accurate as it can be, user.

Some people just support it and won't ever use it purely because of the medical benefits that come from cannabis (Seizures, for example). Stoners are people who utilize the plant in any way/shape/form to get high, or to benefit from its properties.

Can't be a stoner if you don't use it. :/

Small minded people with poor self esteem have to exert control over the lives of other people so they feel like they're better than somebody.

what about kids with epilepsy that have a hundred seizures a day. but with CBD they have only 10 seizures a day. are they stoners too?

Yeah, if they get high off of it.

the cbd doesnt get them high. but it does require cannabis to be legal. even if it did get them high they arent using it to get high, but to increase their quality of life by exactly 10 times

Name one person who thinks marijuana should be legalized but doesn't smoke it. I fucking dare you.

, MOST PEOPLE with bong in them are lazy self absorbed lower memory retention shot and longterm like the johnson guy who could not name one middle east historical ally,he wanted the most powerful office on the planet
kids with bong have slower reflexes,score lower or fail rests more often are lazy at household cleanup,pot sets them up for failure democrats to the rescue legal bong jess what the doctor ordered

Wrong. If you had a brain you might be able to think of at least one other reason someone would support legalisation without wanting to partake in it.

Exactly. You can destroy any pro-weed argument with three words: "What is Aleppo?"



I think outside the box all the time, but never have I been able to come up with one legit excuse for legalizing weed. I'm convinced one doesn't exist. It's a one-sided issue.

Dont worry bro. Trumps gonna put the feds on it and clean up all the degenerate pot heads before they be edcc come dangerous herion addicts

because people will automatically lump together your own generalization about a particular politician and your own generalization about people and say "eureka!"

stop being a dumbass

Except you're wrong because then drugs like heroine and meth will be distributed everywhere a lot more than it already is. Then you just get a country full of druggies.

personal freedom?
medical benefits?

He's smart enough to make a market out of it. He'll bank the taxes on it and keep out those dirty border niggers

I've never Somme's weed nor do I want to yet I still support it. Does that make me a stoner?

Freedom is not meant to be unlimited. Also, medicinal benefits mean nothing if most of the use is recreational.



This is an elaborate troll thread and everybody above this post has been trolled.

Lol middleclass-christian-fuckwad-tier

Poor thing believing the lie of the war on drugs for so long.

this is a simple "post an unpopular opinion" thread, and its been done to death.

OP is so meta

>Never smoked weed before
>Supports legalization
obviously a stoner

my dad. he doesn't care if i smoke or not, but he worries that i might get in jail if the cops catch me. he is for the legalisation of weed but doesn't smoke it.

anybody in 928?

Freedom is meant to be restricted only when another's life or property is in danger, cockthistle. And it's not like the use isn't mostly recreational right now anyway, legalizing it would only open up avenues for research.
I don't smoke and I can see this.

Penn Gillette supports it and he's been sober his whole life. You're just an idiot.

How is that possible if I do not smoke?...and yet still support the legalization?

What about strains with no delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for medical purposes only? Not that you know what that is.

*bong rips*

>believes in the Jew media lie of weed being harmless

>Jew Media Lie
>Jews control big pharma
god if you were any denser you'd be a fucking black hole.

>jew media lie of weed being harmless
[citation needed]

Someone throw a burley bomb in here or something

The Zionists are the ones trying to keep it illegal you mongoloid.

a what?

its a plastic device full of BAIT

It's illegal around the world, dipshit. Muslim countries have made it illegal, and I doubt they are Zionists.

I don't give a fuck whether it's legal or illegal though. Just like with all drugs, I'm gonna be using whatever I want to use and if my right to do so is obstructed in some way, I'll make sure to pass my hobbies on to the next generations aswell to the best of my abilities.


Illuminati confirmed

Zionists are pretty against guns statistically bud.

The stoner credo.

Wait forgot what thread I was in forget this post

some of us actually suffer from chronic pain and prefer weed to the opioids that big pharma wants us to get hooked on