Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong

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Paganism belongs in shit tier. Never met a modern pagan who wasn't an SJW cunt

Antitheism is the only Godtier.

You're human. You use 1500 cubic centimeters of bloody meat to "think". You are, by definition, wrong, constantly.

Pagans. Nihilists. Agnostics. Disgusting.

no kekism 0/10

how agnostic are you if you call it "god" tier?

got dubs kek agrees

Why? You're absolutely right.


>buddism, spiritualism in god tier
>2 agnostic views in god tier
>Gnostic Theism in low tier

>all these beliefs in nothing

>no Kekism / Church of the Memetic Kek

kys tbh fam

>god tier

Why the fuck do people get such boners for buddhism?

>agnostic god tier
>isn't sure of whether god tier is real or not

Godtier: agnostic atheism
brainlet shit tier: everything else


because they're pretty chill, most likely

kek are you "agnostic" about santa clause too?


>antitheism is literally shit tier
doesnt antitheism just mean that you believe religion is harmful to society? how is that shit tier? from what i've seen religion can be pretty darn harmful

Do you even know modern satanism it's just a pessimist and a selfish agnoticism? Man you are dumb.


You talking about SATANIST about black church or the SATANIST ( The true one ) mean invidualist?

tendies-tier rankings

Thank you.

Pantheism dominates all. All the mysticism and fascination of religion without any mythology, and you still get to technically be an atheist.

It has really made my life so much better.

Atheist and agnostic atheist are top tier, god tier doesn't exist

Really jolts my bolts.

Why does Agnostic rank higher than Atheism?

No apothiesm(big word for i don't give a fuck) is god tier to

Why put Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism, and Buddhism above other religions?


Antitheism is autistic, it's denying the low possibility that there is a god, look up some of the studies, There is a very very low chance that jesus christ will come back to earth 1 day. I'm an atheist, but Antitheists are fucking retarded, it's just denying statistics. It's like this: Atheists don't play the lottery because they believe it's a waste of money, Theists play the lottery because they want to win big! Antitheists sit in their armchairs and scream about how the lottery is rigged, and noone ever wins.

proven wrong

If this post ends in a 0, god does exist

agnostic isn't a noun, you are either an agnostic atheist or a gnostic theist.

What is scientology?

Agnosticism is based on a fallacy. If something can't be proved or dismissed and make no impact beyond a sociological perspective then it doesn't exist. If not, you should think too in the possibility of my dick being god and the possibility that maybe that god wants to be sucked by you.

I'm not satanic, but most of them (that I've met) were really friendly. Back when I was all for saving myself for Jeebus, the satanic people I met didn't judge me like I was doing to them, didn't act like edgelords "hue hue hue skyfairy, you're dumb", and were generally friendly. They don't even worship satan, that's holywood BS. It's essentially putting yourself before god.

the 9th circle of shit tier hell


Antitheism makes no sence. Not believing in god is called atheism and then being disgusted by theism and acting against these has nothing to do with religion

But they still believe in god.
Two sides of the same coin.



Nihilism is not religion

Neither is antitheism (and I don't think Buddhism is either), but it's still interesting to include them

You have obviously no fucking idea what you're talking about

Philosophy minor, here. I looked into it and it turns out there's almost certainly no god.

When you die, nothing happens.

Experimental evidence for B-theoretic time (despite WLC's arguments for a Neo-Lorentzian A-theory if time in his shit book) is indicative of this.

Agnostic may or may not be god-tier.

Theism is for people who close their eyes and dont want to see that we cannot simply explain our existence. Why come up with some bullshit to cover up the lack of knowledge? Is that to take the fear of the unknown away?

Those aren't aren't pagans their wiccan hippies. Actual true European pagans belive in traditionalism but on the grounds of laws and traditions passed on from their pre-(((christian))) forebears.

Why is Buddhism god tier and nihilism mid when Buddhism is just a convoluted bullshit induced form of nihilism?

>Agnosticism is based one a phallusy. If something can't be proves or dismissed and make no impact beyond a sociological perspective then it doesn't exist. If not, you should think too in the possibility of my dick being god and the possibility that maybe that god wants to be sucked by you.


Haven't we already been through this? The cat is both alive and dead until you open the box.

You're scared of death. Of not being able to deal with it as nothing. Nothing at all.

