Met a girl, she's in a relationship, won't cheat on her bf or anything, anyway i wouldn't do it...

Met a girl, she's in a relationship, won't cheat on her bf or anything, anyway i wouldn't do it. But when we met she said i was a temptation, next day she said she dreamt about us kissing that night.

What does she want ?
I'm thinking about befriending her, just in case she got girl friends i could date but still, she's weird. Any idea Sup Forums ?


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Who cares.

Fuck off, underage fag.

No clue what you should do. I've always liked that cat meme tho.

kill her boyfriend

Keep trying to hit that. She'll cheat. She just needs to talk herself into it.

i'd stay away from her


dipshit she is placing you "in orbit"...
that means that she has no respect for you whasoever, but see's potential future exploitable value in you...
she will NEVER put out for you, her friends will never want to hook up with you...
freindzone, cuck, orbiter - call it whatever but its all the same thing

shes just fuckin g with you because she's bored

What do you think would happen to you if she does it to her boyfriend ?