I supported Trump
But this marijuana crackdown is taking it too far.
What say you Sup Forums?
I supported Trump
But this marijuana crackdown is taking it too far.
What say you Sup Forums?
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This also pushed me over. I am no longer on the trump train....I am on the revolution train... fuck the government.
Time for a revolution!
Heard about this
What's going on?
It's always this way with conservatives: if you want to slam the people they don't like anyway, they wave the "State's Rights!" banner. If you want to do something the Nanny State doesn't approve of, then they wave the "Law and Order!" banner.
> nuclear arms race
> spending tens of millions of tax payers money on vacation
> gets rid of marijuana
too much
ok m8s
Time to revolt!
OP here. I was thinking more like, not voting for him for a second term, supporting an impeachment type deal...
Whatever comes up. Build the wall first tho.
Spicer came out and told the press that the federal laws regarding Cannabis are going to be enforced.
Washington fag here. Rustled my fucking jimmies.
basically traps using the bathroom is a state's right to decide
but legal weed is a federal matter and must be cracked down on
hur hur muh hypocrisy
it doesnt affect medical cannabis, just recreational
Well is it bad for legal cannabis?
And or are they just arresting people with like 1 illegal plant/ carrying illegal weed?
> lets elect an authoritarian
You just cannot stop laughing at retarded muricans
Time for a Boston Weed Party!!
Really. Who didn't see a crackdown on pot coming?
But recreational is the fun one.
>Just Recreational
Multi billion dollar industry with huge growth potential and thousands of jobs out the fucking door.
as long as we aren't throwing barrels of weed into the harbor
Who cares. Stop smoking pot you fucking hippie wannabes. Jesus Christ. Go out and get some jobs and stop acting like niggers on payday. Fucking faggots.
Fuck u pothead losers. Theres far worse he is doing/has done. Fuck off and have a nice day.
There is no official plan yet but it sounds like the only safe weed is medical. everything else will be taken down, even in legal states. From the rhetoric, it sounds like they want to up the war on drugs and tie weed in with the fight against opiates.
U were on it before? Then u deserve eveything bad to happen to u faggot.
Does this mean the DEA will raid legal states dispensaries again?
I'm sure this isn't about morals (which is bullshit anyways), Trump and his bros definitely hold shares in private prisons.
Goddamn, I think my own government is laughable, but come the fuck on America.
so he basically said that federal law enforcers are going to enforce federal laws?
i'm shocked!!! how unprecedented!!! trump is a dictator!!!
I thought Trumplets wanted this.
you seem nice.
>land of the free
>no big government
>but we're going to tell you what you can and cannot smoke, because secretly we love regulating peoples lives
essentially yes, as far as we know.
Looking forward to the unrelenting shit storm though
so "state's rights" only apply to things that republicans support - like bathroom laws and outlawing gay marriage
but when a state legalizes marijuana for recreational use - then state laws are bad
seems like republicans sure like to pick and choose what "big government" applies to
I hope not. I hope he respects a States right to govern itself.
He may be doing it to screw California over since they're giving him a lot of shit over immigration. Even their senator admitted to have family in cali that were illegals.
Good, fucking degenerates
You are an idiot impeachment is only applicable if a law was broken
The legal states should resist federal enforcement of this through lethal force if need be. Shoot up your local DEA office.
I was against wall. Against deportation. Against ban. But this, this i support
You're a monster.
"whatever comes up", he'll do something else to screw himself over.
It's the American way.
You have elected a megalomaniacal strongman, and the hardcore masses who support him will support him in every authoritarian thing that he does. I don't want to be a dick and I wish I could say you weren't warned, but honestly you fucking were. The things that he is doing would be attacked as the beginning of a new Reich if they were being done by a liberal politician, but for the time being people who should know better are sacrificing their principles on the altar of trump, so giddy to have gotten one over on the 'liberal elite' that they are sitting passively by or actively celebrating a man who is centralizing political power and patronage in an unprecedentedly authoritarian fashion.
Trump enforces the law.
