Do you think that a human being can survive without food, but with water for 40 days?

Do you think that a human being can survive without food, but with water for 40 days?

Asking for a friend

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Probably, but it would suck something fierce.
About 6 weeks is the point of no return for starvation, with death usually around 8 weeks.

you'd be dead in 20 days with no calorie intake

with or without speed?

Does that 'friend' by any chance involuntarily live in your basement well?
Does your 'friend' know it puts the lotion in the basket?

Not true. Taking actual weight + fat% you may survive longer than that, ofc you will get severe damage on your organs

asking the right question

No you'd be dead unless you spent 20 days sleeping. Just because you're fat doesnt mean you need less calories, you would need more actually and would die sooner

[citation needed]

Fat does get burned so bigger people can fast longer than super skinny ones. Definitely not good for you though. Now there is a point where the curve levels off.

No one can go more than 5 days without water. Your kidneys will fail.

Google says 3 weeks.

good god you are retarded

If memory serves, it has been done before.

Would not recommend. Starvation brings a whole host of problems and disease vulnerabilities with it. People that survive it, barely do, and recovery takes MONTHS

Sure. I went without food for 3 weeks once. If I had had some kind of incentive, I could've probably made it to 40 days.

>you'd be dead in 20 days with no calorie intake

why dont you test this theory OP. have yourself a good meal then see how long you can go without food. do it OP, piss jugs n all

>Fat does get burned

yeah you're dumb. The more fat you have means you need more calories to function. OP's pic would survive longer unless like i said you spent the whole time asleep

According to my quick look around, it seems the longest period survived, with some rather major side effects, some permanent, is 44-45 days. However, if you expand that water clause to include sweetened tea and orange juice, the record is 68 days, however with liver damage and loss of sight in one eye.


the longest anyone has survived without food was 21 days but right some idiot online beat his record...

My longest is 18 days but i was forced to stop, could have easily kept going

On day 5 atm
This is the easiest to find and read, but it is documented in official papers from the time. yes, the fatter, the more

An obese man survived a year without eating anything but water and vitamin supplements.

You don't know shit and should probably consider that you are retarded.


anyone who thinks "hurr durr you will die in 3 weeks no matter how fat you are" is fucking braindead

I get all my water from soda. Does that count?

>but right some idiot online beat his record...
First few weeks wasn't even hard. I just laid about and watched movies (was pretty much unemployed at the time). I quit somewhere in the third week (was probably only 18 days) because I stopped losing weight.

>and vitamin supplements.

those are calories retard, doesnt count


they force fed him after 10 days you idiot

>confusing vitamins with calories

No, really, they aren't.

And where are you getting that information?

why do you do this to yourself? do you simply just enjoy fasting? or do you want to lose weight in the most unhealthy way? if you really want to lose weight maybe just check out the ketogenic diet you'll lose weight fast as fuck and it is so much healthier

every prison does that he wouldn't be alive for 2 months without food retard

I'll take made up statistics for $400 Alex

being this dense

holy shit you are a SUPREME RETARD

if there was a republic of retards, you would revolt and name your self emperor of the retards

You totally can, if you put a spoon of sugar and a bit of salt in your morning drink. It is actually a fasting method done by very faithful Christians called the Jesus Fast.

Actually know people who did it and probably will do myself this lent.

It is adviced though to check up with your doc once a week. As well don't do it if you are underweight (You will drop 10-15 kg in the time).

It is easier if you do a Juice Fast, where three times a day you drink a cup of Juice or thin Soup. While with the Jesus fast you will loose most energy to do much of anything after like 2-3 weeks max, with the juice fast, you don#t and do not drop as much depending on the type of juice you drink.

False. You can survive around 70 days without food, probably longer if you are obese.


>People that survive it, barely do, and recovery takes MONTHS

False. As I said I know people who did the full lent Jesus fast and even more who did the juice fast, and after 'bout a week after that time you are back to full energy.



A. Britain, not America, crims are treated like crims.

B. Have you even ever HEARD of a hunger strike?

C. the only reason he made it the full 2 months was because of a three day calorie intake via sweet tea and juice after 44 days. Point being, he still made it the 44 days without, and was in pretty rough shape at that point.

D. He is not the only case that made it more than 40 days, just the easiest to fact check, and the only one that specifically states no calorie intake of any form, until his juice break.

E. Pic related.

Is this some bible related question, OP?

is this keanu reeves?

The longer this thread goes, the more it sounds like it.

It's Christian Bale in the Machinist

Just tryna lose weight user I'm sick of being a fat piece of shit

World record attempts start now**?

I think 40 days is pushing it but 3 weeks or 4 you could pull that off.

I broke my jaw and had my mouth wired shut for 7 weeks. Even with supplements, soups and sugared drinks I went from 13 1\2 St to under 8 and had a really hard time recorvering after. Damage to my liver and heart was not not too severe and evetaully reversed. I weigh 11 St now and cannot really gain more.
It is not fun.
On the plus side it was a great detox, had loads of energy at first . I stopped biting my nails as a bonus and got to learn just how hungry a man can be.
Still looked like OPs Pic at first

Why don't you do a fast then this lent, m8?

A Juice fast or even "only" a Orthodox Daniel fast (Only bread and vegetables - no meat, fish, milk, eggs, oil or alcohol) anyone can do. And you will drop a lot.