Christianity is an offshoot of Judiasm. Most jews don't even believe in a supernatural god, so Judiasm should be equal to or above christianity.

Also nihilism is bullshit and allows people to justify bad things.

All religions are merely distractions that thwart our scientific advancements.

Yes, but the neckbeards have to convince themselves that they're smarter than everyone so they keep quoting Brian Griffin and Richard Dawkins.

That image is fake.

Nah he's right, you're a retard.

agnostic is the same as saying there s a possibility that we may be wrong so im going to say im undecided so if it does happen i cant be wrong. its literally sitting on the fence so you cant piss off either side and you can pretend like you know anything.

being an atheist is not saying i don't believe that a god can exist. its saying that there is no evidence so there is no reason to believe in one.

>Theists play the lottery because they want to win big! Antitheists sit in their armchairs and scream about how the lottery is rigged, and noone ever wins.
that has nothing to do with religion... it just shows how they cant think logically. unless you get lucky you will waste money on lottery, hardly anyone wins, and if they do its something small that will be nothing compared to what they have put in.
its not denying statistics you will save more money on average than most people win.

>Theists play the lottery because they want to win big! Antitheists sit in their armchairs and scream about how the lottery is rigged, and noone ever wins.
its more that there is a high chance he won't. just because you cant prove something wrong does not mean that it can happen. also denying statistics it would be more likely that some other religion is true. because there are more of them.

and if Jesus "came back" it would mean the messiah never came in the first place making Christians wrong and jews right to deny him.


When you see they rank islam above Christianity and aren't sure that they're a mudslime shitskin or some white sjw hippie

But then you see they also like Jehovah's Witnesses, but hate Mormons

What the fuck is up with you, dude?

> and if Jesus "came back" it would mean the messiah never came in the first place making Christians wrong and jews right to deny him.

Sorry, I'm a little new to this. Wasn't jesus's return proclaimed in the bible?

agnostic is dumb
>literally "idk"
athiesm is the most rational: no faith required

idk is the truth though.

Atheism also requires faith that you're right.
Faith is just another word for "I am really sure that I'm right, but I can't prove it."

You aren't omniscient so you can't be sure that a higher life form that us that we would perceive as God does not exist.

>something something sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic something something

no it doesn't
"we only know what we can prove"

>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

>a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

You can't redefine words just because it's convenient for you. What you are describing is closer to agnostic than atheist.

aw fuck i spet "atheism" wrong both times
gas me before i get stupider

spelt**************** fuck


are you one of the retarded atheists youre talking about?

AM atheist because there is no proof for any of the religions. it is not faith in me being right as much is it is knowing that everyone else is wrong.


god tier spiritualism. topKek

no, Santa is obviously real

"we only know what we can prove"
^ ok so what is that then

i thought that just logically followed as a tenent of atheism


islam not shit tier kys

Apatheism. Tho you could argue it's pussy shit I'd just like to throw that in there.

nobody said that the chart could only include religions.

>knowing that everyone else is wrong.

There's that faith shining through again.

They can't say that they're right any more than you can say that they're wrong. We live in a potentially infinite universe that could house an infinite number of possibilities, including an otherwise exact copy of earth with an exact copy of you sitting somewhere right the fuck now spouting this same shit, somewhere in another galaxy across the universe.

To say that it is absolutely impossible that something out there doesn't exist that resembles what we would call "God" with any level of certainty is arrogant in the extreme.

Redefine atheism to what you want I guess, but it doesn't change the fact that if you say that you "know" something can't exist without knowing everything that exists in the universe, you are basing your statement on faith.

What did Buddhists do to deserve being ranked worse than Jews and Muslims?

bullfucking shit. There's no SJW pagans.

It's the difference between saying

"I know aliens don't exist"


"I'll believe that aliens exist when we prove they do."

The point isn't that theists will win, i'm not a theist, I will never be a theist. The point is, if a theist is wasting their money on the lottery, fully knowing that they probably won't win, then you come up to them saying they won't win, if they retort with, but I 'could' what are you going to say to that? An atheist would say: "Yea but it's a waste of money." An antitheist would say: "No you couldn't." That's the difference, by and large antitheists don't accept that there 'could' be a god, where as atheists do not believe there is a god, but usually accept the fact that there 'could be'

I believe that the orthodox Jews are right about God.

What does that make me?

atheism: no spirituality