Trump ran his campaign on enforcing ALL laws, and not picking and choosing which laws like Obama did.
Trump doesn't make the laws.
Congress makes the laws.
Federal law says marijuana is illegal.
If you want federal law to change then write your congressmen.
If you want Trump to stop enforcing certain laws because you personally don't like them, then Hillary sounds more like your candidate.
BUT IN REALITY, all ^that^ aside, no one is coming to take your weeds away as long as you're not a fucking retard about it.
Fuck off with your DUDE WEED LMAO you degenerate bastards. Marijuana should be illegal.
Okay, but why tho?
If they do crackdown on legal weed then people in legal states should start murdering the families of the cops and federal officers who enforce it. Make the rank and file scared to violate state laws because they don't want to buy child sized caskets.
Alcohol has more grounds for illegality than marijuana does. Causes more degradation to physical and cognitive functions, is more addictive, and has been linked to death, unlike marijuana. Don't be a fucking retard.
I don't know, respect isn't something I'd attribute to Trump. Not like it affects me, but I liked the trend towards legalization in the States. I firmly believe drugs need a controlled market. All of them, even research chemicals. You cannot control a substance by banning it.
>stop living your life how you want to live
Fuck off. I pay my bills I show up to work.
I wanna enjoy a little sweet leaf from time to time, its my god given right, not yours.
LIke wise
This faggot has gone to far
I know his campaign website info and host
Who wants them
I expect we will see a hard shift to the far left in the midterm elections and Trump will be out in 4 years if they pull this shit.
Spare us all and just kill yourself faggot
Hey man, I can't smoke a nuclear arms race.
pot is cultural rot
Talk about getting blasted
It's a ruse. They won't come in to colorado and do anything.
Republicans never said bathroom laws and gay marriage were a federal issue to begin with. Faggots and trannies went to their State's Courts, got told to shut the fuck up, then went whining to federal courts to appeal. It was always BEEN the left who escalates these issues to a federal level. No one's picking and choosing anything, clown, you clearly just don't know history.
also: ITT butthurt felons
this is exactly what i just said
those states made individual decisions - who gives a fuck - state's rights
but marijuana becoming legal at the state level - shutting it down federally - despite the immense profit brought in by the industry
damn you're stupid
I smoke every day because it helps me not kill everyone. I keep it till I get home from work\class. I still support trump. I expected this. Pence was pretty clear about this early on. But I've been smoking weed illegally for 20 years already, I can keep doing so. Sure it would be nice if it was legal. But that doesn't make any real difference for our country. What really matters is building the wall, deporting all those shit skins, and making America great again
>What really matters is building the wall, deporting all those shit skins, and making America great again
Do you wake up every day intending to be stupid or does it just end up happening that way?
Stoners Rekt haha
I didn't support Trump but I support him on this.
Fucking lazy stoners most of them don't have a job
There's no logic in your argument. Nothing the guy's doing is out of line. The laws are on the books. Part of his job is to enforce those laws. Half of you idiots grew up without realizing that it was Obama just completely ignoring laws and telling people to enforce and not enforce. Weed. Immigration. You grew up thinking that was the norm when it was anything but normal and now that someone else is in office who gives a shit about enforcing laws (since we're supposed to be a nation of law and order) it's throwing your peabrains for a loop and you're crying "unfair" all over again. Like what the hell is wrong with you retards?
Every dem saw this coming two miles away, it didn't take two months for you retards to have to eat humble pie.
Hope it tastes good.
>most of them don't have a job
You realize that by shutting down the recreational marijuana business you're actually DESTROYING jobs, right?
And you realize that marijuana costs money, right?
Another logical argument alt-rightards can't reply to.
Pot is illegal under federal law. End of story. It's a democrat sickness to enforce only the laws they personally like. Part of the reason Hillary lost.
They do the same thing with cigarettes and have, just like any other country, for almost 50 years. You don't give a shit about that though because you're probably some hipster pothead vapefag. You just want to make some feels-good argument that doesn't hold water.
If it was legalized federally, republicans would lose their fucking minds.
More and more people every year are waking up to the fact that our drug laws are not based on what's best for the public good. I wonder how they will view shitstains like you when talking about the failed drug war 50 years from now.
Yeah, why don't libtards understand that States Rights only matter for things that Republicans like?
>when all else fails politically start a war
way to far blowing up the news in a way that seems very enforce. much presidential power very wow.
This will hurt independent growers and some businesses small but won't affect the consumer much.
Weed has never been hard to get a hold of.
The whole thing always reminded me of this one passage in The Art Of War (or maybe it was The Hagakure) that states "Fish will not swim where the water is too clear. " For people to be happy, it is necessary for them to feel that they are getting away with something, so it is beneficial to the government for there to always be some relatively harmless things that are outlawed but not rigorously enforced.
>vote trump
>it comes back to bite you in the ass
Good job cunts, you deserve whatevers coming for you. Get ready for state controlled media and Internet.
You do realize that Trump himself doesn't make those laws, right?
You realize it's his job to enforce it though, right?
You do realize that, right? You dim-witted crybabies will try to blame anything on him when he's literally doing the job he was elected to do.
False equivalence
Tobacco is not the same as marijuana.
>subject a kills 480,000 yearly
>subject b kills 0 according to recent cdc study
> they shouldn't be treated differently
Show me where I mentioned Trump.
[spoiler]I didn't.[/spoiler]
>i support trump
>marijuana crackdown is taking it too far
>he's been saying he doesn't support drugs or alcohol since the very beginning
is this shitty bait or are you just retarded?
>i supported trump, but i value my "right" to get high more than i care about national security or any other issue.
fuck off degenerate stoner.
hope you end up in prison.
bitches like you do well there.
>people getting high are a threat to national security
more cries of revolution from the limp dick, no guns crowd.
have fun getting put down like rabid dogs in the street.
hope you faggots do it and give the national guard and armed, law abiding citizens reason to do what they'd love to do with you.
shit or get off the pot, slugger.
That's what you stoner faggot alt-righter's get! Go fuck yourself!
state's rights and law and order are not mutually exclusive terms. one is a function of the other.
way to flex your 8th grade understanding of how shit works.
have fun getting btfo for the next 8 years.
You're fucking retarded for ever believing anything he ever said. That's what say I.
>More and more people are waking up to the fact...blahblahblah
Cool. Great. For the 100th time, Trump didn't write the fucking laws but it's his job to enforce federal law. I'm a shitstain for saying it plain enough for a 4 year old to understand? Or because I said something mean about your precious weed? For fuck's sake there's a lot more to life than some stupid fucking plant, losers. The enforcement doesn't even affect medical marijuana (the people who have a legitimate reason to use it in the first place).
tldr; stop whining and stop letting a plant be the focal point of your entire life, dumbasses
you shouldn't come here if you fall for b8 that hard
boohoo. you and a few other loser states don't get to enjoy skirting the law like you did under obama.
sorry, but the rest of america is tired of your bullshit spilling over state lines.
stay "rustled" loser.
never change Sup Forums
What fucking year is it?
Fuck trump.
>implying marijuana is a "right"
Kinda, but indirectly.
The Cartels and Mexican gangs do get a decent amount of money from weed. Not as much as they get from cocaine, of course, but it's still there.
If you can't get people to stop buying weed, you can still deprive the Cartels of some of their cash flow by giving people american-grown weed to legally buy.
>stop liking what I don't like
It's not a false equivalency when your entire argument is "waaaa, why does the mean government regulate my plant?" Like they do it for 1,000 other things and you're fine with it then, why choose weed of all the things to get your panties in a bunch over?
The guy did an interview where he plainly said his brother had problems with substance abuse and it's the reason he never has touched drugs or alcohol. If you thought, at any point, he was pro-weed you're clearly the retarded one.
>thinks trump will win a second term
>from the great city of shitstain, arkansas
I'm all for the regulation of things that have been proven to be harmful but there is simply no evidence to show that cannabis does any harm.